Deducting Income tax Flashcards
Is there an age limit for deducting INcome tax?
no age limit
Is there an employer contribution?
What are the forms available to help determine how income tax to deduct
1) for most employees a TD1 (personal tax credits return)
2) employees who are paid commission and who claim expenses may choose to fill out a TD1X (statement of commission income and expenses for payroll tax deductions)
What are the two types of TD1?
1) Federal
2) provincial or territorial
who must fill out at TD1?
anyone who receives salary, wages, commissions, employment insurance benefits, pensions, or other remuneration
What happens if more than basic amount is claimed on the TD1?
they must fill out the provincial TD1
When should an employee complete a new TD1?
within 7 days of any change that may result in a change to their personal tax credits for the year
What if the employee has more than one employer at the same time?
they can only claim it for one place
- check box more than one employer on page 2
- enter 0 on page 1 on line 13
- do not fill out any numbers from 2 - 12
What happens if an employee does not complete new forms
may be penalized $25 for each day the form is late
- minimum penalty is $100
- maximum penalty is $2,500
When do employees not need to fill out a new TD1?
if their personal tax credit amounts have not changed for the year
Do you need to have a completed TD1 on file for every employee?
yes, the government may ask to see it
What are claim codes?
the total amount of personal tax credits an employee claims on TD1 will determine which claim code to use
- see payroll dedutions tables (T4032)
- in some case you will use one claim code for federal and one for provincial
What is a form TD1X
statement of commission income and expenses for Payroll tax deductions
are there more than one TD1x forms (ie one for federal one for Provincial? )
no, there is only one form
on the TD1x, how do they estimate their income and expenses?
by using one of the following two figures
1) their previous year’s figures, if they were paid by commission in that year
2_) the current year’s estimated figures