Definite and Indefinite Articles Flashcards
What is the FEMININE definite article for SINGULAR nouns that begin with a CONSONANT?
la dentista (the dentist)
la mano (the hand)
la lezione (the lesson)
la cena (the meal)
la borsa (the purse)
What is the FEMININE definite article for PLURAL nouns that begin with a CONSONANT?
le pesche (the peaches)
le madri (the mothers)
le case (the houses)
What is the FEMININE indefinite article for SINGULAR nouns that begin with a CONSONANT?
una machina (a machine)
una pianta (a plant)
una regazza (a girl)
What is the FEMININE definite article for SINGULAR nouns that begin with a VOWEL?
l’ uscita (the exit)
l’ isola (the island)
l’ erba (the grass)
What is the FEMININE definite article for PLURAL nouns that begin with a VOWEL?
le entrate (the entries)
le autostrade (the freeway)
le amiche (the girlfriends)
What is the FEMININE indefinite article for SINGULAR nouns that begin with a VOWEL?
un’ oca (a goose)
un’ ora (an hour)
un’ aranciata (an orange soda)
What is the MASCULINE definite article for SINGULAR nouns that begin with a CONSONANT?
il giorno (the day)
il cielo (the sky)
il libro (the book)
il nonno (the grandfather)
il padre (the father)
il serpente (the snake)
il sapone (the soap)
What is the MASCULINE definite article for PLURAL nouns that begin with a CONSONANT?
i ragazzi (the boys)
i dotori (the doctors)
i limoni (the lemons)
i professori (the male professors)
What is the MASCULINE indefinite article for SINGULAR nouns that begin with a CONSONANT?
un dotorre (a doctor)
un fiume ( a river)
un cane (a dog)
un cugino (a male cousin)
What is the MASCULINE definite article for SINGULAR nouns that begin with a VOWEL?
l’ animale (the animal)
l’ occhio (the eye)
l’ orologio (the clock, watch)
l’ Arno (the Arno river)
l’ Italiano (Italian)
What is the MASCULINE definite article for PLURAL nouns that begin with a VOWEL?
gli amici (the friends)
gli alberi (the trees)
gli uomini (the men)
What is the MASCULINE indefinite article for SINGULAR nouns that begin with a VOWEL?
un albero (a tree)
un amico (a male friend)
un uomo (a man)
un aeroplano (a plane)
What is the MASULINE definite article for SINGULAR nouns that begin with a z, ps, pn, gn, s+consonant, ch (freind words), y, x?
lo zaino (the backpack)
lo sport (the sport)
lo zio (the uncle)
lo studente (the student)
What is the MASULINE definite article for PLURAL nouns that begin with a z, ps, pn, gn, s+consonant, ch (freind words), y, x?
gli zaini (the backpacks)
gli saponi (the soap)
gli specchi (the mirrors)
gli pani (the bread)
gli zii (the uncles)
What is the MASCULINE indefinite article for SINGULAR nouns that begin with a z, ps, pn, gn, s+consonant, ch (freind words), y, x?
uno studente (a student)
uno stadio (a stadium)
uno zaino (a backpack)
uno chef (a chef)
uno zoo (a zoo)