Definition Flashcards
Typical form of government in the Ancient Regime. The king had the three powers: executive, legislative and judiciary. Sovereignty is justified thanks to its divine origin (king is the human representation of God)
FORM OF GOVERNMENT in which the inhabitants had the power directly or by voting a representative. Democracy made slow progress since 19th century in some European countries and in United States
FORM OF GOVERNMENT in some European political regimes, developed in the second half of the 18th century in which monarch tried to impose absolutism with the new ideas of Enlightenment. These monarch made social and economical reforms. “Everything for the people but without the people”. Enlightened minister introduced these types of reforms
POLITICAL REGIME imposed by force and characterised by disappearing freedoms, use of violence in case of opposition and removing political parties. Power is concentrated in a person, group or institution
Economic liberalism
THEORY based on freedom in all sector of the economy. The most important representative
of this was Adam Smith, he opposed to the intervention of the State in the economy
Intellectual MOVEMENT originated in France in the 18th century. Their ideas were: confidence in reason for more knowledge and in the unlimited progres of the humans and the critical spirit
INDIVIDUALS that share characteristics (relationship to production system and in the economic activities they carry out). Three estates: nobility (privileged), clergy (privileged) and third estate (non-privileged)
English PHILOSOPHER, father of liberalism, defend that a government should have a king and a parliament in where express the popular sovereignty wishes and where legislation is made no only for the people but for all
ENLIGHTENED that proposed a monarchy with a separation of power: executive, legislative and judicial. He defend the parliamentary monarchy as a form of government where the executive power where in hands of the king and his minister, the legislative power where in different hands and the judicial power where in hands of judges
GROUP OF INDIVIDUALS with specific links (cultural, linguistic and economic) with a common history that gives them a wish to creat their own institutions and to build a state
National sovereignty
POLITICAL PRINCIPLE used by the liberal revolution, to oppose the sovereignty of the prince, characteristic of the Old Regime. The state power relies on the nation
Old/ancient regime
Political, economic and social SYSTEM. Its include the absolute power of the monarch, social inequality based on the estate, a predominant agrarian and subsistence economy and low population growth
FORM OF STATE ORGANISATION in which the head of state is chosen by direct or indirect election by the citizens. The duration of the president, its functions and power is determinate by the Constitution
Restricted suffrage
Restricted ELECTORAL VOTING SYSTEM, in which only citizens included in a census based on income and education had political rights
Rights declaration or bill of right
DOCUMENT which thanks to the Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England, limited the king’s power, guaranteed elections and give powers to Parliament
FRENCH PHILOSOPHER that critiqued the social structure and defend a society where citizens could decide. He also critic the divine origin of the king’s power. He proposed a “social contract” (constitution) between governor and citizens
Parliamentary monarchy
FORM OF GOVERNMENT in which the king or monarch where head of state, position that is inherited by blood linage. Legislative power is ruled by the parliament and executive power is ruled by the government, different like the absolute monarchy where there is no division of powers
Separation of powers
POLITICAL PROPOSAL that proposed the separation of powers of the state into diferente institutions, one serving as a counterbalance to the other
Social contract/constitution
BASIC LAW of any State passed by the representatives of the nation. It established a political system, recognised civil rights and defended national sovereignty
Universal suffrage
ELECTORAL SYSTEM in which the citizens of legal age can vote without discriminations . Until the early 20th century, this system didn’t include womans
FRENCH PHILOSOPHER that critiqued religious fanaticism and the structure of the Church. He proposed limiting kings power following the English model