defining and measuring crime Flashcards
What are official statistics
official statistics are figures based on the numbers of crime that are reported and recorded by the police which are used by the government to inform crime prevention strategies.
What is one criticism of official statistics
-Official statistics have been criticised as unreliable in that they significantly underestimate the true extent of crime. Some commentators suggest that so many crimes go unreported by victims or unrecorded by police that only around 25% of offences are included in the official figures. The other 75% make up what criminologists refer to as the ‘dark figure’ of crime.
What study was done on official statistics
One study found that police in the borough of Nottinghamshire were more likely than other regions to record thefts of under 10 pounds and this explained a ‘spike’ of thefts in the area which suggests that policing priorities may distort official figures.
Why are cultural issues a problem in defining crime
What is considered a crime in one culture may not be judged as such in another. In the Uk having more than one wife is the crime of bigamy. However this is not a crime in cultures where polygamy is practiced. In 2014 forced marriage was made illegal in the UK yet is still practiced in other cultures.
Why are historical issues a problem in defining crime
One issue of defining crime is that definitions of crime change over time, for example it was perfectly legal to smack your child in the UK before 2004, now it is against the law and public attitudes and perceptions have also changed.
What are Victim surveys
Victim Surveys such as the Crime Survey for England and Wales selects 50,000 households randomly and asks them to document any crimes they have been a victim of in the past year.
Why have victim surveys been criticised
Victim Surveys rely on respondents having accurate recall of the crimes they have been a victim of. This is an issue as ‘telescoping’ may occur where a victim may misremember an event as happening in the past when it did not which can be due to trauma. This may distort the figures.
What is good about victim surveys
victim surveys could be higher in validity than official statistics as victims are more likely to report trivial offences in these surveys, things they wouldn’t go to the police with, as they might think it a waste of time.
What are Offender surveys
Offender Surveys involve Individuals volunteering the number and types of crimes they have committed. These tend to target groups of likely offenders based on ‘risk’ factors such as previous convictions, age, social background etc.
Why have offender surveys been criticised
Offender surveys lack validity as offenders are unlikely to be truthful about the real extent of their own criminality. It may also be that they can’t accurately remember how many crimes, they have committed and exactly when they took place.
What is offender profiling
This is a behavioural and analytical tool that is intended to help investigators accurately predict and profile the characteristics of unknown criminals. It is based on prior experiences and uses computer databases to analyse what is already known.
What is the top-down approach
The phrase top-down refers to an approach, which starts with the big picture and then fills in the details. The Top Down of FBI approach relies on previous experiences of crimes.
What is the top-down approach based on
In the 1970’s the FBIs behavioural Science Unit gathered data from 36 sexually motivated serial killers, including Charles Manson & Ted Bundy to develop this approach to Offender Profiling.
In 1980 Hazelwood and Douglas published their account of the ‘lust murderer’, they advanced a theory that lust murderers are mainly catergorised by two types: - Organised and disorganised. This is an example of a top-down typology.
What are the characteristics of an organised offender
An organised offender leads an ordered life and kills after some sort of critical life event. Their actions are premeditated and planned, they are likely to bring weapons and restraints to the scene. They are likely to be of average to high intelligence and employed.
What are the characteristics of a disorganised offender
A disorganised offender is more likely to have committed the crime in a moment of passion. There will be no evidence of premeditation and they are more likely to leave evidence such as blood, semen, murder weapon etc. behind. This type of offender is thought to be less socially competent and more likely to be unemployed
What is one criticism of top-down profiling
Top down profiling is reductionist as the classification system (organised/disorganised) is too simple. Offenders are not simply either disorganised or organised. It may be that there are both organised and disorganised features to all their crimes. An offender may start off being disorganised and become more organised as they develop their method.