***Defenitions*** Flashcards
A single miner or group having a controlling stake of the computing power in a cryptocurrency network. This could enable them to issue transactions that could conflict with someone else’s, stop transactions going through, spend their currency multiple times over and prevent other miners from mining.
The presence that allows you to send/receive transactions as part of the bitcoin network. It also acts as the public key to your bitcoins.
Altcoin is the name given to the group of ‘alternative’ cryptocurrencies separate to bitcoin.
Anti-Money Laundering (AML) techniques. This ensures that all transactions on the network are being carried out by genuine traders and not those converting illegal funds.
An Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) is designed specifically to process the SHA- 256 hashing equation used to mine bitcoins.
Able to calculate the SHA-256 equation far quicker than a CPU or GPU.
A sort of bitcoin syndicate, the Bitcoin Investment Trust invests exclusively in this cryptocurrency,
and uses secure protocols to keep them safe on behalf of members. This is one way to invest in
bitcoin without purchasing the hardware required yourself.
Devised by Coin Desk and shows the average bitcoin prices across the leading global currency exchanges.
The bible of the bitcoin network, this whitepaper was written by the currency’s ‘founder’, Satoshi
Nakamoto, in 2008. It gives a comprehensive description of the bitcoin protocol, and is a good read
for newbies and experienced bitcoin traders alike.
A payment channel that processes transactions on behalf of merchants.
A bitcoin exchange platform.
BTC is the abbreviated version of bitcoin, similar to USD.
A project designed to create a bitcoin exchange in New York’s Union Square. Named after the Buttonwood Agreement (upon which the New York Stock Exchange was formed). It was founded by bitcoin aficionado Josh Rossi.
This is the software program which connects a machine – whether a desktop computer, laptop or mobile device – to the bitcoin network. It may also be the home to your bitcoin wallet.
The successful hashing of a transaction into the block. It can take up to ten minutes, although larger transactions may require more than one confirmation, as more blocks need to be hashed and added to the block chain. Once another block is added to the chain the transaction will be confirmed again.
Allows users to define their own attributes of the currency. The idea is that users could mark a bitcoin as a physical
asset, which could then be traded as a token for other property.
This is the Central Processing Unit of a computer, and one that has been used in the past to mine bitcoin – before it was usurped by ASIC and GPU set-ups. CPU’s are still sometimes used to mine altcoins with less taxing hashing calculations.
- The input of a bitcoin’s transaction. Once a bitcoin has been mined, the reward is recorded as a transaction using this input data.
- The name of a bitcoin wallet operator.
Formula = (Currency Amount) X (Period of time owned)
One that is deemed legal tender and based on mathematical formulas alone, rather than exchange rates.
This is the name given to the process of using maths to create the codes used to conceal information. This is the basis of the mathematical equation inherent in bitcoin mining.
Distributed Denial of Service is a cyber-attack used to drain the resources of a target. This is done by sending small amounts of network traffic to tie up the target’s bandwidth –
preventing it from providing its services to its clients. Bitcoin exchanges have been subject to sporadic DDoS attacks in the past.
Experienced when the price of something decreases over time. This happens when the supply outweighs demand, or where there is only a finite amount of currency around.