defenses Flashcards
defenses based on capacity
protection defenses
other defenses
defenses based on capacity
insanity, intoxication, infancy
voluntary intoxication
self-induced intoxication.
Defense to specific intent crimes ONLY
involuntary intoxication
unknowingly being intoxicated or becoming intoxicated under duress.
A form of insanity and a defense to ALL crimes.
No criminal liability under 7 yo.
Rebuttable presumption of no criminal liability under 14yo.
protection defenses
self-defense, defense of others, defense of dwelling
self-defense - non-deadly force
A victim may use non-deadly self-defense anytime the victim reasonably believes that force is about to be used on him.
self-defense - deadly force (majority)
A victim may use deadly force in self-defense anytime the victim reasonably believes that deadly force is about to be used on him.
self-defense - deadly force (minority)
A victim is required to retreat if it is safe to do so.
3 exceptions to retreat:
1. No duty to retreat from your home.
2. No duty to retreat if you are the victim of rape or a robbery.
3. No duty to retreat for police officers.
What is required to get back the defense of self-defense?
To get back the defense of self-defense, the original aggressor must i) withdraw and ii) communicate that withdrawal.
When may the original aggressor use force in his own defense?
If the victim of the initial aggression suddenly escalates a minor fight into one involving deadly force and does so without giving the aggressor the opportunity to withdraw, the original aggressor may use force in his own defense (including deadly force if reasonable).
defense of others
D can raise “defense of others” defense if he reasonably believes that the person assisted would have had the right to use force in his own defense.
defense of others - special relationship requirement
There need not be a special relationship between the D and the person in whose defense he acted.
defense of dwelling
Deadly force may NEVER be used solely to defend your property.
other defenses
duress, necessity, mistake of fact
Duress is a defense to a criminal act if:
1. the person acts under the threat of imminent infliction of death or great bodily harm and
2. that belief is reasonable
Threats to harm a third person may also suffice to establish the defense of duress.
To which crimes is duress a defense?
Duress is a defense to all crimes except homicide.
Conduct that would otherwise be criminal is justifiable if, as a result of pressure from natural forces, D reasonably believes that his conduct was necessary to avoid a greater societal harm.
How does necessity differ from duress?
Duress involves human threats.
Necessity involves pressure from natural forces.
mistake of fact
Mistake of fact is a defense ONLY when the mistake negates intention. The mistake has to be reasonable to be a defense to a malice or general intent crime. Any mistake (no matter how ridiculous) is a defense if D is charged with a specific intent crime. Mistake of fact is NEVER a defense to strict liability crimes.
availability of mistake of fact defense
specific intent crimes: any mistake at all
general intent crimes: reasonable mistakes only
strict liability: Never a defense.