defining and measuring development Flashcards
social development
- improving the well-being of every individual in society so they can reach their full potential
- ways that countries may experience improvements to social institutions -> e.g, education, infrastructure and healthcare
economic development
programs, policies or activities that seek to improve the economic well-being and quality of life for a community
political development
the level of function that a state or other political entity has reached
what are some forms of economic globalisation?
- changing sites of production
- movement of TNC’s
- the international devision of labour
- expansion of capitalism worldwide
what are some forms of cultural globalisation?
- increased connections between cultures potentially bringing diversity and benefits
- westernisation and damage to other cultures
- cultural changes may be food, clothes, language, media, etc
what are some forms of political globalisation?
- the growing importance of global institutions outside of countries
- political changes may be localisation, increased power of TNC’s, etc
- a summary measure of average achievements in key dimensions of human development (high life expectancy, decent standard of living)
- allows a a ranking of countries by their scores (1= high development)
- each country is given a score between 1 and 0 to indicate their developemnt
- a composite index that measures the level of women’s empowerment across 5 dimetions -> life and good health, education, skill-building and knowledge, labour and financial inclusion
- measures women’s power and freedoms to make choices
- less that 1% of women and girls live in a country with high women’s empowerment and a small gender gap
more economically developed countries
- least economically developed country
first world countries
highly developed, industrialised, technologically advanced, educated and wealthy countries
second world countries
countries that fall between poverty and prosperity of developing/developed nations
third world countries
countries that are defined byhigh poverty rates, lack of resources, and unstable financial standing
- global innovation index
- a composite measure that reflects inequalities in gender-based outcomes across 3 dimensions (reproductive health, empowerment, labour market particiipation)
north/south divide
- a term used to decribe the social, economic and cultural difference between London and the South East of england and the rest of the UK
- people living in the South East of england typically have a longer life expectancy, higher income and better standards of living than those living in the north
- gross national income
- the total market value of all finished goods and services produced within a country
- gross domestic product
- the total product of goods and services produced in an economy excluding income from overseas
- the total economic value of goods annd services produced by a country over the course of a year
per capita
income per head/national income divided by population
- the process through which societies improve the well-being of their citizens, often measured by economic growth, access to education, healthcare, and improvements in living standards
- the situation where certain countries or regions remain economically deprived or socially disadvantaged compared to others
- often attributed to historical, political, and economic factors that prevent these countries from achieving sustained growth.