Definition Flashcards
The system of family relationships between people in society or cultural groups related by blood, marriage etc
Normally enjoy legal rights e.g inheritance and offer material and emotional support
Non family household
Sheltered housing, university, house sharing
Families that share a common residence
Nuclear family
2 parents, 2 children, stereotypical
Extended family
Family that contains relatives beyond the core of the nuclear family living in same location
Vertical extended family
At least 3 generations living in same location/neighbourhood. E.g children, parents and grandparents
Horizontal extended family
Contains aunts, uncles, cousins living in same location/household
Beanpole family
Type of nuclear family that isn’t part of a wider extended kinship network
Matrifocal family
Women are at the centre of the family with dependant children often lic families
Lone parent family
Single parent family
Symmetrical family
Form of nuclear family that is private , have little contact with extended kin, mainly stay in the house