Definition Flashcards
is the process by which genetic material is passed from one generation to the next. The major function of the reproductive system is to produce offspring.
mammary glands
accessory organs of the reproductive system, are milk, producing glands of the female breasts.
After giving birth, hormone stimulates the secretion of milk.
female reproductive system
Includes the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, accessory glands, and external genital structures.
an organ that produces ovum or sperm
The gonads, ovaries and testis produce ova and sperm as well as the hormones necessary for proper functioning of the reproductive organs
The ovaries are the female gonads.
means an organ that produces ova or sperm
-produces the reproductive cells.
genitals or genitalia
The reproductive organs weather male or female
Include both external and internal organs
Is the medical specialty that treats diseases of the female reproductive organs.
Means pertaining to gynecology (GYN), or the study of diseases that occur only in females.
Refers to the external female genitalia
Refers to the external genitalia in the female
vulv/ar vulv/al
vulvar vulval
Means pertaining to the vulva
mons pubis
is a pad of fatty tissue and thick skin that overlies (a bone called the symphysis) the front of the pubic bone.
The pubis is the anterior portion of the hip bones.
After puberty, the mons pubis is covered with hair.
Is a small mass of erectile tissue and nerves that has similarities to the male penis.
This small mass of erectile tissue becomes erect in response to sexual stimulation.
labia minora
One of the pairs of skin folds that protect the vagina opening.
merges and forms a hood over the clitoris
Labia minora is the smaller pair
labia majora
The larger pair of skin folds that protects the vaginal opening
The retractable cover around the clitoris
(the smaller pair of skin folds, labia minora)
paraurethral glands
vestibular glands
The area between the vaginal opening and the anus
Means pertaining to the perineum
genitourinary (GU)
Means pertaining to the urinary and reproductive systems
symphysis pubis
Anterior portion of the hip bone
two pairs of skin folds
Singular form
Labia majora labium majus
Labia minora labium minus
Protects the vaginal opening.
paraurethral glands
They are located near the urethra
vestibular gland
lie adjacent to the vaginal opening
Is any space or cavity at the entrance to a cCana.
vaginal vestibule
Is the space between the two labia minora into which the urethra and vagina open.
Bartholin glands (the greater vestibular gland)
produce a mucus-like secretion for lubrication during sexual intercourse
The purpose of reproduction is to produce
primary reproductive structures
The right ovary and left ovary because they produce ova (eggs) and hormones.
The right ovary and left ovary because they produce over
ovum (singular)
Ovary (2)
Produces ova
are the primary reproductive structures because they produce ova (eggs) and hormones
-about the size and shape of an almond
uterine tube
Is associated with each ovary
Receives a nurtures of fertilized ovum
Is the muscular organ that prepares to receive and nurture the fertilized ovum
Hollow and pear-shaped
cervix uteri commonly called uterine cervix (Cx)
Outlet from the uterus
The lower and narrow part that has the outlet from the uterus
When used alone, the term cervix often means the cervix uteri.
Birth canal
is the connection between the internal genitalia and the outside?
internal structures of the female genitalia
several glands
Fallopian tube
Aka uterine tubes
is associated with each ovary. these tubes are also called uterine tubes, because they extend laterally from the upper portion of the uterus to the region of the ovary.
The fallopian tube is the most common site of fertilization of the ovum, which disintegrates or dies within 24 to 48 hours if it is not fertilized.
finger like projections of the fallopian tube
When an ovum is produced, the fimbriae create currents that sweep the ovum into the tube, and it is then carried along toward the uterus over the next 5 to 7 days.
Periodic shedding of the inner lining of the uterus, occurs in the non-pregnant uterus from puberty until menopause, usually between 45 and 55 years of age.
External structures of the female genitalia
mons pubis
Libia majora
Labia minora
Openings for glands
Commonly called the birth canal, is muscular and capable of sufficient expansion for passage of the child during childbirth.
It also serves as the repository for sperm during intercourse and the passage for menstrual flow.
vaginal orifice (opening)
The vagina is the connection between the internal genitalia and the outside through its opening called the.………..
Inflammation of uterine tissue
Consist of three layers of tissue. From the outermost layer to the innermost layer, the layers are called
Is the normal site where a fertilized ovum implants and develops
The uterus consists of an upper portion, a large main portion, and a narrow region that connects with the vagina.
Visceral peritoneum is called
Perimetrium-is a membrane that surrounds the uterus
The outer layer of the uterus
Muscular middle layer of the uterine tissue
Is the thick muscular wall of the uterus
Middle layer of the uterus
The inner most layer of the uterus, is a mucus membrane.
Mucus membrane that lines the uterus
Uterine fundus
The upper, bulging surface of the uterus, above the entrance of the uterine tubes
The body of the uterus
The large main portion.
uterine cervix
The narrow region
Refers to the neck itself or part of an organ that resembles a neck
Cervix uteri
The proper name of the uterine cervix
Specifically means the lower, neck like portion of the uterus, although it is common to see cervix written alone and meaning the cervix uteri.
Is inflammation of the cervix uteri and the vagina.
Inflammation of the vagina and the urinary bladder
Ovary/pertaining to
Pertaining to the ovary
Uterus/pertaining to
Pertaining to the uterus
vagina/pertaining to
Pertaining to the vagina
Cervix/pertaining to
Pertaining to the cervix
Pertaining to within the uterus
Menstrual cycle
During much of a woman’s life, the endometrium goes through a monthly cycle of growth and discharge
Reproductive cycles
Normally occur in females from shortly after the onset of menstruation to menopause
Initial hormone that causes thickening of the endometrium
Female sex hormones
The second hormone secreted by the corpus luteum
The hormone produced by corpus luteum in the ovaries, adrenal cortex and placenta. It prepares and maintains the uterus during pregnancy.
The hormones produced by these structures act on the ovaries to bring about two important functions: the production of ova as well as two additional hormones, estrogen, and progesterone
The stage of development, when genitalia reach maturity
Stage of development, when genitalia reach maturity and secondary sex characteristics appear. The external characteristics of sexual maturity include adult distribution of hair and development of the breasts and menarche, usually between 9 and 13 years of age.
Is the first occurrence of menstruation, the periodic bloody discharge caused by the shedding of the endometrium from the non-pregnant uterus. The date of the last menstrual period(LMP) is important, particularly when pregnancy is suspected or menopause is being investigated.
Menopause also called climacteric
The natural cessation of reproductive cycles and menstruation with the decline of reproductive hormones in later years. Menopause may occur earlier as a result of illness or surgical removal of the uterus or both ovaries.
Periodic bloody discharge caused by shedding of the endometrium
Ovarian cycle
Reflects the changes that occur within the ovaries.
The secretion of female reproductive hormones follows monthly cyclic patterns that affect the ovaries and uterus.
Uterine menstrual cycle
Reflects the changes that take place in the uterus
The secretion of female reproductive problems follows monthly cyclic patterns that affect the ovaries and uterus. Together these cycles called the ovarian cycle and the menstrual uterine cycle, make up the female reproductive cycle, (having an average of 28 days).
Ovarian and uterine cycle’s
Begin at puberty, when certain unknown stimuli caused the hypothalamus to start secreting a hormone that acts on the pituitary gland.
Pituitary gland
Begins to secrete two hormones, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), that act on follicles in the ovaries.
Follicle stimulating hormone
Stimulates a follicle
Graafian follicle
It’s a small ovarian recess or pit that contains fluid and surrounds an ovum (egg). Generally one of them is released each month. The follicle produces hormones and grows in preparation for release of the ovum. These changes in the follicle are classified as the follicular phase, which is followed by the luteal phase.
The release of an ovum from the ovary
Is the release of the ovum from the ovarian follicle
After the ovum is released, the ruptured follicle in larges, takes on a yellowish appearance, and is called the corpus luteum, meaning yellow body
Corpus luteum
Meaning yellow body
follicular changes
Are represented by follicle development, ovulation, and corpus luteum
Luteal phase
Is named after the yellow with structure called the corpus luteum
Follicular phase
Increasing amounts of estrogen are secreted and stimulate repair of the endometrium
Estrogen reaches its peak, near the middle of the cycle, and then decreases until the next month.
Corpus luteum
Secretes another important hormone, progesterone, which causes continued growth and thickening of the endometrium with additional preparatory activities to support a potential embryo. If fertilization (union of the ovum and sperm) does not occur, the corpus luteum begins to degenerate, and the cycle starts again.
Is the same hormone that brings about development of the female secondary sex characteristics, the external physical signs of sexual maturity, such as the development of breasts and pubic hair.
Is the second hormone that is secreted by the corpus luteum
Ovarian cycle
This portion of the menstrual cycle has two important phases
Follicular phase
Is represented by changes in the follicle and results in ovulation (release of the ovum)
Luteal phase
Is represented by changes in the follicle that result in secretion of progesterone by the matured follicle.
The uterine cycle
Occurs simultaneously with the ovarian cycle, and is the result of estrogen and progesterone secretion by the ovaries.
The uterine cycle begins with menstruation (which occurs on day, one of the cycle and continues for 3 to 5 days ), I would buy the king of the endometrium along with secretion of glycogen, which will nourish a developing embryo if fertilization occurs
Means the normal flow of blood during menstruation when fertilization has not occurred.
Menses and menstruation are often used interchangeably
Estrogen and progesterone
(secreted by the ovarian follicle)
Prepare the uterus for pregnancy
ovum/origin or beginning
Formation of ova
Gynecologic problems and obstetric care
Account for 1/5 of all visits by females to physicians. Many diagnostic procedures and treatments are available to females with gynecological disorders.
Physical assessment of the female reproductive system
Of the female reproductive system includes examination of the breath, but external genitalia and the pelvis
Vaginal speculum
An instrument used to examine the vagina and cervix walls
Is an instrument that can be pushed apart after it is inserted into the vagina to allow examination of the cervix and the walls of the vagina.
Gynecologic examination
1) proper position of inserted speculum
2) the bimanual examination. The abdominal hand presses the pelvic organs toward the intravaginal hand.
3) rectovaginal examination. The examiners index finger is placed in the vagina and the middle finger is inserted into the rectum.
The gynecologic inspection consist of four parts
1) inspection of the external genitalia
2) the speculum examination. The vaginal walls and the cervix are inspected. Smears (Pap smear for cytologic examination) are obtained.
3) bimanual examination, assesses the location, size and mobility of the pelvic organs.
4) the rectovaginal examination is not always performed. In this examination, the posterior aspect of the genital organs and rectal tissue can be evaluated. We
The study of cells in a pap test
Means the study of cells. Both Pap smears and endometrial biopsies are performed to detect cancer of the cervix.
Pap smear is an abbreviated way of saying
Papanicolaou test or smear
An excellent method for early detection of cervical cancer
Grading Pap smears as class I, II, III, IV, or V. Class I is normal and class V is definitely cancer
Material is collected from areas of the body that shed cells. The cells are than studied microscopically.
Pap smear may refer to collection of material from other surfaces that shed cells, but it usually refers to collection and examinations cells from the vagina and cervix.
Cervical cancer
A cancer of the uterine cervix
When the Pap smear is examined microscopically, malignant cells have a characteristic appearance that indicates cancer, sometimes before symptoms appear?
In a Pap smear, an alteration in the shape, growth, or number of cells that is not a sign of cancer, but indicates a tendency of the cells to become malignant is called______________
Cancer of the uterus may begin with a change in the shape, grow, and number of cells called ………..
The dysplasia is not cancer, but cells of this type tend to become malignant. This abnormality, which can be detected before cancer occurs is called………..
Trichomonas or yeast
A vaginal and urethral parasite
Gram stain
Slide-staining technique that helps identify bacteria
Is slide straining technique that aids in classification and identification of bacteria, especially useful for vaginal smears if gonorrhea or chlamydial infection is suspected
Venereal Disease Research Laboratory
Rapid Plasma Reagin RPR test
Blood test for syphilis
Are blood test to detect and monitor syphilis
Human chorionic gonadotropin HCG
Is the name of the hormone that is tested for in pregnancy test
Is present in body, fluids of pregnant, females, and blood or urine is tested to determine whether pregnancy exists.
Pertains to the chorion
A membrane that develops around a fertilized embryo
A hormone that is tested to ascertain pregnancy is human chorionic
Is a hormonal substance that stimulates the gonads in this case, the ovaries
Using low powered microscopy to examine the vaginal mucosa and cervix
Involves the use of a low powered microscope to magnify the mucosa of the vagina and cervix
The instrument used is a colposcope
Cervical biopsy
Is removal of tissue from the cervix
Endometrial biopsy
Collection of tissue from the lining of the uterus
Direct visualization of the uterus with a hysteroscope.
Is visual examination of the interior of the uterus with the endoscope
Is direct visual inspection of the cervical canal and uterine cavity, using an endoscope passed through the vagina
The name of the endoscope used when doing a hysteroscopy
Pelvic sonography
May be helpful in detecting masses, such as ovarian cyst.
Computed tomography (CT)
May be used to detect a tumor within the pelvis
Radiographic examination of the uterus and the uterine tubes after an injection of a radiopaque contrast medium
Is a radiologic examination of the uterus, and the uterine (or fallopian) tubes after an injection of radiopaque material into those organs. it allows evaluation of the size, shape, and position of the organs, including tumors and certain other abnormalities, as well as obstruction of the uterine tube.
Is the record that is produced in hysterosalpingography
Examining the pelvic cavity after making one or more small abdominal incision
Is the examination of the abdominal cavity with that laparoscope through one or more small incisions of the abdominal wall. This surgical procedure is especially useful for inspection of the ovaries and other structures within the pelvic cavity, as well as collection of the biopsy specimens or performance of tubal legation to prevent pregnancy.
Uterine cannula
The purpose of the uterine cannula is to allow movement of the uterus during laparoscopy
Membrane that develops around the fertilized embryo
Pap smear
Collection and examination of cells from the vagina and cervix
Wet mounts
Direct microscopic examination of fluid
Menstrual disorders
Painful menstruation
Heavy or irregular flow
Absence of or skipping periods
Premenstrual syndrome
Absence of menstruation, such as absence of menstruation due to under development of the reproductive organs or hormonal disturbances. Amenorrhea is normal before puberty, after menopause, and during pregnancy.
Difficult or painful/month/discharge
Painful or difficult menstruation
Heavy or long menstrual periods
Normal menstruation; sometimes to profuse menstruation
Uterine tissue/hemorrhage
Uterine bleeding other than that caused by ministration; may occur as spotting or outright bleeding and is caused by cervical cancer or uterine tumors.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Is nervous tension, irritability, Adema, weight gain, sleep, changes, mood, swings, fatigue, headache, and painful breaths that can occur the last few days before the onset of menstruation.
Means pain in the region of the ovary during ovulation
Means abdominal pain in the region of an ovary during ovulation. It is helpful in pinpointing the fertile period of the ovarian cycle.
vagina/inflammation of
Inflammation of the vaginal tissues. This may be accompanied by itching, burning or discomfort during urination, and vaginal discharge; however, some infections are asymptomatic.
Vaginal infections
Or sometimes considered an STD, but infection can also occur after childbirth or after taking antibiotics that produce changes in the vaginal tissues that allow overgrowth of normal flora, such as C. Albicans, which can cause a yeast infection.
The same as vaginitis. Inflammation or infection of the vagina.
Inflammation of the vulva, and is associated with itching and burning. This can be caused by infection, contact with irritants, or systemic condition.
Laser therapy may be performed for persistent vulvitis.
Inflammation of the vulva and vagina. Vulvar infections can be extensions of vaginal infections.
vulvo/vagin/al candidiasis
vulvovaginal candidiasis
Is infection of the vagina involve her with C. albicans.
is a fungal infection (may be a STD)
An infection caused by Candida
Means a condition caused by C. albicans
Failure of the ovaries to produce, mature, or release ova
Lack of ovulation
Absence of ovulation, is failure of the ovaries to produce, mature, or release ova.
It’s causes include altered ovarian function or dysfunction, side effects of medications, and stress or disease.
Ovarian cyst
Is a globular sac filled with fluid or semi solid material that develops in or on the ovary.
Benign cyst are common and may be asymptomatic, or they may cause pelvic pain and menstrual irregularities
Very large benign cyst is soft and surrounded by a thin capsule. Ovarian masses are often asymptomatic until they are large enough to cause pressure in the pelvis.
Ovarian carcinoma
The legal cause of death from reproductive cancer
The ovary is enormously enlarged by the tumor. Ovarian cancer is often far advanced when diagnosed.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Is a hormonal disturbance characterized by anovulation, amenorrhea, and infertility.
It is caused by increased levels of testosterone (hormone that is secreted in large quantities in males, and smaller quantities and females), estrogen, and L H, and decreased secretion FSH.
This means a person is without symptoms
Ovarian cancer
Is the leading cause of death from reproductive cancers because the disease has usually spread it to other organs by the time it is discovered.
Sonography and CT may detect the ovarian mass, but diagnosis generally requires surgical exploration and pathological confirmation of the diagnosis .
Ovarian pain
Inflammation of an ovary
Any disease of an ovary
ovary/uterine tube/inflammation
Inflammation of an ovary and a uterine tube
Uterine tube/information
Inflammation of a uterine tube
Uterine tube/herniation
Hernial protrusion of a uterine tube
Tubal pregnancy
Sometimes a fertilized ovum implants in a site other than within the uterine wall. The abnormal implantation site is usually in the uterine tube
The most common type of ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy
It means outside the usual place
Fertilize egg implants outside the uterus
Is one in which a fertilized ovum implants somewhere outside the uterine cavity.
Means situated in an unusual place, away from its normal location
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
The uterine tubes are usually infected in pelvic, inflammatory disease. Without treatment, the tubes can become obstructed and cause infertility.
PID is any infection that involves the upper genital tract beyond the cervix.
Untreated gonococcal or staphylococcal infections, can spread along the endometrium to the uterus tubes and caused an acute salpingitis. If untreated or treated, it adequately, the tubes can become obstructed. PID
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS)
A sudden, high fever, headache, confusion, acute renal failure, and abnormal liver function are characteristics
This acute disease is caused by a type of staphylococcus species and is most common in menstruating women who use tampons.
Three stages of uterine prolapse
grade 1) uterus bulges into the vagina, but does not protrude through the entrance
grade 2) cervix isvisible within the vagina
grade 3) body of the uterus and cervix protrude through the vaginal orifice.
Uterine cancer
The stage of uterine cancer is identified by the extent to which it has spread to other organs
Uterus/any disease
Any disease of the uterus
Weakening of the ligaments causes a prolapse uterus
Prolapsed uterus can be congenital or caused by heavy physical exertion. It is classified according to its severity.
Uterine displacements
The uterus, normalize midline of the pelvis; however, some variations, called neutering displacements, occur.
Abnormal (forward, or backward) displacements of the uterus
A) anteversion-forward displacement of the body of the uterus toward the pubis, (the anterior portion of the hipbone.)with the cervix tilted.
B) retroversion-tipped backward (the opposite of anteversion)
C) anteflexion-bending forward of the uterus
D) retroflextion-bending backward of the uterus
A condition in which endometrium occurs in places besides the uterus
The abnormal location of endometrial tissue is often the ovaries and less commonly other pelvic structures
Is an abnormal condition in which tissue that contains typical endometrial elements is present outside the uterus, usually within the pelvic activity.
Inflammation of the myometrium
Inflammation of the endometrium and is generally produced by bacterial invasion of the endometrium.
Chocolate cyst
And period of endometriosis inside an ovary
Is an abnormal adherence of structures that are not normally joined
Formation of adhesions
(scar tissue that binds anatomic surfaces that normally are separate) is the body’s response to peritoneal trauma.
For example, adhesions commonly form in the abdomen, after abdominal surgery, inflammation, or injury, and may cause amenorrhea or infertility.
Adhesions are frequently seen during laparscopic procedures .
Example, scar tissue that has formed within the afternoon after repeated surgeries is a type of abdominal adhesion.
Also called uterine fibroids
is the most common benign tumor occurring within the uterus
The tumors develop from the myometrium, and stay attached by means of a pedicle. Subserosal, submucosal, and intramural leiomyomas protrude through the outer surface of the Nygren wall, protrude into the cavity of the uterus, or are contained within that you were in the wall, respectively.
Cervical polyps
Are benign lesions attached to the cervix, often by a stalk, and can sometimes be seen in a gynecological examination
cervix uteri/inflammation of
Refers specifically to information of the cervix uteri. Acute cervicitis is infection of the cervix, marked by redness, bleeding on contact, a foul smelling discharge from the vagina, and often pain, itching, or burning. Acute cervicitis may be caused by several species of bacteria, chlamydia (specialized bacteria) candida albicans (yeast), Trichomonas vaginalis.
Chronic cervicitis
Persistent inflammation of the cervix
Specifically refers to a white, viscid discharge from the vagina and the uterine cavity.
Normally occurs in the adult female, and is somewhat increase before and after the menstrual period.
Is pain of the vagina
Hemorrhage from the vagina
Vaginal fistulas
Are abnormal openings between the vagina and the urethra, the bladder, or the rectum
Urethro/vaginal fistulas
urethrovaginal fistulas
Occur between the urethra and the vagina
Rectovaginal fistulas
An abnormal opening between the rectum and a vagina
Is one that occurs between the rectum and the vagina
vesico/vagin/al fistula
Occurs between the urinary bladder and the vagina
Herniation of the urinary bladder through the wall of the vagina.
Protrusion of the urinary bladder through the wall of the vagina, occurs when support is weak in between the two structures.
A large cystocele can interfere with emptying the bladder.
Occurs from a weakening between the vagina and rectum. Both problems are common and often asymptomatic.
A large rectocele can interfere with empty in the rectum .
Uterine prolapse
Weakening of the ligaments that hold the uterus in place
A common uterine condition in which it is tipped backward
Painful menstrual flow, is caused by uterine cramping, and can usually be alleviated with aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen.
Can be treated by surgical and pharmaceutical means (for example, hormone replacement, and stimulation of the ovaries)
It’s a natural termination of menstruation, and many women experienced few, if any unpleasant symptoms of hot flashes and night sweats.
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
A pharmaceutical intervention for treating the symptoms of menopause is HRT.
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A combination of estrogen and progesterone, is the primary intervention for women who experience the symptoms of transition, or for those at high risk of osteoporosis (abnormal loss of bone density) and deterioration of bone tissue. 
Vagina/surgical repair
Surgical repair of the vagina
Suture of the vagina
Removal of the uterus; removal of the uterus through the abdominal wall is an Abdominal hysterectomy. A vaginal hysterectomy, also called a colopohysterectomy, is the removal of the uterus by way of the vagina. A laparohysterectomy is laparoscopic removal of the uterus.
Uterus/surgical fixation
Surgical fixation of a displaced uterus
Surgical taxation of the uterus to the abdominal wall
Surgical excision of one ovary (for example, laparoscopic oophorectomy of a polycystic ovary) or both ovaries (for example, and ovarian cancer) is performed when possible. Removal of both ovaries, prohibits reproduction.
Is removal of the uterus and ovaries
Surgical removal of the ovaries and uterus
Ovary/surgical fixation
Surgical fixation of an ovary
Surgical fixation to correct an overhead that has lost its normal support
Ovary/uterine tube/excision
Removal of an ovary and its uterine tube salpingo-oophorectomy
ovari/an cyst/ectomy
ovarian cysts tomy
ovary/pertaining to cyst/excision
Removal of a benign ovarian cyst, using either laparoscopy or open abdominal surgery.
Removal of ovaries, fallopian tubes, lymph nodes, and lymph channaels, as well as the uterus and cervix
Uterine tube/surgical fixation
Surgical fixation of the uterine tube
Surgical fixation of a fallopian tube
Uterine tube/suture
Suture of a fallopian tube
Removal of all or part of the vagina, used to treat vaginal cancer; colpectomy
Excision of the vulva, characteristically used to treat vulval cancer
bagging the specimen
Avoids contamination of the peritoneal cavity or the incision. Once the specimen is completely within the bag, the drawstring is closed.
Simple vulvectomy
Simple vulvectomy includes the removal of the skin of the labia minors, labia majora, and clitoris