deck_3562949 Flashcards
Check OS version
cat /etc/redhat-releaserpm -q centos-release or
vi tips - moving the cursor
V - selects entire lines
v - selects range of text
:set number | v - copy:set nonumber | p -paste0 - move cursor to start of line | x - cut+paste:0 - first line$ - move cursor to end of line:$ - last linew - next wordb - preceding word
toggle between the last two directories
cd -
Use dirs, pushd and popd
to manipulate directory stack
vi tips II
% Find matching () { or } d Delete
^l Redraw screen dd Delete line
^r Refresh screen c Change
z Current line at top y
ZZ Exit, saving changes t Up to forward Q Enter ex mode T Back up to End of insert | Go to column : Execute ex command w,W Forward one word :! Shell command b,B Back one word ^g Show filename/size e,E End of word ^f Forward one screen ^h Erase last character ^b Back one screen ^w Erase last word ^d Forward half screen ^? Interrupt ^u Backward half screen ~ Toggle character case G Go to line a Append after / Search forward for i,I Insert before ? Search backward for A Append at end of line n Repeat last search o Open line below N Reverse last search O Open line above ]]fGOTO Next section/function r Replace character [[ Previous section/function R Replace characters
vi Options:
autoindent Automatic line indentation
autowrite Write before quit
ignorecase Ignore case in searches
number Display line numbers
showmatch Show matches to ) and } as typed
q Quit set Enable option q! Quit, discard changes set no Disable option r Read in file set all Show all options sh Invoke shell vi Vi mode wq Write and quit w Write file w! Overwrite file /Emilee Tellez
verify syslog is installed
rpm -qa | grep syslog
verify rsyslog service is set to start
chkconfig rsyslog –listchkconfig rsyslog –level 2345 on
ls - no details
ls -a ls -A (no implicit “.” or “..”)ls -aF (classify ex. “/”)
ls group directories first
ls –group-directories-first
check running level
change running level
init 3 (0 - 6)
GRUB abbreviation
Grand Unified Bootloader
grubby –update-kernel=ALL –args=”…”
grubby –update-kernel=ALL –args=”video=hyperv_fb:1024x768”
check listening ports with netstat
netstat -ant (all TCP ports numeric list)