Defense Mechanisms Flashcards
Performing an extreme behavior in order to express thoughts or feelings the person is incapable of otherwise expressing
Behavior acts as a pressure release and often helps the person feel calmer and peaceful
Self-injury may allow expression in physical pain of what one cannot stand to feel emotionally
acting out
Tendency to see in the external world or people aspects of one’s own personality, feelings, or impulses- often those that are perceived as negative
May be accurate or inaccurate and might lead to significant misunderstandings
Channeling of unacceptable or unattainable desires into imagination
Escaping mundane or distressing reality by exploring alternative but unrealistic situations
Can lead to losing touch with reality and prevent viable actions to improve the situation
Creation of an ideal impression of a person, place, or object by emphasizing their positive qualities and neglecting those that are negative
Adjusting the way in which the world is perceived can lead to poor judgement
Belief that the source of everything that happens is oneself
Lack of recognition of the separate existence of others with a will different from one’s own
Might affect formation of realistic causal relationships
omnipotent control
Energy remaining after a display of unacceptable aggression is suppressed is released as being uncooperative, or ignoring others
passive aggression
Misattribution of a person’s undesired thoughts, feelings, or impulses onto another person who does not have those thoughts, feelings or impulses
Used when thoughts are considered unacceptable for the person to express
Results from lack of insight and acknowledgment of one’s own motivations and feelings
Identifying with impulses projected onto oneself by another
Experience of unacceptable impulses transferred to one individual from another
projective identification
Representing conflicts as physical symptoms
Refusal to accept reality or fact
Acting as if a painful event, thought, or feeling did not exist
Characteristic of early childhood development
Gross reshaping of external reality to meet internal needs
Ego attempts to reconcile multiple aspects or rationales but resorts to understanding the world in black and white terms
Taking the either-or approach when evaluating the world
Good versus bad approach in relationships
Redirection of thoughts, feelings, and impulses directed at one person or object but taken out on another person or object
Used when feelings cannot be expressed safely to the person they are directed at
Feelings are expressed but their misapplication often causes additional problems
Loss of time and/or person (usual thought processes and memories)
Finding another representation of self in order to continue in the moment
Disconnected view of oneself in the world, living in a different world that is not affected by thoughts, feelings, or memories that are unbearable
Associated with childhood abuse
Transformation of negative feelings towards others into negative feelings toward self, pain, illness, and anxiety