Definition Flashcards
Define Beneficial Microbes
- inhibit pathogen growth (無處逗留丶搶不到營養)
- nutrient metabolism
- maintain gut barrier → boost immunity
Define Opportunistic Microbes
CAN cause harm when the host’s immune system is weak
Define Emerging infection disease
Outbreak of previously unknown disease
Define Re-emerging infectious disease
Reoccurring of diseases that once were major health issues
Define Koch’s postulates
Link between a particular microorganism & a particular disease
Define Endospore
- When the surrounding environment is unfavourable, virus DNA and ribosomes will be packed inside the thick protein coat (CAPSID) before it is released
- resistant to heat, cold, desiccation (乾燥劑), & most chemicals
Define Capsule (functions)
(some prokaryotic cells have)
= thick layer of glycocalyx 超厚一層的保護膜
→ evade immune surveillance 厚厚的外套躲過免疫系統篩查
→ prevent cell from desiccation 保濕延長壽命
→ protect cell from detergent 洗調劑 / viral infection
Describe Peptidoglycan
- made of polysaccharide chains
- cross linked by a short peptide chain (protein)
- color dye has a strong bind to the thick layer of peptidoglycan ∴color cannot be washed away?
Define Pili (function)
- sex pili (transfer of genetic materials between cells → 細菌抗藥性↑)
Define Fimbriae
- short-hair like
- attaches to host surface & cause disease
又短又多如毛髮般勾住宿主→衝不走→致病 (e.g 尿道炎)
Define Flagella
- whip-like
- found in eukayotic cells
- enable mobility (swimming) ∴hard to capture & eliminate
- sensory function 游向營養丶躲避毒素
Define Prion (可能不考)
- lacks nucleic acids (DNA/RNA)
- misfolded form of normal protein
- convert normal protein molecules into nonfunctional ones by changing their shapes → accumulation leads to disruption of normal cellular functions
Define Neutrophil (Granulocyte)
PHAGOCYTIC cells that engulf pathogens
=> indicating the presence of inflammation & infection
Define Eosinophil
KILL parasitic worms by releasing digestive enzymes
=> Indicates the presence of allergic rxn., inflammation & parasitic infection
Define basophil
Release chemicals (e.g. Histamine) to PROMOTE INFLAMMATION
=> indicates the presence of allergic rxn.