DED in child development Flashcards
What are the auditory characteristics of language? (Davies and Johnsrude)
Sounds, gaps in sounds, spectral and temporal characteristics of sounds, regularities in language, stresses and boundaries.
When does language learning start?
During prenatal development.
How does prenatal learning of language effect future learning?
Neural facilitation of language heard in the womb.
At what age can infants no longer hear foreign language phonetic contrasts and why? (+citation)
1 year old, because prototypes of phonetic contrasts are formed and the infant focuses on patterns of sound found in their native language. (Kuhl, Kiritani et al., 1997)
What happens at 6 months in infants in relation to listening to language?(+citation)
They are tuned to their native language, and language growth improves at 13. 16 and 24 months.(Tsao, Liu & Kuhl, 2004)
What are the main features of infant directed speech? (+citation)
Higher pitch, slow tempo, shorter phrases, hyper-articulated, clear category exemplars e.g. vowels, simple syntax and semantics (kuhl, Andruski et al., 1997)
Which different sounds in English convey meaning?
Stress, intonation and rhythm; onset and rhyme; phonemes; word order and grammar.
What is statistical learning?
Patterns in speech that are heard repeatedly allow infants to use statistical patterns contained in the repeated speech to define where boundaries lay and basics of grammar.
Grieser and Kuhl (1988)
Infant directed speech has similar features universally.
What are the 12 stages of prelinguistic vocal development?
Reflexive vocalisations (0-2m); Cooing laughing (2-4m); Vocal play (4-6m) Canonical babbling (6m+); Varigated/jargon (10m+); Protowords (12m+); manipulate lang to fit with sounds in repertoire (18m); Begin playing with sounds- phonological awareness (2y+); Articulatory gesture development (1-7y); onset and rhyme- cat /k/ and /aet/ (3y); similar start sounds (4y); decode into phonemes (6y).
What are the stages of processing for spoken word in the dual route cascaded model?
Acoustic analysis -> EITHER phonological buffer -> speech OR Phonological lexicon semantic system PL PB - speech
How are the stages of processing of written word different for written word than speech in the dual route cascaded model?
Visual analysis, orthographic lexicon and grapheme buffer instead of acoustic analysis, PL and PB. Also ends with writing not speech.
What processes are involved with the change of speech to writing or writing to speech?
Phonological buffer -> phoneme-grapheme conversion -> grapheme buffer -> writing. OR grapheme buffer -> G-P conversion -> PB
What is phonological awareness?
The ability to perceive and manipulate the sounds of spoken words e.g. phonemes, rhymes and syllables.
Goswami & Bryant (1990)
Phonological awareness is consistently related to reading ability.
What are the stages in phonological processing?
- Phonological awareness 2. Converting written symbols to sound for recognition 3. converting written symbols to sound to hold them in working memory.
What are the components of reading?
Reading = decoding (print to speech) x comprehension (print to meaning).
What are graphemes?
Symbolise phonemes (sounds) in words e.g. North= N OR TH