Defenses to contract formation Flashcards
types of defenses
defenses based on lack of capacity
defense to formation of the K
defense to enforcement of certain terms exists
defenses based on lack of capacity
contracts with minors
mental incapacity
intoxicated persons
Duress and undue influence
defenses based on lack of formation of contract
Absence of mutual assent
–misunderstanding - ambiguous contract language
– mutual mistake as to existing facts
– mistake by the intermediary
– misrepresentation
absence of consideration
Public policy defenses - illegality
statute of frauds
public policy defenses to lack of formation of K
what is the defense based on lack of capacity due to being a minor, including disaffirmance, exceptions, necessaries, and affirmance upon attaining majority
– minors lack capacity to enter into binding contracts
– adults can be bound by their promises to minor
– minor may disaffirm any time before or shortly after reaching the age of majority [reasonable time after]
— disafirmance must be made in whole
— requires that minor return anything they received under the K that still remains at the time of disaffirmance
– some states have statutory exceptions for student loans, insurance Ks, and agreements not to reveal employers’ proprietary information
– necessaries
– “Necessaries” are items necessary for subsistence, health, or education (including food, shelter, clothing, and medical care).
— A minor may disaffirm a contract for necessaries but will be liable in restitution for the fair market value of benefits received. [ not a contract requirement]
– A minor may affirm, that is, choose to be bound by the contract in whole, upon reaching majority.
– A minor affirms either expressly or by conduct [implied], such as by failing to disaffirm the contract within a reasonable time after reaching majority, keeping the benefits after gaining capacity
- reasonable amount of time after reaching majority
what is the defense based on lack of mental capacity and when may they affirm or disaffirm, and re: necessaries and effect of guardian
- lack of mental capacity creates a VOIDABLE K
- lack of mental capacity = incapable of understanding the nature and significance of a contract
when may they disaffirm:
- disaffirm when lucid or by a later appointed legal representative.
when may they affirm:
- during a lucid interval or upon complete recovery, even without formal restoration by judicial action.
- liable in quasi-contract for necessaries.
– mentally incompetent person has no ability to contract once a guardian has been appointed.
– Any attempted contracts by an incapacitated person who is under a guardianship are VOID .
defense of intoxication – what it is and whether they may affirm or disaffirm
One who is so intoxicated that they don’t understand the nature
and significance of their promise creates only a VOIDABLE promise IF the other party had reason to know of the intoxication
when may affirm:
- upon recovery from intoxication
- quasi contract liability for necessaries
effect of duress or undue influence on a K, economic vs. physical duress, undue influence
– contracts induced by duress or undue influence are voidable and may be rescinded as long as they are not affirmed
- physical threats
— NOT taking advantage of another person’s economic needs
— CAN BE DURESS by withholding something someone wants or needs will constitute economic duress if:
(1) the party threatens to commit a wrongful act that would seriously threaten the other contracting party’s property or finances; AND
(2) there are no adequate means available to prevent the threatened loss.
UNDUE INFLUENCE requirements
(1) undue susceptibility to pressure by one party, and
(2) excessive pressure by the other party.
Undue influence concerns often arise when the dominant party is in a confidential or caregiver relationship with the influenced party.
Explain the Ambiguity and misunderstanding defense to contract
If the contract includes a term with at least two possible meanings, the result depends on the parties’ awareness of the ambiguity:
a. Neither party aware—no contract unless both parties intended the same meaning;
b. Both parties aware—no contract unless both parties intended the same meaning;
c. One party aware—binding contract based on what the ignorant party reasonably believed to be the meaning of ambiguous words.
Ambiguity is one area where subjective intent is taken into account.
Explain the mutual mistake as to existing facts defense to K
If both parties entering into a contract are mistaken about existing acts (not future happenings) relating to the agreement, the contract may be voidable by the adversely affected party if:
(i) The mistake concerns a basic assumption on which the contract is made (for example, the parties think they are contracting for the sale of a diamond but in reality the stone is a cubic zirconia, existence of the subject matter, etc.);
(ii) The mistake has a material effect on the agreed-upon exchange (for example, the cubic zirconia is worth only a hundredth of what a diamond is worth);
(iii) The party seeking avoidance did not assume the risk* of the mistake.
EITHER [1] one party is in a position to better know the risks than the other party (for example, contractor vs. homeowner)
[2] where the parties knew that their assumption was doubtful (that is, when the parties were consciously aware of their ignorance).
what is not a “mistake’ defense to formation of a K?
mutual mistake in value [bc both parties assume the risk]
Unilateral mistake UNELSS the nonmistaken party knew or had reason to know of the mistake made by the other party
what is effect of a unilateral mistake
IN GENERAL - unilateral mistake does not render contract unenforceable
– nonmistaken party knew or had reason to know of the mistake made by the other party
– the mistake must have a material effect on the agreed-upon exchange
— the mistaken party must not have borne the risk of the mistake.
unilateral mistake triggers
computational or mechanical errors
henever you see facts in which a subcontractor’s bid was wrong or
acreage in a land sale contract was miscalculated, consider whether the contract may be avoided due to unilateral mistake.
effect of mistake by the intermediary (transmission)
When there is a mistake in the transmission of an offer or accep- tance by an intermediary, the prevailing view is that the message as transmitted is operative unless the other party knew or should have known of the mistake.
types of misrepresentation and their effect of misrepresentation on formation of K
(1) Fraudulent misrepresentation [inducement]
what it is: asserting info you know is false to induce someone to agree to a K;
— need not be spoken or written, can be inferred from conduct, such as concealment, frustrating investigation of a fact, or falsely denying knowledge of a fact
effect: the contract is voidable by the innocent party if they justifiably relied on the fraudulent misrepresentation
(2) material misrepresentation
A misrepresentation is material if:
(1) it would induce a reasonable person to agree, OR
(2) the maker knows that for some special reason it is likely to induce the particular person to agree, even if a reasonable person would not.
effect: voidable by innocent party if the party justifiably relied on the misrepresentation and the misrepresentation was material
effect of nondisclosure of a fact
nondisclosure of a fact is not misrepresentation UNLESS it is material or fraudulent [ex: false denial of knowledge of a material fact]
nondisclosure ≠ concealment
remedy for misrepresentation
rescission of agreement - don’t have to wait till they are sued
breach remedies
absence of consideration as defense to formation of K
usually lacking elements of bargain or legal detriment
one of the promises is usually illusory
public policy defenses to formation of a K
[A] f the consideration or subject matter of a contract is illegal (for example, a contract to commit a murder), the contract is void.
(1) the plaintiff is unaware of the illegality while the defendant knows of the illegality;
(2) the parties are not in pari delicto (that is, one party is not as culpable as the other); or
(3) the illegality is the failure to obtain a license when the license is for revenue-raising purposes rather than for protection of the public.
[B] If only the purpose behind the contract is illegal, the contract is voidable by a party who was
(1) unaware of the purpose;
(2) aware but did not facilitate the purpose and the purpose does not involve serious moral turpitude.
general concept of unconsionabiltiy
allows a court to modify or refuse to enforce an entire contract or a provision in it to avoid “unfair” terms, usually due to some unfairness in the bargaining process
what is not a ground for unconsionabiltiy
unfair price alone
that a K turned out badly
Common instances of procedural unconsionability
(1) inconspicuous risk-shifting provision
Standardized printed form contracts that contain a material provi- sion that seeks to shift a risk normally borne by one party to the other.
Usually in the fine print (“boilerplate”) in printed form contracts.
HOLDING: Courts have invalidated these provisions because they are inconspicuous or incomprehensible to the average person, even if brought to their actual attention.
(2) contracts of adhesion
take it or leave it contracts in which one party drafts and forces the other party to accept
HOLDING: unconscionable and unenforceable if signer is unable to procure necessary goods, such as an automobile from any seller without agreeing to a similar provision
(3) exculpatory clauses
release a contracting party from liability for their own wrongful acts (intentional or negligent)
[a] exculpation from INTENTIONAL acts – usually found to be unconscio- nable because such a clause is against public policy in most states.
[b] exculpation from NEGLIGENT acts – may be found to be uncon- scionable if the clauses are inconspicuous (as discussed above), but they commonly are upheld if they are in contracts for activities that are known to be hazardous (for example, a contract releasing a ski hill operator for liability for negligence often will be upheld).
(4) limitations on remedies
[a] limiting liability for damages to property generally
HOLDING: NOT unconscionable unless inconspicuous
[b] limiting party to certain remedy and that remedy fails its essential purpose [i.e. contract for repair but no remedy for repair]
HOLDING: unconscionable such that courts will ignore that provision
how is unconscionability determined
circumstances as they existed at the time the K was formed
unfair surprise, consequences are unduly harsh and oppressive,
effect if court finds unconsiconabiltiy
court may:
(1) refuse to enforce K
(2) enforce remainder of the K without the unconscionable clause
(3) limit the application of any clause so as to avoid an unconscionable result
triggers for finding of unconsionabiltiy
this is rare TBH
unfair bargaining power
general concept of statute of frauds
in most instances, an oral contract is valid. However, certain agree- ments, by statute, must be evidenced by a writing signed by the party sought to be bound.
signed by the party that is being SUED
what agreements are covered by the statute of frauds
(1) promises in consideration of marriage
promises that induce marriage by offering something of value, other than return promise to marry [I will give you my house if you marry my son]
(2) performance not within one year from date of FORMATION of K
promise that, by its terms, cannot be performed within one year from the date of agreement
[BUT FULL performance will remove it from SoF]
note that time of actual performance doesn’t matter
Lifetime employment contracts NOT subject to the SoF
(3) promise creating interest in land
Types of K to create interest in land
– sale of real property
– leases for more than one year
– easements of more than one year
– mortgages and most other security liens
– fixtures
– minerals (or the like) or structures if they are to be severed by the buyer
do NOT create interest in land:
- contracts to build a building
- construction K to build a fence
- contracts to find a buyer for a seller / broker’s contracts
how to take it out of SoF:
– full performance by seller
– in some cases, part performance by buyer
(4) executor or administrator promises to personally pay estate debts
A promise by an executor or administrator to pay the estate’s debts out of their own funds must be evidenced by a writing.
(5) goods priced at $500 or more
A contract for the sale of goods for a price of $500 or more
Note that a writing is sufficient even though it omits or incorrectly states a term, but the contract is not enforce- able beyond the quantity of goods shown in the writing.
EXCEPTION: situations where merchant’s confirmatory memo applies (between merchants)
(6) promises to pay debt of another [suretyship promises]
When subject to SOF:
Must be collateral to another person’s promise to pay, and not a primary promise to pay [think of a guarantor on a lease, for example, or “if X doesn’t pay, I will pay”]
When NOT subject to SOF:
Main purpose or leading object of the promisor is to serve a pecuniary interest of his own, the contract is not within the Statute of Frauds even though the effect is still to pay the debt of another (for example, homeowner promises to pay contractor’s debt to building supplier if contractor does not pay, so contractor can obtain supplies to work on homeown- er’s house).
effect of noncompliance with statute of frauds
renders K unenforceable at the option of the party to be charged
aka party being sued may raise the lack of a sufficient writing as an affirmative defense
can you waive Statute of frauds defense?
yes, by not raising it as a defense
when is a K removed from the Statute of frauds
(1) oral contract modifications must be in writing if the contract AS MODIFIED falls within the SoF …. oral contract modifications do NOT have to be in writing when the K as modified would fall outside SoF
BUT note the quirks of when the K itself requires writing [see other card]
AND note quirks of waiver
(2) when there has been performance
[a] land sale contracts
[I] When there is an oral promise to pay for land, and the seller conveys the property to the buyer, the seller can enforce buyer’s oral promise to pay
[ii] when there has been part performance that UNEQUIVOCALLY indicates that parties have contracted for the sale of land, you can enforce oral K
part performance requires TWO of THREE of the following – payment in whole or part, and/or possession, and/or valuable improvements
how to sue: ONLY specific performance [not damages]
keep an eye out for: partial payments that are consistent with landlord tenant relationship do not unequivocally indicate that parties contracted for sale of land and therefore will not take a transaction out of the statute of frauds requirements.
[b] services contracts
– full performance takes it out of the statute of frauds
[c] sale of goods contracts
Part performance takes a sale of goods contract out of the Statute of Frauds when:
(i) the goods have been specially manufactured, or (ii) the goods have been either paid for or accepted.
deposit counts as partial payment
(3) situations when writing not required
(4) equitable and promissory estoppel apply
if it would be inequitable to allow the SoF to defeat a meritorious claim, you can enforce the oral K against the defendant
Ex: situations where the defendant falsely and intentionally tells the plaintiff that the contract is not within the Statute or induces the plaintiff to change position in reliance on an oral agreement.
(5) judicial admission
If a party admits in pleadings or testimony that there is an agreement, it’s treated the same as though the party signed a writing.
what is the statute of frauds writing requirement
one or more writings that
(1) reasonably identify the subject matter of the K
(2) indicate that a K has been made between the parties
(3) state with reasonable certainty the essential terms
has a signature of the person against whom enforcement is sought
– electronic record satisfies this
CAN BE MULTIPLE WRITINGS or correspondence together or be on a napkin
what counts a signature for the statue of frauds
in general
- mark or symbol made with intent to authenticate the writing as the signer
- need not be handwritten
- can be printed or typed
- initials or letterhead is ok
- electronic signature is ok
WHO signs it
— the party being sued must have signed it [unless merchant’s confirmatory memo]
remedies if K violates statute of frauds
party can sue for reasonable value of the services or part performance rendered
party can sue for restitution or any other benefit that has been conferred
what happens if a writing evidencing an oral K for a sale of goods of $500 or more has an omission or incorrect term?
a writing is sufficient for statute of frauds even though it omits or incorrectly states a term, BUT the contract is not enforce- able beyond the quantity of goods shown in the writing.
when is writing not required for Statute of Frauds purposes and mnemonic
Specially made goods,
Written confirmation by a merchant,
Admission in court, or
(1) specially manufactured goods
i.e. not suitable to sell to others in ordinary course of business
WHEN ENFORCEABLE WITHOUT WRITING: enforceable if the seller has, under circumstances that reasonably indicate that the goods are for the buyer, made a substantial beginning in their manufacture or commitments for their purchase before notice of repudiation is received.
(2) admissions in pleadings or court
when party against whom enforcement is sought admits in pleadings, testimony or in court that the K was made, it is enforceable for the quantity of goods admitted in court
(3) Merchant’s confirmatory memo [between merchants]
In contracts between merchants, if one party, within a reason- able time after an oral agreement has been made, sends to the other party a written confirmation of the understanding that is sufficient under the Statute of Frauds to bind the sender [i.e. must contain quantity term and signature], it will also bind the recipient if: (1) they have reason to know of the confirmation’s contents; and (2) they do not object to it in writing within 10 days of receipt.
i.e. if they agree over the phone and one sends a written confirmation, article 2 lets one merchant use its own confirmation to satisfy the SoF against the other merchant
(4) performance
[see other card]
mnemonic for when SOF applies
Year (Within one)
Executor (or Administrator)
Goods (for $500 or more)
to what extent can a contract prohibit oral modifications ? State the rule for UCC and Common law … and what issues might pop up?
if a written contract expressly provides that it may be modified only by a writing, the parties can still orally modify the contract
[i.e. prohibitions on oral modifications are unenforceable - assumes that is an oral waiver of the writing provision]
if a K requires modifications only by a signed writing, that provision is given effect = no oral modifications
NOTE! – if the K is between merchant and non merchant, this provision requires the nonmerchant’s separate signature
***note WAIVER issues
what happens when a party attempts to orally modify a K that must be modified in writing due to SoF?
that modification is not effective as a modification, it is effective as a waiver
when waiver will be found:
– when the other party has changed position in reliance on the oral modification
when waiver can be retracted:
– a party who makes waiver affecting an executory [not yet performed] portion of the K may retract the waiver if they notify the other party that strict performance of the waived terms is required
when waiver cannot be retracted
– when the other party detrimentally relied on the waiver
to what extent is an oral sale of good contract enforceable when there has been part performance?
If a sales contract is only partially paid for or accepted, the contract is enforceable only to the extent of the partial payment or acceptance.
If goods are either received and accepted or paid for, the contract is enforceable. However, the contract is not enforceable beyond the quantity of goods accepted or paid for.
Thus, if only some of the goods called for in the oral contract are accepted or paid for, the contract is only partially enforceable.
If an indivisible item is partially paid for, most courts hold that the Statute of Frauds is satisfied for the whole item.
what are essential and material terms for the purposes of satisfying the writing requirement for Statute of frauds - for diff types of K
DEPENDS on type of K
Examples of essential terms include: identity of the parties, description of the subject matter, and the terms necessary to make the contract definite.
- must contain a description of the land and price
- length of employment
- some signed writing indicating that a K has been made and specifying quantity term
– who is K between
– what is the K about
CAREFUL – If an essential term is contained in the writing, evidence is admissible to explain the particulars, BUT evidence will not be admitted to add a missing term
equal dignity rule
if you authorize someone to buy something else, that authorization must be in writing if the underlying transaction has to be in writing as required by the Statute of Frauds
the two transactions, the authorization and sale, must be of equal dignity
leases of one year or less are ….
NOT subj to statute of frauds