Defense Flashcards
Hi, my name’s Olivia, I would like to take you through my bachelor thesis on glycogen allocation within the fungus cultivar Leucoagaricus gongylophorus of the leaf-cutter ants Acromyrmex echinatior and Atta colombica
Focus of the study
The focus of my study was to understand the distribution of glycogen within the fungus cultivar, specifically looking at the three distinct layers and two tissue types, mycelium and staphylae
Ant/fungus symbiosis
Leaf-cutter ants are known to practice leaf-cutter agriculture, where they cultivate or farm a fungus for food.
They live in an obligate, mutualistic symbiosis with the fungus, where the ants provide the fungus with plant substrate to grow on and protection, and the fungus cultivar in return provide the ants with nutrients, in the form of gongylidia, and shelter for the queen and brood.
Why glycogen?
Glycogen is the stored form of glucose and can be metabolized by glycogen phosphorylase when energy is needed, or a lack of nutrients is experienced. This study chose to focus on glycogen because despite its role as a main storage molecule in both insects and fungi, little is known about its distribution within the fungus cultivar and its role in the ant-fungus symbiosis.
Key assumptions
These hypotheses were based on key assumptions. The first two hypotheses were based on the same set of key assumptions, which overall state that
the ants are dependent on the fungus to provide them with glycogen, which means that the fungus has a way of actively allocating glycogen towards the ants.
And that optimized glycogen allocation and an increase in glycogen in the staphylae is correlated with an increase in the fitness of the ants.
The third and last hypothesis, was based on the key assumption that there is a passive transport of glycogen and a one way depletion as the fungus ages.
So the three hypotheses formulated on the basis of the aformentioned assumptions are…
Excpet to see higher concentrations in the staphylae compared to mycelium in middle layer
Expects to see highest concentrations in the middle, followed by top and lastly bottom layer
Expects to see highest concentrations at the top, followed by middle and lastly bottom layer.
Due to a time limit, I will only give a quick review of the methods used during the experimental process. If you would like me to go through them in more detail, I would be happy to go back after the presentation.
Step 1-4
We started by isolating the colony three days before sampling. On the sampling day we collected to samples from each layer and collected approximately 0.2mg mycelium from each layer and 25 staphylae from the middle layer.
During tissue extraction, we took the samples through multiple steps to break up the tissue and thereby release the glycogen, separating the glycogen from debris and deactivating glycogen degrading enzymes. Lastly we were left with a supernatant that we made a 4-fold dilution of and performed the glycogen analysis on.
Before the actual analysis we also had to prepare the reagents, such as taking reagents out ahead of time to thaw and making the enzyme mixes and glycogen standard.
Glycogen analysis
The assay protocol included creating standard readings at the top row of the microplate with known glycogen concentrations.
The samples were added to four wells each, creating two replicates and two blanks.
Hydrolysis buffer was added to all the wells along with a master reaction mix, while hydrolysis enzyme mix was added to all the wells except the blanks.
For the visualization, we used the Ensight multimode plate reader and the kaleido data acquisition and analysis software t get our RFU values.
During the calculations, we found the corrected RFU values for the standard solution and created a calibration curve and a linear equation. We then plotted the corrected Rfus for our samples into the equation and got our glycogen concentrations. These were then divided by 25 and multiplied by 4 and 200. lastly, they were divided by the tissue mass.
Statistical analysis
During our statistical analysis we used Rstudios, and found the mean glycogen concentrations for each layer and tissue type. We visualized these using box plots. We performed a Shapiro-Wilks test on the data to see if there was a normal distribution. We then performed 4 mixed-effects models on our data with different dependent and independent variables.
ADH and VGH not supported
Our results showed that there were highest glycogen concentrations in the bottom layer, followed by the middle and lastly the top with the lowest concentrations.
We can see the mean concentrations here.
These results supported neither the ant distribution hypothesis or the vertical gradient hypothesis.
Looking at each genera, we can see that the atta colombica colonies actually have higher concentrations in the middle layer, followed by the bottom and then top. However, in this thesis we discussed the overall results.
We could also see that there was a larger variation in concentrations among the atta colomibca colonies compared to the acromyrmex echinatior colonies.
Mixed-effects on glycogen concentrations in layers
The mixed-effects model had …… as independent variables and glycogen concentration as dependent variable. The results of the model showed that Layer and Layer*Genera had an effect on the glycogen concentrations
and the following post-hoc showed that the significant differences were found between the layers of the Atta colombicacultivar. Specifically the top and bottom layer and the middle and top layer. There were no significant differences between the concentrations in the layers of Acromyrmex echinatior cultivar.
Larval allocation hypothesis not supported
The first hypothesis, the larval allocation hypothesis was not supported either as the results showed that the mean glycogen concentration was lower in the staphylae compared to the surrounding mycelium in the middle layer.