Definintions Flashcards
Centre of Mass
Point through which all the weight of an object is considered to act
Force multiplied by the perpendicular distance from the line of action of the force to the pivot
A pair of equal and opposite forces acting on a body but not along the same line (coplanar)
Distance in a given direction from a fixed point
Rate of change of displacement
Rate of change of velocity
Rate of energy transfer/rate of doing work
Rate of change of momentum
Force x time for which the force acts
change in momentum
Maximum displacement from equilibrium position
Number of complete waves passing a point per unit time/per second
Time Period
Time taken to complete one oscillation
Distance between two identical positions on two adjacent waves
Wave Speed
Product of a waves frequency and wavelength
A measure of how far through the wave’s cycle a given point on the wave
Phase Difference
Difference in phase between two points on a wave
(in angles or fractions of a cycle)
Same frequency/wavelength
Constant phase relationship
Path difference
How far ahead a wave is compared to another wave
Centripetal Force
Resultant force stopping a body from leaving the circle
Restoring Force
Resultant force acting on an oscillating object towards equilibrium position.
Potential difference across a component per amp of current flowing through it.
Potential Difference
Amount of energy transformed when one coulomb of charge is moved between two points
Work done per unit charge
Rate of flow of positive charge
Material with 0 resistivity below critical temperature
Critical Temperature
Temperature below which material becomes superconducting
The amount of energy transferred from chemical energy to electrical energy per unit charge
Terminal Potential Difference
Voltage across the terminals of a cell
Ohmic Conductor
Any component that conducts electricity and obeys Ohm’s law
Potential Divider
A circuit that shares the potential difference between components by connecting multiple resistors in series
How resistive a material is to allowing current to flow through it.
Work function
Minimum energy required to liberate an electron form the surface of a metal.
Small discrete packet of energy (no mass)
Stopping potential
Minimum potential difference required for 0 current in a photocell circuit
Electron volt
Energy gained by an electron as it accelerates through a potential difference of 1 volt
When an electron moves to a higher energy levelby absorbing energy from an incident photon or electron
When an electron gains enough energy to leave the atom
Threshold Frequency
Minimum frequency of a photon for a photoelectron to be emitted from a metal surface
Elastic Behaviour
when a sample that has been deformed by a force returns to its original shape and size when the force causing the deformation is removed.
Plastic Behaviour
when the deforming force is removed the material does not return to its original shape/size.
Elastic Limit
maximum amount that a material can be stretched by a force, and still return to its original length when the force is removed
Yield Point
point at which the material extends considerably with no (or a very small) increase in force. The extension is permanent.
easily and permanently stretched
fractures very soon after the elastic limit, with little or no plastic deformation. (e.g. concrete, glass)
Potential divider
Circuit containing a combination of resistors in seriesacross a voltage source so that potential difference has been split
Ionisation Energy
Minimum energy t remove an electron from an atom from the ground state