Define Economics Flashcards
define the term ‘economics’
economics is a social science which studies the behavior of individuals as they try to satisfy their unlimited needs and wants using limited resources.
Economics as a Social Science: include this in defintion
DEALS WITH the allocation of scarce resources and the
creation of wealth and the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services;
There are two (2) branches of Economics
Micro and Macroeconomics
Microeconomics is the study of economics at an individual, group, or company level. Microeconomics focuses on issues that affect individuals and companies.
Macroeconomics is the study of a national economy as a whole.
Macroeconomics focuses on issues that affect nations and the world economy.
an economy
a distinct region where economic activity, production, consumption and distribution, takes place.
Facilitates the organization of scarce resource for the production of goods and services.
economic Agents
there are three main economic agents:
consume goods and services (Utility maximization)
Firms/Producers -
produce good and services (Profit maximization)
provides the framework for rules and regulations for the households and firms to operate within (Welfare maximization)
The Central Problem of Economics
Scarcity refers to a situation where there are limited resources to supply unlimited wants.
Scarcity exists for all groups in the economy.
This means that we are forced to choose among the things that we desire.
Our wants are unlimited however economic resources are limited.
Opportunity Cost
the ‘ next best alternative forgone’.
It is the highest valued alternative forgone or given up.
Money Cost
what was actually paid for the inputs used to produce and item i.e the price of that item.
the range of options available to the individual, household, firm or government (economic agents) when making a decision.
when making a choice something has to be given up.
Needs are any goods and services that are essential to life (necessary for survival).
goods and services that are desired to improve the quality of life but are not essential.
the state of balance or rest within an economy from which there is no tendency to change