Definition, History, And Concepts Flashcards
What is politics?
➢Geoffrey Ponton and Peter Gill. 1993. Introduction to Politics
Politics is the way in which we understand and order our social affairs, this applies especially to the
allocation of scarce resources…
It involved:
✓ The process and negotiation of access to resources
✓ Allocation of resources
✓ Power and control of resources
✓ Legitimacy to control or access control of these resources
What is political science?
➢ Michael Roskin et al. 2011. Political Science: An Introduction.
Political science is simply, “training in the analysis and assessment of politics”
What is trevor munroe definition of politics?
➢ Trevor Munroe. 2002. An Introduction to Politics: Lectures for First year Students.
makes the distinction between formal and informal politics and says it is about decision-making.
Politics is also about:
• the selection of leaders (as with elections),
• their acquisition of decision-making power,
• their authorization to achieve goals,
• reconcile conflict within a political community.
Aristole definition of Politics
The study of the state
What is formal politics?
➢Trevor Munroe. 2002. An Introduction to Politics: Lectures for First year Students.
✓ Formal politics is that level of interaction and decision-making that takes place at the level of formal institutions
What is informal politics?
➢Trevor Munroe. 2002. An Introduction to Politics: Lectures for First year Students.
✓ Informal politics is decision-making interactions that occur outside of formal settings such as among friends, within classes, at home on the job, etc
History of political science (discipline)
Study of politics has ancient roots—traced back to the works of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle written nearly
2500 years ago.
Formalized in 19th century with the development of Universities and Academic Institutions.
What are the two main approaches to the study of politics?
Normative approach and emphirical approach
What is the normative appoach?
Political and Social order is imperfect and can be made perfect
• Identify/reinforce political values that MUST be implemented in order to achieve harmony and stability in the political life of the collective
• Focus on ethical questions tied to the ordering of a ‘good society’
What is the Emphirical approach?
• Concerned with State structure, political processes, etc “as they are”
• Described with as much scientific accuracy as possible
• 1940’s this approach monopolized the study of politics
Characteristics of normative approach
- Traditional Approach
- Idealistic and Prescriptive
- Value Oriented
- Optimistic and Utopian
- Dominated by philosophy and history
- Emphasis on formal institutions
Characteristics of Emphirical approach
- Modern Approach
- Stress on scientific model and
approach - Value-free approach
- Inter-disciplinary
- Descriptive
- Emphasis on informal processes
- Realistic
Cons and pros of Normative approach
1. Ideals cannot be verified
- Gap between the ‘real
world’ and the ‘ideal world’
1. A source of guidance
- Reminds us to seek ‘good’
Cons and pros for the Emphirical approach
1. Entirely value-free
2. Unable to find solutions
1. Formalizes the study of
2. Gives scientific orientation
3. Makes politics more
What is power?
The control or influence over the actions of others to promote one’s goals without their consent/against their will or without their knowledge or understanding
What is authority?
The direction or control of behaviour of others for the promotion of collective goals based on some ascertainable form of their knowledge and consent.
What is legitimacy?
The belief or idea that any actions and/or rules so administered by a state and its powers are not only justified but appropriate.
Authority vs Power
Grimes (1978) highlights this point when he states
What legitimizes authority is the promotion or pursuit of collective goals that are associated with group consensus. The polar opposite, power, is pursuit of individual or particularistic goals associated with group compliance
What is influence?
Allen cohen.1992. Authority, power influence and social control
Influence is the ability to affect the behavior of others in an intended direction
Three ways in which influence affects behavior are
Persuation- Convince people
Inducement- Bribe
Contraints- Blackmail
What is sovereignty?
Sovereignty is the supreme and independent authority of a self-governing state,
encompassing the exclusive right to make and enforce laws within its border.