deck_2250368 Flashcards
Q1: What kind of intellectual property components grant the right to exclude others from selling an invention in the United States?
A1: Patents. A patent for an invention is the granting of a property to the inventor, issued by the Patent and Trademark Office. The right conferred by the patent grant is in the language of the statute and of the grant itself, the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention in the United States or importing the invention into the United States. Copyrights protect original works of expression, such as novels, fine and graphic arts, music, phone records, photography, software, video, cinema, and choreography by preventing people from copying or commercially exploiting them without the copyright owner’s permission. Trademarks protect brand names and distinctive words, phrases, logos, symbols, slogans, and any other devices used to identify and distinguish products or services in the marketplace. Trade secrets protect sensitive information required for your business..
Q2: Which of the following describes sensitive intellectual property critical for your business?
A2: Trade secrets. Trade secrets protect sensitive information required for your business..
Q3: When a competitor creates a similar-looking but not identical mark, what are they using to attack the trademark?
A3: Confusion. Beyond counterfeiting a mark, an attacker could create a similar-looking mark to achieve confusion. Confusion involves a similarity in the overall impression created by the two marks, including the marks’ looks, phonetics, and underlying meanings..
Q4: What type of intellectual property would be protected by a copyright?
A4: An original artistic or literary work. A trademark prevents someone from using a similar mark. A copyright protects an original artistic or literary work. A patent protects an invention..
Q5: What is fair use of copyrighted material?
A5: An exception to the rights of a copyright holder that permits limited, third-party use of the material. Fair use limits the right of a copyright owner for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching, and research. In general, nonprofit educational use is more acceptable. The amount of material copied is an issue. The economic effects should also be considered..
Q6: Most incident handlers move between two steps in their daily activity. Preparation is one step. What is the other step?
A6: Identification. The steady-state, day-to-day practices of most incident handlers are the first two steps: preparation and identification. Much time is spent getting ready to fight the next battle and looking for events that could be signs of trouble..
Q7: Of the following choices, which is an example of an event?
A7: Packet flooding within a network. Packet flooding within a network (could be bursty legitimate traffic) is an example of an event. Events are observable, measurable, occurrences in computer systems. An event is an occurrence that someone either directly experienced or that can be shown to have actually occurred. An event is something that is seen as a flash on the screen or is heard. It can also be something that is known to have occurred because it was collected in a log or audit file..
Q8: What are the steps of incident handling?
A8: Preparation, identification, containment, eradication, recovery, and lessons learned. The correct steps are preparation, identification, containment, eradication, recovery, and lessons learned..
Q9: In incident handling, what step must precede the containment phase?
A9: Identifying an incident’s existence. Once an incident has been defined, then you can move into the containment phase. Eradicate, recovery, and lessons learned occur after containment..
Q10: What defines a security incident?
A10: Harm done or threatened to a system. An incident refers to harm or the significant threat of harm..
Q11: Why is an incident-handling plan important?
A11: It will help you be prepared when an incident occurs.. All systems on the Internet will be subject to an incident at some point. It is important to have a plan in place for when this happens. Training your team on what to do is important, but it is not the reason for incident handling; instead, it is a form of preparation for incident handling..
Q12: Which of the following is the best choice for inclusion in a policy that governs the handler’s access to production systems during an incident?
A12: A process by which incident handlers can obtain necessary access during an incident. The incident-handling team must be able to access systems without the okay of system administrators. One idea is to keep passwords in a sealed envelope, although handlers should never use a privileged password unless they are qualified on that operating system. As encryption becomes ever more prevalent, an organization must set policy as to who owns secret keys and passphrases..
Q13: What should you consider before electing to use a video camera to record the incident- handling process?
A13: The tape may contain more information than you want to give away if the case goes to court.. Some organizations prefer to use video cameras. However, keep in mind that if your case does go to court, during the discovery process, you may have to turn the tape over to the opposing side. A tape may contain far more information about your operation than you want to give away..
Q14: Which of the following can be used to limit the presumption of privacy?
A14: Warning banners. Warning banners limit the presumption of policy..
Q15: Which of the following would be a reason to notify law enforcement of a security incident?
A15: Threat to public safety. When there is a threat to public safety, you must notify law enforcement..
Q16: When should you first contact local law enforcement regarding incident handling?
A16: Before an incident happens in order to develop contacts. It is important to develop a relationship with your local law enforcement representatives before an incident occurs. This will give you the right contacts so you do not waste time during an incident.\u00a0Having the relationship in place can only help when dealing with legal issues..
Q17: What can be used to reduce stress and the resulting errors on an incident handler during an incident?
A17: A checklist. Contact lists and secure communications are important and useful, but they focus on communications, which may or may not help reduce stress and lead to mistakes. Practice is extremely important, assuming you are correctly practicing the right thing. A checklist, however, provides direction and avoids many anticipated mistakes, which can reduce stress on the handler. Having a checklist to refer to on how to bring down a system or back up a system can help prevent errors and reduce the stress on the handler..
Q18: What is the primary role of management regarding incident handling?
A18: To approve procedures and policy before an incident occurs. The most important job that management has is to review the Incident Handling process during the Preparation phase and give their buy-in to the procedures. Management should also be given a status during the incident, but it is rare for a manager to be doing the hands-on work during an incident..
Q19: How would an incident handler define a war room?
A19: A secure room with copies of evidence from relevant incidents. A war room is a secured location where the incident handling team can display evidence for analysis..
Q20: Why might an organization decide against involving law enforcement after a computer security incident?
A20: Loss of control over how the incident is handled. Law enforcement may compel an organization to keep systems open and exposed to continued hacking. Law enforcement may have different goals in the case, and the organization could lose some control of how the incident is handled..
Q21: What part of an organization is an attacker most likely to target when attempting to socially engineer the organization?
A21: The help desk. If an attacker attempts to socially engineer an organization, one likely group is the help desk..
Q22: What must an incident handler do during the initial phases of an incident?
A22: Be calm and methodical about taking notes.. It is extremely important to remain calm and not rush yourself when handling an incident. Taking notes is very important and should not be put off until you have time, as your memory may not be 100% after working on the incident..
Q23: Which of the following organizations support interaction between law enforcement and commercial companies?
A23: HTCIA and Infragard. Contact local law enforcement before there is an incident. Get to know them through a local chapter of the HTCIA, ECTF, or Infragard, if such chapters exist in your area. Do a joint exercise with them and ask them questions in advance to try to determine what they are and are not interested in..
Q24: At what levels can events be detected during the identification phase?
A24: The network perimeter, the host perimeter, and the system level. Identification can occur at any of the following three levels: (1) the network perimeter, (2) the host perimeter, and (3) the host (or system) level..
Q25: Your incident-handling team has determined your organization has been hit by a virus that takes advantage of a specific version of a PDF reader. Your team is gathering a list of potentially affected users based on your software inventory. What stage of the incident-handling process is occurring?
A25: Identification. There are many questions that need to be asked during the initial assessment of an incident in order to determine whether it is an actual incident or an event and to assess the severity of the incident. One way to determine the severity is to ask yourself how widely the affected application or system is deployed in your environment. Deciding if an application should be ported to another operating system is important in the recovery and lessons-learned phases. Jump bag contents should be decided upon early in the preparation phase and realizing what you have learned is the last step, the lessons-learned phase..
Q26: What can be monitored using personal firewalls and host-based intrusion prevention systems, local firewalls, and port sentry tools?
A26: Host perimeter. The host perimeter border can be monitored using personal firewalls and host-based intrusion prevention systems, local firewalls, and port sentry tools..
Q27: Which port does the Tini Trojan horse command shell tool listen on, by default?
A27: TCP\/7777. Tini, a common Trojan horse backdoor remote command shell tool, listens on TCP port 7777 by default..
Q29: What would you use in conjunction with the tasklist command to determine which services have started?
A29: Net start. At the command line, to get a list of running services, you could execute the following command: C: \> net start..
Q30: In order to identify an incident, what devices on the network perimeter would you examine?
A30: Routers. The network perimeter is monitored by firewalls, routers that generate logs, external-facing intrusion detection systems, intrusion prevention systems, and other machines on the DMZ. These systems can provide earlier warnings about attacks as they monitor your borders with the Internet and other external networks..
Q31: In order to identify an incident, what devices at the host perimeter would you examine?
A31: Port sentry tools. The host perimeter is where you monitor activities across each host system’s interface, analyze what the machine is sending out to, and receive from the network. This border can be monitored using personal firewalls and host-based intrusion prevention systems, local firewalls, and port sentry tools..
Q32: In order to control the flow of information during an incident and\/or investigation, what process or policy must you follow?
A32: Need to know. The minimum people with the absolute need to know about an incident stops the rumor mill and stops the legal ramifications and\/or tipping of a potential insider perpetrator..
Q33: When dealing with an incident, which form of communication should be used to keep from tipping off the perpetrator?
A33: Out of band. Make sure to use out of band communications when dealing with an incident. If you use the same channels in which an incident occurred, you could tip off the perpetrator and\/or continue the incident by using compromised channels..
Q34: What is the goal of the identification phase of incident handling?
A34: Gather events, analyze them, and determine whether an incident exists.. The goal of the identification phase is to gather events, analyze them, and determine whether an incident exists..
Q35: How many individuals should be in charge of managing an incident?
A35: One. If one person is not in charge, no person is in charge. For an incident to be successfully managed, one person always needs to be in charge and accountable..
Q36: If an incident has two handlers, what is the preferred approach to note taking?
A36: Both people take notes, because two accounts of the incident are better than one.. During an incident, you should always take notes. Having an assistant take notes as well is important, but it does not relieve you of the responsibility..
Q37: Which tool can be used to make a complete bit-by-bit backup of a system’s hard drive?
A37: Dd. If possible, make a binary or bit-by-bit backup using dd..
Q38: To keep from losing valuable data, which of the following will a handler need to collect for incident handling or forensics?
A38: Both memory and file-system images. Grab an image of memory as well as the file system. The ideal image is the binary, bit-by-bit image; this gets everything on the disk, including deleted and fragmentary files..
Q39: When extended downtime is acceptable, what phase can you move into from containment?
A39: Eradication. After creating forensics images, you move onto the eradication phase when extended downtime is acceptable..
Q40: Who is the most appropriate sponsor for an incident-handling team?
A40: Senior legal counsel. Your incident-handling team should have a senior member of management as its sponsor. This manager can help to clear out obstacles when you are under fire. To do that, you should strive to find a sympathetic senior manager, such as a chief information security officer (CISO), Chief information officer (CIO), senior legal counsel, or another related position that makes most sense in your organizational structure..
Q41: Before dropping or pulling a system from the network, who do you need to inform and obtain approval from?
A41: Business unit. Containment (both short- and long-term) might stop the system from performing various business actions. Therefore, make sure you get approval before taking action that will impact business. Call the business unit teams before dropping a system..
Q42: What three areas does FIRST recommend using to characterize incidents?
A42: General category, criticality, and sensitivity. The FIRST organization distributes an incident case classification document that recommends characterizing incident based on three areas: (1) its general category, (2) the criticality of impacted systems and data, and (3) the sensitivity with which information about the case itself should be treated..
Q43: What is the goal of the containment phase of incident handling?
A43: Minimize the damage. The goal for containment is to stop the bleeding..
Q44: During the containment phase, why should an incident handler carefully avoid blaming any individual for an incident?
A44: Initial assumptions are often wrong and a handler needs cooperation at this phase of an investigation.. Often the facts change as more information becomes available during an incident. Early assumptions are often proved wrong. If you were to blame an individual and the facts later showed that the person was not at fault, your credibility would be lost, at least in that part of the organization..
Q45: What are the three subphases of containment?
A45: Short-term, system backup, and long-term. Containment includes three subphases: (1) short-term containment just to stop the damage, (2) system back-up, and (3) long-term containment to make sure the bad guy is denied access..
Q46: In what type of incident can coordination with an ISP be especially helpful for containment?
A46: Denial-of-service packet floods. ISPs are the only ones who can reliably stop a DoS attack before it hits your network since they are upstream..
Q47: Which activity is a sure sign of an inexperienced incident handler and should be avoided during the initial analysis portion of the containment phase?
A47: Sending an ICMP echo request to the source machine. Rookie incident handlers can be spotted a mile away with a network-logging system. They find an attack apparently coming from some IP address. So they ping the address, then they do an nslookup. Sometimes, they even Telnet to it..
Q48: Who on the incident handling team will actually write the incident report?
A48: On-site handler. The only one that can or will write the report is the on-site handler. The handler submits the draft to the head of the incident handling team..
Q49: How soon after resuming production should a lessons-learned meeting be conducted?
A49: Two weeks. The lessons-learned meeting should occur within two weeks of resuming production, while the events and report are still fresh in people’s minds..
Q50: What does an incident response team do during the lessons-learned phase?
A50: Develop a report based on the incident.. The lessons-learned phase requires the person handling the incident to document the findings and issue a report. Everyone involved in handling the incident should sign off on the report, agreeing to its contents..
Q51: What is the purpose of lessons learned?
A51: To learn from our mistakes and provide continuous process improvement.. The main purpose of lessons learned is to learn from our mistakes and to improve the process of incident handling and report creation..
Q52: What will you find when you examine the trust relationships of an affected system during an incident?
A52: Which additional systems may be affected by the incident. Trust model is a term used to refer to the set of permissions or trusts between systems. Which systems can the affected system access? Which systems can be used to access the affected system? Determining the trust model gives you an idea of the possible scope of the problem, as well as an idea of possible attack vectors..
Q53: You discover that some of your users have received an e-mail claiming to be from Microsoft telling them to install the Windows OS patch attached. How should you react?
A53: Find out how many users received the e-mail and spread the word that it is not to be installed.. It is important to not spread rumors or unnecessary information during an incident. If your users are all receiving e-mail such as this, they are all possible victims and they should all be warned. This is an example of when it is important to spread the word to avoid possible exploitation of users’ workstations. For the record, Microsoft does not send out patches via e-mail. You should also educate your users to never install software or patches they receive in e-mails, no matter who the sources claim to be..
Q54: For any business, which of the following is the most likely target of an espionage attack?
A54: Intellectual property. The physical differences between your organization and your competition are probably minimal. The trade secrets, marketing contacts, business plans and other intellectual property make all the difference. The odds are fairly high that these crown jewels are the target..
Q55: What threat can an active security awareness program address most effectively?
A55: Casual, nondestructive insider. Many casual threats come down to a lack of awareness on the employee’s part. You must make sure your awareness activities deal with each of these aspects of security..
Q56: What kind of threat is posed by an insider who sells company secrets to the competition?
A56: Intentional, nondestructive. A casual threat usually stems from the employee’s lack of understanding. The employee does not mean to cause any harm and if the employee realized his or her actions were causing harm, he or she would stop. Acts with a nondestructive intent are usually perpetrated by those that do not want to draw attention to the intrusion. They plan to gather data for a long period of time, may plant a backdoor for later use, and are careful to cover their tracks..
Q57: What type of insider threat disables antivirus and downloads untrusted programs?
A57: Casual, destructive. Casual, destructive insider threats include disabling antivirus programs and downloading untrusted programs..
Q58: Which of the following is a great way to thumbprint critical files?
A58: Invent an acronym that does not actually exist and plant it into the document.. A great way to thumbprint critical files is to invent an acronym that does not actually exist and plant it into the document..
Q59: Which of the following insider threats is potentially the least harmful to the organization?
A59: Casual, nondestructive. Casual, nondestructive insider threats are the least harmful to an organization and generally include forwarding emails and\/or leaving doors open..
Q60: What type of insider threat includes deleting data and website defacement?
A60: Intentional, destructive. Examples of intentional, destructive insider threats include logic bombs, website defacement, and deleting data..
Q61: Who is most likely to be prosecuted for espionage?
A61: Trusted insider. Almost every case of espionage prosecuted by the U.S. government involved a trusted insider..
Q62: Why is it important to hash your log files?
A62: To preserve their integrity. By hashing (file integrity) your log files, you are preserving their integrity to ensure that they have not been altered..
Q63: When handling an incident involving e-mail, which of the following is most important to determine?
A63: Whether the message came from inside or outside of the organization. In order to track down the sender of a message, and to determine the message’s route into an organization, it is important to determine if it was generated internally or externally..
Q64: Unknown to you, a new employee was actually hired by a competitor to obtain your proprietary information. Which type of threat is this?
A64: Intentional threat. The intentional, nondestructive insider threat is the hardest to detect. The goal of this type of threat is usually theft of trade secrets\/proprietary information. The intentional, destructive threat is performed by a disgruntled employee and is considered purposeful sabotage. The casual threat usually stems from an employee’s lack of understanding. The casual, nondestructive threat includes the “forgot to or did not realize I could not do that” threat. The casual, destructive threat includes not utilizing the latest virus detection file..
Q65: What action allows an attacker to grab all records associated with a DNS domain?
A65: Zone transfer. A zone transfer allows an attacker to connect with your DNS server and grab all records associated with a particular domain..
Q66: For what purpose is the following Google search designed? Wireless site:
A66: The purpose is to search for all instances of the term wireless on the website.. The search wireless site: will produce a search result for the term wireless limited to the site
Q67: What should you do when downloading software from a mirrored site?
A67: Hash and compare signatures.. Make sure you check the PGP signature as well as the MD5 and SHA-1 hashes from multiple mirrors when you download new or existing versions..
Q68: Which of the following sites can provide domain name registration lookup for over 200 countries?
A68: ARIN is the American Registry for Internet Numbers. RIPE NCC is the R\u00e9seaux IP Europ\u00e9ens Network Coordination Centre. APNIC is the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre. provides information for over 200 different countries..
Q69: What file would an organization need to alter in order to keep a page on their site from being searched by Google?
A69: Robots.txt. To get Google to remove you, you not only have to request page removal using their form, you also have to alter the website’s robots.txt file or alter the page’s meta tag to indicate that you really want it removed..
Q70: What tool would you use to find the IP address of, natively, on a Windows machine?
A70: Nslookup. The nslookup command will reveal the IP address associated with a designated domain name..
Q71: What tool can be used to interrogate DNS servers?
A71: Nslookup. Nslookup is a program that can be used to interrogate DNS servers..
Q72: What tool can no longer perform zone transfers?
A72: Linux nslookup. In the latest versions of Linux nslookup, the command has been stripped so that it cannot perform zone transfers, a useful technique for getting a lot of information about a target domain..
Q73: Which of the following choices is used for reconnaissance?
A73: Whois database. One of the best tools to use for reconnaissance is a whois database, many of which exist on the Internet..
Q74: How can you identify if someone has performed a whois reconnaissance on your organization?
A74: You cannot really tell whether someone has looked you up.. The problem with identification is that you cannot really tell whether someone has looked you up..
Q75: What taxonomy was established by MITRE to help standardize the descriptions of attacks?
A75: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures. CVE is the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures taxonomy established and maintained by MITRE. It is used to help identify particular attacks so we are using the same vernacular..
Q76: Which of the following Google directives allows you to search only within a given domain?
A76: Site. The site directive allows an attacker to search for pages on a single site or domain, narrowing down and focusing the search..
Q77: Which of the following Google directives provides the same information already provided by the link or related directives?
A77: Info. The info directive is not very useful. It returns a bunch of data, including results from link and related searches, as well as cached pages..
Q78: When reviewing your Web logs, you notice that someone has accessed all your Web pages in a short time period. Which of the following did the perpetrator use?
A78: Web spider. When a Web admin reviews Web logs an indication that someone has used a Web spider (also known as a Web crawler) to access every page on your site in a short period of time (say within 5 minutes) would show up easily..
Q79: After a perpetrator has completed reconnaissance on a site, what is likely to be the next step in their attack?
A79: Scanning. Once a perpetrator has performed the appropriate level of reconnaissance on a site, his or her next steps are to scan, exploit the system by gaining access, and cover his or her tracks..
Q80: What protocol and port are used by a normal DNS query when resolving the name for a website?
A80: UDP port 53. Normal DNS queries and responses use UDP port 53..
Q81: Which protocol and port are typically used for zone transfers?
A81: TCP port 53. Zone transfers use TCP port 53..
Q82: What is war driving?
A82: Driving around looking for wireless network access points with a laptop and suitable software. War driving is driving around with a computer and a wireless receiver while scanning for available wireless networking carriers. You can also scan while walking (war walking), biking (war biking), etc..
Q83: Which of the following tools can be used to perform highly distributed war-dialing attacks?
A83: THC-Scan Next Generation. THC-Scan Next Generation was written to allow for highly distributed war dialing attacks. An attacker can use a bot-net with 10, 100, 10,000 or more modems on victim machines to do the dialing now..
Q84: When conducting evening desk-to-desk checks for unauthorized modems, the security team should always follow which rule?
A84: Use the buddy system, where two or more people go into each office or cubicle.. When you do desk-to-desk checks, you should always employ the two-person rule (a.k.a. the buddy system). With an explicit two-person team checking for unwanted\/unregistered modems, you will not be subject to claims of unfairness or, worse yet, theft from people’s desks. If a single person checks for modems late at night and something turns up missing from someone’s desk, you may have significant problems..
Q85: What does a war dialer attempt to identify when it dials a phone number?
A85: Modems. War dialers are looking for modem carriers or a secondary dial tone. Once the modem is located, further steps are required in order to exploit..
Q86: Which of the following is an effective way of detecting entry points created by modems connected to computers within the corporate network?
A86: Perform periodic war-dialing scans against the company’s phone numbers.. An effective, nondisruptive way of protecting a network against entry points created by modems connected to computers within the corporate network is to perform periodic war-dialing scans against the company’s phone numbers. In this way, an administrator will see the network from the perspective of someone attempting to compromise the network and be able to detect any rogue modems that exist on the network..
Q87: Which tool can be used to crack WEP keys after the attacker sniffs about 50 to 100 megabytes of data?
A87: Aircrack-ng. With tools like Aircrack-ng, the attacker needs to sniff about 50 to 100 megabytes of data, which can often be done in 10 to 30 minutes. After grabbing this data, the tool cracks the WEP key, and the attacker can view all data on the LAN recorded earlier and sent later, as long as the WEP key remains constant..
Q88: Which WarVOX setting, when defined as the caller ID, can be used in order to bypass PIN authentication settings for some voice mail systems?
A88: SELF. WarVOX can be configured with SELF as the caller ID value, which will make it set the Caller ID value to the same number that it is dialing. This option can be used to bypass PIN authentication in some voice mail systems..
Q89: Which of the following THC-Scan features consists of sending a predefined string of characters to a discovered modem?
A89: Nudging. Nudging sends a predefined string of characters to a discovered modem.
Q90: Which of the following tools will record an MP3 file associated with each number dialed and answered?
A90: WarVOX. WarVOX will record an MP3 file associated with each number dialed and answered..
Q91: Which of the following choices is an effective method of obtaining valid phone numbers for war dialing?
A91: Social engineering. War dialers dial a sequence of telephone numbers in an attempt to locate modem carriers or a secondary dial tone. Social engineering is one of the methods for obtaining phone numbers for war dialing..
Q92: Which of the following dials a single number to conduct a brute-force attack against passwords?
A92: Demon dialers. Demon dialers dial a single number to conduct a brute-force attack against passwords..
Q93: What feature of an access point can be used to omit the SSID from its beacon?
A93: SSID cloaking. You can configure most access points to omit their SSIDs from their beacons, a feature known as SSID cloaking..
Q94: Why is MAC address filtering considered a flawed measure to ensure wireless security?
A94: Addresses can be spoofed.. While you could allow only traffic from registered MAC addresses, such security is deeply flawed. A MAC address can be easily spoofed (either by using the ifconfig command in Linux\/Unix or a free tool called Macshift.exe for Windows)..
Q95: What is the service set identifier (SSID) on a wireless LAN?
A95: The name of a wireless LAN. The SSID is merely the access point(s) identifier. It is not a password, encryption key, or log-in. It helps avoid giving it away to unauthorized users, but it can be discovered easily in any case..
Q96: What tool would you use to find unauthorized wireless access points on the network without alerting the owners?
A96: Kismet. Of the tools listed here, Kismet is the best for the job because it runs in passive mode. This means it does not stimulate the network to get a response. Instead, it patiently waits for messages sent across the network and can detect the presence of an access point, as long as traffic is being sent over the wireless LAN. Netstumbler can also be used to find access points, but it is not passive. ASLEAP does not look for access points; it is used to exploit the Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol(LEAP)..
Q97: Which of the following choices is a commonality between TCP and UDP headers?
A97: Both contain source and destination ports. The TCP header includes the source and destination ports, as well as other elements that a port scanner will manipulate as it generates packets, such as the TCP control bits. The UDP packet header is simple. It includes the source port and destination port. No sequence numbers are included..
Q98: Which of the following Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) flags is used to indicate that data has been received?
A98: ACK. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) has multiple flags that specify how data is handled. The SYN flag is used for synchronization. The ACK flag is used for acknowledgement. The FIN flag is used to end a connection gracefully. The RESET flag is used to tear down a connection. The URG flag is used to send urgent data, and finally, the PUSH flag is used to push data through the TCP stack..
Q99: You are analyzing the behavior of a backdoor Netcat listener you started on your local machine using the command: c: \>nc.exe -l -p 34567 -e cmd.exe. You have not yet connected to the listener. You next run the command “C: \> netstat -na | find “34567”” What output should you expect to see as a result?
A99: TCP 34567 0 LISTENING. You will be able to observe the listening port using the netstat command: c: \> netstat -na. More specifically, look for port 2222 using the netstat command: c: \> netstat -na | find “34567”. Since it is simply in a listening state, the addresses will be shown as The lines with nc.exe are generated with the -nab netstat option that additionally shows the process ID and the executable to which it belongs..
Q100: Which of the following fields do the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) headers have in common?
A100: Source port. A source port-the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) has no three-way handshake, sequence numbers, acknowledgment numbers, or control bits; therefore it is a stateless protocol. The UDP packet header is simple. It includes the source port and destination port. No sequence numbers are included..
Q101: Which of the following is a characteristic of the User Datagram Protocol (UDP)?
A101: It is sessionless. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is session-oriented, in that it applies sequence numbers to messages and tries to deliver them in an appropriate order and resends dropped messages. UDP (User Datagram Protocol) makes best-effort delivery, but messages may be dropped or delivered out of order. This makes UDP sessionless..
Q102: A legitimate TCP connection is established once the server receives a packet with which of the following?
A102: The ACK bit set. All legitimate Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connections (e.g. Telnet and FTP) are established through this three-way handshake. For the TCP three-way handshake, the client first sends a SYN flag. If the client receives the server’s SYN and ACK, it sends a final, lone ACK. Once the server receives and accepts the ACK, the connection has been established..
Q103: What feature of FTP is utilized in an Nmap FTP bounce scan?
A103: The ability to forward a file to another system. FTP proxy bounce attacks utilize an ancient feature of FTP servers. These servers allow a user to tell the server to send the file to another system. Using this capability, an attacker can bounce an Nmap port scan off of someone’s FTP server, to help obscure the source of the attack. Make sure that you disable the FTP bounce capability from your public FTP servers..
Q104: Which of the following is correct for UDP?
A104: It is a stateless protocol.. The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) does not have a three-way handshake or sequence numbers; therefore, it is a stateless protocol..
Q105: Which tool produced the following output? “ (tcp) 7855 -> 22 Observed for: 584B, 9 packets, spans 5 seconds Matches: SSH1 - client manually accepted key (hit: 1)”
A105: Fl0p. Fl0p focuses on passive layer 7 fingerprinting of attack patterns. It helps to identify manual interactions vs. automated attacks..
Q106: Which of the following commands may be used to disable the ‘Bonjour Service’ service on a Windows machine?
A106: sc config “Bonjour Service” start= disabled. The following command may be used to disable the ‘Bonjour Service’ on a Windows machine: sc config “Bonjour Service” start= disabled.
Q107: Which TCP control bit is used to cleanly end a TCP connection?
A107: FIN. The TCP FIN bit is used to cleanly end a TCP connection..
Q108: Which type of Nmap scan will not work through a properly configured stateful packet- filtering device?
A108: ACK. A stateful packet filter remembers the outgoing SYNs, so it will only allow the incoming packet if it is tied to an earlier outgoing packet. Therefore, an ACK scan will not work through a properly configured stateful packet-filtering device..
Q109: Nmap sweeps through each target address before it launches a port scan.\u00a0 When running without root privileges on a Linux machine, what type of TCP packet will it send to port 80?
A109: SYN. When Nmap is running without root privileges (UID 0), Nmap sends a SYN to port 80 instead of an ACK..
Q110: What four packets does Nmap send by default to identify which addresses are in use?
A110: ICMP echo request, TCP SYN to port 443, TCP ACK to port 80, and an ICMP timestamp request.. By default, to identify which addresses are in use, Nmap sends the following four packets to each address in the target range: (1) ICMP echo request, (2) TCP SYN to port 443, (3) TCP ACK to port 80, and (4) an ICMP timestamp request..
Q111: What is the identification field in the IP header used for?
A111: Packet fragmentation. The IP identification field in the IP header is used for packet fragmentation..
Q112: What type of connection does FTP use to send commands?
A112: Control connection. The FTP control connection, from client to server, is used to send commands..
Q113: Which of the following is an ideal use for UDP?
A113: Voice or video transmissions. UDP is useful for applications that value speed over reliable delivery, such as voice or video transmissions..
Q114: When using Nmap, what is the purpose of running an ARP scan?
A114: Identify which hosts are on the same LAN.. ARP scans identify which hosts are on the same LAN as the machine running..
Q115: Which Snort preprocessor uses multiple virtual defragmentation buffers for reassembling packets?
A115: Frag3. Different operating systems reassemble packets differently. The IDS does not necessarily know which method the end system will use, so it could get confused. For example, Snort reassembles packets in the same way as Linux, using the earlier Frag2 fragmentation preprocessor. In November 2004, the Frag3 preprocessor was released, which included multiple virtual defragmentation buffers, making Snort better at handling fragmentation attacks..
Q116: Which of the following attacks creates fragments so small that no one fragment contains enough information to match an IDS signature?
A116: Tiny fragment attack. Tiny fragment attacks attempt to bypass an IDS sensor by breaking up the packet into multiple fragments, the first being so tiny that it will not match any signatures on the IDS. This attack is detected by most IDS sensors today. The fragment overlap attack is another common fragmentation attack, which is not caught as often..
Q117: What type of firewall replaces the headers in packets from the client and then makes a separate connection to the receiver?
A117: Proxy. Proxy firewalls make a separate connection to the receiver and the packet header information is annihilated..
Q118: What should an intrusion detection system look at from a fragmented packet?
A118: All of the fragments. An intrusion detection system should reassemble the packet to determine if an attack is underway. To do this, they must have adequate resources to maintain the state of all sessions that may be fragmented..
Q119: When packets are fragmented on a network, where are they normally reassembled?
A119: At the destination host. When IP packets are fragmented on a network, they are typically reassembled when they reach the destination host. The other devices listed typically allow the data to pass through fragmented..
Q120: What tool is used to determine which ports are open on a packet-filtering device like a firewall or router?
A120: Firewalk. Firewalk is used to send packets through a packet filter device to determine which ports are open..
Q121: What does the IP use in order to know how to reassemble packet fragments?
A121: Fragmentation offset. The fragmentation offset tells the IP where in the packet the fragment belongs. The offset indicates how far into the packet the fragment should be placed..
Q122: When using Fragrouter, which of the following switches sends data in ordered, 8-byte IP fragments, with one fragment sent out of order?
A122: -F3. Fragrouter uses the -F3 switch to send data in ordered, 8-byte IP fragments, with one fragment sent out of order. The other switches are actual switches used by Fragrouter, but they utilize different techniques for fragmenting IP packets..
Q123: What does Firewalk do in its network discovery phase?
A123: It determines the number of hops between the attacker and the filtering device. During the network discovery phase, Firewalk sends packets with incrementing TTLs to determine how many network hops exist between the tool and the firewall. When a packet reaches its maximum TTL (which is decremented by each hop), the final gateway sends back a time-to-live exceeded message. This is essentially the same function as traceroute, which is used to determine the hop count..
Q124: Which of the following choices should you use to edit \/etc\/inetd.conf or \/etc\/xinetd.d to stop or delete services?
A124: Chkconfig. Redhat based versions of Linus leverage chkconfig to edit \/etc\/inetd.conf or \/etc\/xinetd.d, as well as your rc.d files..
Q125: What Whisker\/Nikto Intrusion Detection System evasion technique is shown below? “ GET \/%63%67%69%2d%62%69%6e\/broken.cgi HTTP\/1.0”
A125: URL encoding. URL encoding converts the HTTP request into a different representation by changing ASCII characters into their hexadecimal or other values and prepending them with a % character..
Q126: What kind of password attack does the Enum tool perform?
A126: Dictionary. Enum performs rudimentary dictionary password attacks using a supplied password list..
Q127: CGI programs usually run with which privileges?
A127: The privileges of the Web server that initiated the program. CGI\/ASP\/JSP programs usually have the privileges of the Web server that called them..
Q128: What tool can an attacker use to guess user IDs and passwords in a Web application that supports basic authentication?
A128: Nikto. For websites that require basic authentication, Nikto offers guessing from a standard list of users and passwords as well as complete brute-force password guessing..
Q129: What is the main drawback of a vulnerability scanner?
A129: It only detects vulnerabilities it knows about.. A vulnerability scanner, like antivirus software, can only detect those vulnerabilities that it knows about. This can sometimes give a false sense of security, due to the misconception that the scanner will provide 100% protection..
Q130: Which type of password attack does Nikto use against websites?
A130: Dictionary. An attacker can use Nikto to launch a password-guessing attack. Password guesses are based on a dictionary\/wordlist file. A hybrid attack is a mixture of a dictionary and brute-force attack. A brute-force attack tries to guess your password by trying every single combination of characters until your password is found..
Q131: Which of the following tools can you use to apply a source route to data and send it across the network?
A131: Netcat. Netcat can be used to set the route a packet will take at the source, and store that information along with the packet..
Q132: In order to spoof a UDP packet, which of the following steps is required?
A132: Generate traffic with spoofed source IP address.. Spoofing datagram protocols is trivial because there is no concept of a session. An attacker can simply generate spoofed UDP or ICMP packets and send them into most networks, where they will be accepted by destination hosts that are waiting for the given UDP or ICMP packets. Of course, the attacker likely will not see the response to those packets, which will be routed to the address that the attacker spoofed..
Q133: To attack a Unix machine through its configured trust relationships, it will be necessary to predict future TCP sequence numbers. How can the sequence numbers be calculated?
A133: Have normal interactions with the victim while keeping a close record of how sequence numbers change with time. Recording sequence numbers of same sized packets from previous connections’ TCP sequence numbers can be predicted by maintaining normal communications with the targeted host and watching how the sequence numbers are generated. That will make it easier to predict the upcoming sequence number..
Q134: What can be used to drop packets that come in on one interface but have the source address of a network connected to a different interface?
A134: Router\/Firewall anti-spoof filter. An anti-spoof filter drops (and should log) all packets coming on one interface with source IP addresses found on the other interface. For containment on incoming spoofed packets, you can apply temporary filters explicitly blocking the incoming packets, if someone is spoofing your addresses on the Internet, or you can rely on your anti-spoof filters to catch the data..
Q135: What is the third stage of the TCP three-way handshake?
A135: ACK. The TCP three-way handshake consists of three steps: 1) SYN, 2) ACK-SYN, and 3) ACK..
Q136: If a new entry is found in the Unix \/etc\/hosts.equiv file, what does this mean?
A136: Another remote host is considered trusted.. A new entry in the Unix \/etc\/hosts.equiv file means that another remote host is considered trusted. The hosts.equiv file will list the hosts that are trusted by the local machine..
Q137: Which of the following defines a monkey-in-the middle attack?
A137: The attacker is inserted between the source and destination of a connection.. Monkey-in-the middle according to the dsniff README, refers to an attacker inserting himself between the source and destination of the packets to gather information..
Q138: Which of the following is a valid MAC address?
A138: 00.80.AD.45.CD.47. A MAC address is a 48-bit globally unique address that is hard coded into the network card. A MAC address looks something like 00.80.AD.45.CD.47 and is used to tell one network card from another..
Q139: How long is a MAC address?
A139: 48 bits. A MAC address is 48 bits long and identifies each network card on the Internet..
Q140: A sniffer requires an Ethernet interface to be in what mode in order to collect all packets off the network?
A140: Promiscuous. When an Ethernet interface is gathering all traffic, it is said to be in promiscuous mode..
Q141: Which of the following is an active sniffer that sends packets out on the network in order to redirect traffic to itself?
A141: Dsniff. “Dsniff” is an active network sniffer and will inject packets onto the network to redirect traffic back to the sniffer. An active sniffer, such as Dsniff, injects packets into the network to redirect traffic to it. Dsniff offers a variety of techniques for redirecting traffic..
Q142: What is the purpose of activating IP forwarding when conducting an ARP cache-poisoning attack?
A142: IP forwarding routes the packets intercepted by the attacker’s machine to the desired destination.. An attacker can use dsniff’s arpspoof component to inject spurious ARP responses into a LAN. This will redirect all traffic from its intended destination and forward it to the attacker running a sniffer. Then, if IP forwarding is activated, the packet will route through the attacker’s machine and get forwarded to the true destination..
Q143: Which Dsniff tool can an attacker use to drop live connections forcing the victim to setup a new connection, whereby authentication credentials can be obtained by the attacker?
A143: Tcpkill. Tcpkill just injects resets into the conversation. It is not elegant, but it is highly useful. Using this tool, an attacker can drop live connections in a denial-of-service attack. More, interestingly, an attacker can drop a connection, forcing the victims into setting up a connection again. When they set up a new connection, they will likely reauthenticate, giving the attacker a chance to grab authentication information..
Q144: Which of the following tools can you use to monitor HTTP looking for JPEG images?
A144: Driftnet. Driftnet monitors HTTP looking for JPEG images, which it sniffs and reconstitutes on the screen. A commercial tool, Niksun, can reconstitute an entire browsing session (as well as numerous other application-layer interactions) from captured traffic..
Q145: What can allow you to redirect information to a different system on the LAN?
A145: ARP cache poisoning. ARP cache poisoning or spoofing is a technique where an attacker sends fake Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) messages onto a Local Area Network. Generally, the aim is to associate the attacker’s MAC address with the IP address of another host (such as the default gateway), causing any traffic meant for that IP address to be sent to the attacker instead..
Q146: Which Dsniff component manipulates the MAC to physical plug mapping?
A146: Macof. Macof manipulates the MAC to physical plug mapping. It floods the switch with traffic containing many bogus MAC addresses..
Q147: What is one disadvantage of using a sniffer on a switched LAN?
A147: You can only capture traffic from the system in which you are sniffing.. One advantage to a non-switched network from a sniffing perspective is that all traffic is forwarded to all ports making all traffic visible to the sniffer. In a switched LAN, you can only capture traffic from the system in which the sniffer is running..
Q148: What layer of the OSI model do the MAC addresses belong to?
A148: Data link. The MAC address maps to the data link layer (layer 2) in the OSI Model..
Q149: What defensive measure would protect a network from an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) spoofing attack?
A149: Activating port-level security on the switch.. Activating port-level security on a network’s switch will help protect it against an ARP-spoofing attack generated by Dsniff..
Q150: What is also known as the MAC address?
A150: Hardware address. Hardware addresses are known as a MAC addresses; each Ethernet card is programmed with a unique MAC address value..
Q151: When an attacker hijacks your https traffic, what would your Web browser warning messages indicate?
A151: The digital certificate was not signed by a trusted authority, and the name does not match.. The Internet Explorer warning message states: “The security certificate was issued by a company you have not chosen to trust” and “The name of the security certificate does not match the name of the site.”.
Q152: What command can be used to display the ARP cache on Unix machines and Windows systems?
A152: ARP on both Unix and Windows. Messed-up ARP entries could be a sign of sniffing on a switched network. To check from your local machine on Win32, type: c: \arp -a. To check from Unix, type: $ arp -a or $ arp -e depending on the Unix flavor..
Q153: What does a switch use to map MAC addresses to physical ports?
A153: CAM table. A MAC table, filter table, or Content addressable memory (CAM) table refers to a dynamic table in a network switch that maps MAC addresses to ports..
Q154: A user’s SSH session disappears. The user logs in again. What may have just occurred?
A154: The user’s session may have just been stolen.. The victim usually notices that his\/her session disappears. The user will likely just try to log in again, not knowing that his or her session was not dropped; it was just stolen. Session hijacking focuses on session-oriented applications such as Telnet, FTP, rlogin, or SSH. It does not work for protocols and services that have no session, such as DNS..
Q155: What might be used to identify session hijacking?
A155: Error messages from SSH clients.. Error messages from SSH clients can be used as a potential Indicator of Compromise (IOC) for session hijacking attacks against SSH clients..
Q156: What command can find strange DNS cache entries on Windows machines?
A156: Ipconfig \/displaydns. The ‘ipconfig \/displaydns’ displays DNS content and command can be used to look for strange DNS cache entries on your Windows machines..
Q157: Session hijacking focuses on which of the following session-oriented applications?
A157: SSH. Session hijacking focuses on session-oriented applications like telnet, ftp, rlogin, or ssh. It doesn’t work for
Q158: Which of the following tools allows an attacker to look at session data, but not take the session over?
A158: Sniffit. The ettercap tool is well organized, and quite reminiscent of Sniffit. However, Sniffit allows an attacker to only look at data whereas ettercap gives an attacker the option to take over a session..
Q159: Which tool can be used to monitor for unusual Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) traffic on a local area network (LAN)?
A159: ARPWatch. To check for ARP attacks across the network, use ARPWatch..
Q160: When hijacking a session, which of the following is used with spoofing to take over a session?
A160: Sequence numbers. The TCP sequence numbers of the sessions are discovered by gathering data through sniffing on the network. These sequence numbers can be used together with spoofing to take over a session..
Q161: When an attacker on a third host takes over a session between two peers by injecting traffic and the sequence numbers get out of sync, what will happen?
A161: An ACK storm will begin.. If an attacker takes over a session using a new set of sequence numbers, an ACK storm will begin while the two hosts squabble over what the correct sequence numbers should be..
Q162: How does ARP cache poisoning stop an ACK storm?
A162: The attacker becomes a relay between both sides of a connection and allows only some traffic to pass.. The real Alice and Bob will not gather the data because it is destined for media access control (MAC) addresses other than their own. Eve, therefore, becomes a relay between Alice and Bob, allowing some traffic to pass and others to drop. Eve can alter the TCP sequence numbers inside the data that is being bridged, thereby avoiding ACK storms while injecting additional traffic..
Q163: Which function should always be avoided since it has no bounds checking?
A163: Gets. Bounds checking is any method of detecting whether a variable is within some bounds before it is used. Since the gets function has no bounds checking, it should always be avoided..
Q164: Which service takes a domain name (such as and translates it into an Internet Protocol (IP) address?
A164: DNS. The Domain Name System (DNS) is the process that translates (also called mapping) names to numbers so computers can understand them. Once that translation is done, another translation must be done to take the Internet Protocol (IP) address and turn it into the media access control (MAC) address..
Q165: Which of the following can be used for the containment of DNS cache-poisoning attacks?
A165: Flushing the DNS server’s cache. After identifying the problem, you need to quickly get rid of the bad DNS entries. You can do this by rebooting the DNS server or using a process to flush the server’s cache..
Q166: Which of the following systems is the first to receive a user’s request for a domain name?
A166: Local name server. The local name server receives the query and if it has the information cached from a previous lookup, it will send a response..
Q167: Which tool from Microsoft works with a debugger to determine whether software crashes might be exploitable?
A167: !exploitable. Microsoft released a tool in 2009 called “!exploitable” (pronounced bang “exploitable”) that works with a debugger to analyze software crashes to determine whether they may be exploitable to run the code of an attacker’s choosing on a target machine..
Q168: What does an application do with excessive input that causes a buffer overflow?
A168: It lets the data overflow into the neighboring memory space and eventually into the pointer space.. When programs do not check and limit the amount of data copied into a variable’s assigned space, that variable’s space can be overflowed. When that buffer is overflowed, the data placed in the buffer will go into the neighboring variable’s space and eventually into the pointer’s space..
Q169: Why does a predictable query ID make DNS cache poisoning possible?
A169: An attacker can send a spoofed DNS reply using the proper query ID without having seen the DNS query.. When DNS servers use a predictable sequence of query IDs when resolving recursive queries, an attacker may be able to determine the current sequence number and identify future sequence numbers. Knowledge of future sequence numbers helps an attacker flood a DNS server with spoofed responses to recursive queries..
Q170: Which of the following is accurate regarding the stack?
A170: You push things onto the top of the stack and you pop things from the top of the stack.. A stack is a particular kind of abstract data type or collection in which the principal (or only) operations on the collection are the addition of an entity to the collection, known as push and removal of an entity, known as pop. You push things on the top of the stack and you pop things from the top of the stack..
Q171: In an exploit code for a buffer overflow, what does the package that is often referred to as the egg contain?
A171: NOP sled, attacker machine code, and return pointer. The NOPs could be implemented using the standard instruction for the processor, which may be detected if it moves across the network. The package that contains the NOP sled, attacker machine code, and return pointer is called an egg..
Q172: Which Metasploit tool allows the attacker to access the victim purely by manipulating memory on Windows machines?
A172: Meterpreter. The Meterpreter does not touch the hard drive, but it gives access purely by manipulating the memory..
Q173: What potentially must an attacker do in order to avoid filtering?
A173: Encode the exploit.. To avoid null characters and any thing else the program may filter, this step may involve some creative assembly language programming and\/or some encoding of the instructions so that they do not get filtered! Attackers may need to encode the exploit to avoid filtering..
Q174: Which Metasploit payload shovels a shell back to the attacker on a TCP port?
A174: Reverse shell. the reverse shell payload shovels a shell back to the attacker on a TCP port. The attacker will likely have a Netcat listener waiting to receive the shell..
Q175: What is a DNS query ID sometimes referred to as?
A175: Transaction ID number. A DNS query ID, also known as a transaction ID, is a 16-field identifying a specific DNS transaction. The transaction ID is created by the message originator and is copied by the responder into its response message. Using the transaction ID, the DNS client can match responses to its requests..
Q176: For running programs, what register does the CPU use to locate what to execute next?
A176: Instruction pointer. When running a program, the central processing unit fetches instructions from memory, one by one, and in sequence. The CPU contains a register called the instruction pointer, which tells it where to grab the next instruction for the running program. The processor grabs one program instruction from memory by using the instruction pointer to refer to a location in memory where the instruction is located..
Q177: Which of the following is included in every DNS query?
A177: Query ID. Each DNS query has a query ID which is often predictable, based on earlier query IDs..
Q178: Which of the following describes a split-split DNS?
A178: It has three DNS servers-one that is internal only; one that is external only; and one that is for externally accessible internal\/DMZ hosts.. Split-split DNS involved three DNS servers-one that is internal only; one that is external only; and one that is for externally accessible internal\/DMZ hosts. The local name server and anything it is dependent on will only be able to resolve names for local systems, and will not respond to queries from outside machines. Outside machines must resolve names of local systems using an entirely different name server..
Q179: What function call is frequently misused by developers, making their code vulnerable to a buffer overflow?
A179: Strcpy. Look for functions like strcpy, strncpy, strcat, sprintf, Scanf, fgets, gets, getws, memcpy, and memmove. These functions are known for not checking their own buffers. If you use them in your code, they could easily lead to buffer overflows..
Q180: In which type of DNS deployment do insider machines query an internal name server for internal host names and outsiders query an external name server for external host names?
A180: Split DNS. With a proper “split DNS” deployment, insider machines query an internal name server for internal names and outsiders query outside DNS for external domain names..
Q181: When considering a buffer overflow defense for Solaris, Windows, Linux, and HP-UX, which of the following can be used in the containment phase?
A181: Deploy non-executable system stacks.. Identifying buffer overflow attacks can be tricky. First, look for unusual server crashes. Also, you can use various non-executable system-stack features in Solaris, Windows, Linux, and HP-UX to alert you when someone tries to execute code out of the stack..
Q182: Which of the following items is used as part of a buffer overflow exploit to improve the odds that the attacker’s code will run successfully?
A182: Using a NOP sled. To improve the odds that the return pointer will be okay, attackers include NOPs in advance of the executable code. Then, if the pointer goes to the NOPs, nothing will happen. Execution will continue down the stack until it gets to your exploit..
Q183: Which of the following C syntax statements correctly uses the printf function and avoids the risk of format-string attacks?
A183: printf (“%s”, buffer);. The correct usage of the printf statement to copy a string to a buffer is “printf (“%s”, buffer);”. The incorrect usage of the printf statement that will still compile but results in a format string attack vulnerability is “printf (buffer);”. The syntax of “printf (%s, buffer);” and “printf (“s”, buffer);” is incorrect as the string needs to be enclosed within double quotes, and the conversion of the string requires the string conversion identifier character “%”..
Q184: If a format-string exploit includes a 32-bit address followed by %.29d, what value will be stored in memory?
A184: 33. If you use a format string directive like %.255d, the snprintf call will think it printed 255 characters, plus our address, for a total of 259 characters. In this way, you can load the number 259 into a memory location of our choice. This could be done to obtain any other number. Therefore, a %.29d will print 29 plus 4, or the number 33..
Q185: In various network logs, an incident handler notices a large sequence of the 0x90 hexadecimal numbers. What does this sequence of numbers most likely represent?
A185: An NOP sled for the Intel processor. Note that 0x90 is the x86 NOP instruction. Also known as a NOP slide or NOP ramp, a NOP sled is a sequence of NOP (no-operation) instructions meant to “slide” the CPU’s instruction execution flow to its final, desired, destination whenever the program branches to a memory address anywhere on the sled..
Q186: How are format strings exploited?
A186: By manipulating input to a vulnerable function call. Format strings can be exploited through the misuse of function calls..
Q187: What is the fundamental condition that creates format-string vulnerabilities?
A187: A programmer’s failure to specify a format-string argument for a printf, snprintf, or sprintf instruction. By failing to include a format-string argument in a printf, snprintf or sprintf function, the function will assume, incorrectly, that the input data is actually the format-string argument. So the attack vector or vulnerability is created when the function accepts processing instructions via user-supplied input..
Q188: On a 32-bit architecture machine, an address is represented with eight hex numbers, or four ASCII digits. By providing user input of the form “\xnn\xnn\xnn\xnn%d%n” to an snprintf call with no format string, an attacker can overwrite memory with a value greater than or equal to which of the following?
A188: 5. You can write five or greater anywhere in the memory on a 32-bit machine. The four comes from the 32-bit architecture. You add one because of the %d printing one character. If the machine is a 64-bit architecture, you could write any number greater than eight, (eight comes from the 64 bits for addresses, divided by eight for each ASCII character written by the printf family). Again you add one because of the %d printing one character. So, you can write nine or greater anywhere in the memory on a 64-bit machine..
Q189: When snprintf starts to scan the user_input string for format information, it finds numerous strange characters, \xc0\xfa\xff\xbf. How many characters will this represent?
A189: 4. Snprintf starts to scan the user_input string for format information. It finds some information that was provided by the attacker. It finds numerous strange characters, \xc0\xfa\xff\xbf, and writes the four ASCII characters into the buffer. These are treated as four ASCII characters because snprintf interprets the \ character as an escape, and the x as an indication of a hexadecimal number..
Q190: Consider the following user input “\xc0\xfa\xff\xbff%.###d%n” If an attacker wanted to overwrite memory with the number 128, what value should be used in place of the ###?
A190: 124. The attacker can enter the directive %.[number]d into the variable that will be interpreted as the format string. This will cause the snprintf function to think that [number] of characters are written. Therefore, by using a format string directive like %.124d, the snprintf call will think it printed 124 characters, plus the address, for a total of 128 characters. In this way, the number 128 can be loaded into a memory location of your choosing. This could be done to obtain any other number..
Q191: Using a format string attack, what is the minimum value that can be written in memory?
A191: 5. With a format string attack, any value of five or greater can be written anywhere in the memory. If a format string directive like %.1d is used, the snprintf call will think it printed one character, plus the address, for a total of five characters, (no null characters in addresses)..
Q192: You are examining a programmer’s C code, looking for format string vulnerabilities. Which of the following characters are you hoping to find in a printf statement, indicating that the programmer took care to avoid a format string vulnerability?
A192: The “x” characters. The printf function is supposed to include a format string as its argument. This format string specifies the way that printf is supposed to display the characters it is printing and is usually included in quotes as the first argument in the function call..
Q193: A C programmer has omitted the format string field from an snprintf call as seen in “snprintf (buffer, sizeof buffer, user_input);”. A user of the program provides input of %x %x %x to the program. If the user_input variable is later printed, what might the user see?
A193: Three hexadecimal values from the stack. The attacker types in %x %x %x, which gets loaded into the user input. When the program gets to the snprintf function call, these %x format string parameter’s are sent to snprintf, which interprets the user_input buffer as the format string. This format string says to print three hexadecimal numbers into the variable buffer. The program will dutifully fetch the next three values on the stack and load them into the variable buffer. If the variable buffer is later printed to the screen, the attacker will be able to see the contents of these next three values on the stack..
Q194: What program does the rpc.statd attack compromise?
A194: Syslog. An rpc.statd attack passes user-supplied data from the network to the syslog daemon, syslog without a format string. The portmapper, mountd (NFS mount daemon) and named (the DNS name daemon) are not vulnerable to the rpc.statd attack..
Q195: What does the following printf function achieve? “printf(“Good day world!%n”,&storage9);”
A195: It loads the number 15 into storage9.. If a format string ever includes the directive %n, the printf function will store the number of characters it would have printed so far in its operation. For example, if it has printed 15 characters so far (Good day world!), it will store the number 15 in the storage9 variable..
Q196: Which input string characters can cause the printf, snprintf and sprintf functions to stop processing?
A196: 0x00. The null character, 0x00, cannot be used as an input string to the functions printf, snprintf and sprintf functions or processing will stop. This, in effect, allows the attacker to write any value of five or greater anywhere in memory for a 32-bit architecture, or nine or greater for a 64-bit architecture..
Q197: Which of the following is impossible for an attacker to do by altering the value stored at a memory address?
A197: Edit the source code to the executable.. By altering the value stored at a memory address, an attacker can overwrite return pointers and redirect execution flow of a program, change parameters in a program, or manipulate an application-level userID. The attacker cannot, however, edit the source code to the executable..
Q198: In which mode does John the Ripper perform a brute-force password cracking attack?
A198: Incremental mode. Incremental mode in John the Ripper uses brute-force guessing. Wordlist mode leverages a wordlist (a text file containing one word per line) and some password files. Single crack mode will use the login names, “GECOS” \/ “Full Name” fields, and users’ home directory names as candidate passwords, also with a large set of mangling rules applied. External mode leverages program code of some functions that John will use to generate the candidate passwords it tries..
Q199: What does the SYSKEY utility do?
A199: It encrypts passwords in the SAM.. SYSKEY allows 128-bit encryption of passwords in the SAM and should be installed on all domain controllers..
Q200: Which of the following tools can be used to dump password hashes from a remote Windows system?
A200: Abel. Cain is highly interactive, with a fancy GUI offering all kinds of interesting attack functionality. Abel runs in the background, and can be remotely accessed to dump data from its host system..
Q201: If LanMan hashes are enabled on a Windows machine, how long is the effective password length?
A201: Two 7-character passwords. If LanMan hashing is enabled, the password hash is stored in two 7-character length “chunks”, thereby reducing the strength of your password to seven characters. Passwords are padded with fixed padding to make them exactly 14 characters long..
Q202: At what minimum level should the registry key that controls LanMan Compatibility be set on Windows NT and 2000 clients so that they use only NTLMv2 authentication?
A202: Level 3. At Level 3 Lan Manager Compatibility, clients use only NTLMv2 authentication, and they use NTLMv2 session security if the server supports it..
Q203: What is the main reason that dictionary attacks are efficient?
A203: Most people use common words.. Since most people use common dictionary words as passwords, by putting together a dictionary of words, you can easily guess someone’s password..
Q204: Why can cracking passwords when migrating users from one computer to another be a bad idea?
A204: It can damage non-repudiation.. It is not a good idea to crack passwords to migrate users as it can seriously damage non-repudiation. If the security team at one point in time has everyone’s password, a defendant can claim that he\/she is being framed..
Q205: Which of the following functions does Cain include?
A205: ARP cache poisoning for traffic redirection. Cain includes a lot of functionality, including an ARP cache poisoning tool for traffic redirection..
Q206: Which of the following password-cracking methods normally takes the least amount of time with the fewest number of passwords?
A206: Dictionary attack. The fastest method for cracking passwords is a dictionary attack. This is done by testing all the words in a dictionary or word file, against the password hashes. There are fewer possibilities with this method than with a brute-force or hybrid attack. Since most people use common dictionary words as passwords, by putting together a dictionary of words, you can easily guess someone’s password. Why bother going through every possible combination of letters if you can guess 70% of the passwords on a system by just using a dictionary of 10,000 words? On most systems a dictionary attack can be completed in a short period of time (i.e., in minutes) compared to a brute-force attack (which might take years)..
Q207: Which of the following characters, when used in a Windows password, will prevent the system from generating an LM hash?
A207: Alt. If a user adds characters to his\/her password using Alt characters (those characters you can create by holding down the Alt key), the amount of time to crack them increases significantly, now ranging from many months to years. According to Microsoft, if the password contains certain Alt characters, the system will also not be able to generate an LM hash..
Q208: Which field in the \/etc\/passwd file is used to determine what permissions the account has in accessing elements of the file system?
A208: UID number. The UID number is used to determine what permissions an account has in accessing elements of the file system..
Q209: When performing a password guess on a remote machine, what is typically the maximum number of guesses per second that can be performed?
A209: 5. With a script or automated tool, password guessing is very slow, ranging in speed from one guess every three seconds to at most five guesses per second..
Q210: Which operating system includes LanMan hashes in a default installation?
A210: Windows 2003. All WinNT\/2000\/XP\/2003 machines, by default, store two representations of each password: the LanMan hash and the NT hash. Windows Vista, 2008, and 7 do not include LanMan hashes in a default installation..
Q211: Which of the following password cracking methods tries modified words by adding numbers and symbols?
A211: Hybrid. The hybrid attack builds on the dictionary method by adding numeric and symbol characters to dictionary words. Many users choose passwords such as “bogus11” or “he11o!!” (where the letter l’s are replaced by numeric ones). These passwords are just dictionary words slightly modified with additional numbers and symbols..
Q212: Within a LanMan hash, what encryption algorithm is used to make a 7-byte string into a key?
A212: DES. Within the LanMan hashes each 7-byte string is used as a DES key to encrypt a constant. Windows NT\/2000\/XP\/2003 all store the older, much weaker LanMan hashes along with the NT hashes..
Q213: What must you have to differentiate between password guessing and password cracking?
A213: Password file. Password cracking is the process of trying to guess or determine someone’s plain text password when you have only their encrypted password..
Q214: Which of the following is the most powerful method for password cracking?
A214: Brute force. The most powerful cracking method is the brute force method. This method will always recover the password, no matter how complex. It is just a matter of time..
Q215: Where are cracked passwords stored for John the Ripper?
A215: John.potJohn.pswd. JCracked passwords are printed to the screen and stored in the file john.pot. If you ever run John the Ripper to evaluate the strength of passwords, make sure you delete the john.pot file when you are finished with the audit. Otherwise, you will leave cracked passwords sitting around for prying eyes to discover..
Q216: Where are passwords generally stored on modern Unix systems?
A216: \/etc\/shadow. Modern Linux systems typically store passwords in the \/etc\/shadow file..
Q217: Which of the following is a mechanism for protecting your data from worms and\/or bots?
A217: Encrypt files. Encrypt data on your hard drives using a file system encryption tool. That way, if your data is stolen by a worm or bot, attackers cannot read it, unless they also steal the key..
Q218: Which of the following tools can be used to identify and eradicate a worm and\/or bot infestation?
A218: Antivirus. Additionally, antivirus solutions help in thwarting these attacks. They detect many worms and bots, although a brand new piece of code could still fool them. You will also want to link your incident response capabilities with network management personnel. Include them on our incident response team, because you may need to cut off certain network segments of your network in real time..
Q219: Which of the following payloads can be defined as a specialized backdoor used for controlling systems en masse?
A219: A bot. Many worms have a payload that consists of a bot. Bots are software programs that perform some action on behalf of a human, typically with little or no human intervention. Bots are specialized backdoors used for controlling systems en masse, with a single attacker controlling groups of bots numbering from a dozen to over a million infected machines..
Q220: What is the most common way for an attacker to send control information to a bot-net?
A220: Through an IRC channel on standard ports. To send control information to a bot-net, attackers use a variety of protocols. One of the most common means remains using an IRC channel on a standard IRC port (TCP 6667 is very common)..
Q221: An attacker would use which of the following functions along with a random key to create polymorphic code?
A221: XOR. The XOR function is used along with a random key to create polymorphic code. Malware authors sometimes use encryption methods, simplicity of implementing the algorithm, size limitations on the code, and pre-packed options (metasploit) offer these techniques. Often times there is no need as XOR techniques bypass most of the detection mechanisms already..
Q222: Which of the following types of worms is a potential way for administrators to distribute patches across the network?
A222: White worm. An ethical or white worm is one mechanism for administrators to deploy patches quickly. Some feel that ethical worms are too risky given the limited benefits they can offer. In particular, the legal liability issues are paramount. Would you want to risk the wrath of thousands of lawyers sharpening their knives to sue you for an ethical worm gone awry, just to help spread some patches on the Internet? Most software companies would avoid taking that risk..
Q223: Which of the following worms targets more than one operating system?
A223: Sadmind\/IIS. In May 2001, the Sadmind\/IIS worm mushroomed through the Internet, targeting Sun Solaris and Microsoft Windows. As its name implies, this worm exploited the Sadmind service used to coordinate remote administration of Solaris machines. From these victim machines, the worm spread to Microsoft’s IIS Web server, where it spread further to other Solaris machines, continuing the cycle..
Q224: Which of the following worms spreads via Microsoft Outlook and employs simple polymorphic techniques to evade e-mail spam filters?
A224: Klez. In January 2002, the Klez worm spread via Microsoft Outlook e-mail and employed simple polymorphic techniques to evade e-mail spam filters. These filters look for a bunch of messages with the same subject sent to different users, a pretty reasonable sign of a spam message. Klez randomly altered the subject line of the e-mail it generated to evade the filters. While only a small piece of Klez (the subject line and even the attachment file type) was polymorphic it was a start down this road..
Q225: What is the defining characteristic of a worm vs. a virus?
A225: A worm spreads across a network.. The defining characteristic of a worm is that it spreads across a network. A virus’s defining characteristic is that it infects a host file, such as a document, e-mail, or executable. However, some malicious software is both a worm and a virus, because it propagates across a network and infects a host file..
Q226: What worm contained more than a dozen exploits of Microsoft Windows and was able to spread using the Internet Explorer browser and IIS Web server?
A226: Nimda. To date, the most successful multi-exploit worm was Nimda in September 2001. Launched one week after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Nimda exploited Microsoft Windows systems in more than a dozen ways, including spreading via the Internet Explorer browser, IIS Web server, Outlook e-mail, and Windows file sharing. Nimda, with its quick spread using a large number of Windows exploitation techniques, gave a preview of worms to come..
Q227: Which of the following characters does SQL use as a comment delimiter, and can therefore be used to tell the database to ignore anything passed to it after the user’s input?
A227: Double dash (–). The – syntax acts as a comment delimiter, and can therefore be used to tell the database to ignore anything passed to it after the user’s input..
Q228: When trying to hack a session ID via a persistent cookie, what does a hacker need to do?
A228: Close the browser, edit the cookie, and reopen the browser.. Some types of cookies (persistent cookies) are written to the local file system on the browser’s machine. If persistent cookies are used, an attacker can simply close the browser, which will force a write of the cookies, edit the cookies with vi or notepad, and rerun the browser. By rerunning the browser, the cookie file will be read and the session ID will be modified..
Q229: Which tool is a series of browser scripts that when passed into a browser will make the browser conduct a scan of other websites to determine whether they are hosting vulnerable Web server content?
A229: Jikto. Billy Hoffman wrote a tool called Jikto which is a series of browser scripts. When passed into a browser, they make the browser conduct a scan of other websites to determine whether they are hosting vulnerable Web server content, such as the PHP, CGI, ASP, and Cold Fusion scripts that are measured by the Nikto..
Q230: Which of the following DoS attacks involves sending a single packet or a small stream of packets to a system and is formed in a way not anticipated by the developers of the target machine?
A230: A malformed packet attack. A malformed packet attack involves sending a single packet or a small stream of packets to a system and is formed in a way not anticipated by the developers of the target machine or application that will process the packet..
Q231: What protocol is used to transfer malicious code during a cross-site scripting exploit?
A231: FTP. The victim user’s browser transmits the malicious code to the vulnerable script on the target site as a Web request..
Q232: A SYN flood would be considered which type of denial-of-service attack?
A232: Resource starvation attack. The most common type of denial-of-service attacks is the packet flood. The attacker can remotely send more packets to a machine than it can handle, exhausting all of its resources. Packet flood examples include Smurf, SYN Flood, DDoS, etc..
Q233: Why might an asterisk (*) be useful in a SQL injection attack?
A233: It is a field selector, allowing an attacker to retrieve a wide range of data.. An asterisk (*) is a wildcard selector. By using it, an attacker can retrieve a wide range of data-it is a wildcard after all. An asterisk on its own is not a comment delimiter or query terminator..
Q234: Which of the following characters in SQL will match any substring?
A234: Percent (%). The percent (%) symbol matches any substring. The semicolon character is a statement terminator. The underscore character represents a single character to match a pattern from a word or string. The asterisk pattern character (also called “star”) matches zero or more characters..
Q235: What type of attack is the ping of death?
A235: A malformed packet attack. Examples of a malformed packet attack include sending packets that are too long, such as a ping of death, or strangely fragmented packets, such as a Teardrop attack..
Q236: An attacker can modify session credentials over an SSL pipe because session tracking information is handled at which level of the OSI model?
A236: The application level. The session tracking information is at the application level. If the session ID is not handled properly, an attacker can still modify their session credential over the SSL pipe and become some other user. It is important to keep in mind that this technique of modifying session credentials is independent of the use of the Secure Socket Layer protocol..
Q237: If a valid user account and valid password are supplied when authenticating to a website, what will most applications generate?
A237: A session ID. If it is a valid user account and valid password, most applications will generate a session ID..
Q238: Which of the following is a commonly used, though ineffective, approach to defending against malicious input submitted from a Web browser?
A238: Including JavaScript in the Web page to filter out unwanted characters sent through the Web page.. Many Web applications use JavaScript on the browser to filter out different characters that they do not want to be sent into the application. It is easy for an attacker to get around this. They could use a customized browser or they could use a proxy tool..
Q239: Which of the following characters is used as a wildcard selector in an SQL query?
A239: Asterisk (*). A semicolon (;) is a query terminator, an asterisk (*) is a wildcard selector, and the percent (%) character matches any substring. The underscore character represents a single character to match a pattern from a word or string..
Q240: What type of denial-of-service attack involves exhausting all bandwidth of the connection to the target?
A240: A packet flood attack. Packet floods involve sending more packets to a machine than it can handle. The attacker either causes all available processing power of the target machine to be tied up or even exhausts all bandwidth of the connection to the target..
Q241: What is another name for nonpersistent cookies?
A241: Per-session cookies. Nonpersistent cookies (the cookies that are just stored in memory) are sometimes referred to as per-session cookies..
Q242: Which of the following is a containment step for SQL injection?
A242: Block the source IP address being exploited.. Blocking the source IP address and\/or account being exploited is an effective means of containing SQL injection..
Q243: Why would an attacker expect to see browser warning messages when using a Web proxy to manipulate Web applications that run over port 443?
A243: The certificate that the attacker’s browser is using was not issued by a valid CA.. The Web browser itself will complain, saying, “This certificate I’ve got is bad, because it wasn’t issued by a valid certificate authority.” However, remember that the attacker using the proxy is also running the browser. Therefore, the attacker will get a warning message on the browser saying, “This certificate is bad. Do you want to continue?” Of course, the attacker will click to continue the session. The attacker can eliminate this warning by merely importing the proxy certificate into the browser. After all, the attacker is running both the browser and the proxy..
Q244: What kind of denial-of-service attack is run from an account on the victim machine?
A244: A local denial-of-service attack. Local denial-of-service attacks are run from an account on the victim machine. These could be as simple as unplugging the power to consuming all network, CPU, or memory resources..
Q245: Which of the following is the most common type of denial-of-service attack?
A245: A packet flood attack. The most common denial-of-service attack is a packet flood. It is so popular because the attack can be launched remotely, allowing the attacker to have distance between himself\/herself and the victim..
Q246: What technique does an attacker use to get valid user IDs from their response to an application to users’ attempts to authenticate?
A246: Account harvesting. Account harvesting is the ability to discern valid user IDs based on how the application responds when the user tries to authenticate..
Q247: What makes pulsing zombies more difficult to trace than other distributed denial-of-service flooding agents?
A247: Pulsing zombies periodically go dormant, while ISPs can easily trace an active flow of traffic.. Pulsing zombies bomb for about 10 minutes, go dormant for some period, and then go active again. It is easier to do a trace if a zombie is actively sending traffic, because an ISP can quickly identify the flow of traffic throughout their network in real-time, rather than having to consult a possibly nonexistent log..
Q248: Which of the following would help contain a denial-of-service attack?
A248: Blocking the source IP address. To contain a denial-of-service attack, you must block the source IP address. Most of the attacks built into these DoS Suites can be defended against by having up-to-date patches installed on the system. Also, if you shut down unnecessary services, they will not be able to be exploited with a malformed packet attack..
Q249: Where should filtering occur in order to most effectively prevent a Smurf flood attack?
A249: In upstream routers or firewalls. Filtering ICMP packets at your network gateway (your router or firewall) would assist in reducing the likelihood of a Smurf flood attack..
Q250: In what two ways can a SYN flood cause a denial-of-service?
A250: By consuming all link capacity or by filling the connection queue. SYN flooding can result in a denial-of-service in one of two ways: the attack can either exhaust the connection queue of the victim or suck up all link capacity..
Q251: You notice that your Web server is nonresponsive. Looking at all of the system logs, you find that the Web server shows an abnormally high number of Web requests for numerous pages coming in quickly. Which of the following might you be experiencing?
A251: High-orbit ion cannon. SYN floods typically involve spoofed traffic and never complete the TCP three-way handshake. For identification of a DNS amplification attack, look for massive floods of traffic that are DNS responses (destination UDP port 53), typically with large DNS records in them. A Smurf attack will include ICMP or UDP traffic. It also has support for a feature called boosters, which are simply customizable JavaScript-based scripts that cause HOIC to access multiple pages on a target Web server, instead of just one page. The scriptable HOIC page request makes it harder to filter out HOIC traffic from normal Web surfing traffic, resulting in a tool that is harder for defenders to block than the earlier LOIC tool..
Q252: What traffic can egress filters on your border routers help prevent on your network?
A252: Sending spoofed traffic. You should deploy egress anti-spoof filters at your border routers. These filters drop all outgoing packets that have a source address that is not located on your network. All packets leaving your network should have a source address associated with your network. If they do not either something is configured incorrectly or an attacker is launching spoofed packets..
Q253: Where does a Smurf attack send ICMP traffic?
A253: To the broadcast address of a network. With a Smurf attack, an attacker sends out a packet to the broadcast address of a network. All of the machines on that network will respond to the ping. However, the attacker will send the ping with a spoofed source IP address of the victim. Therefore, all responses to the ping will be sent to the victim machine, not back to the attacker. The network that responds to the broadcast address is called the Smurf amplifier..
Q254: You find that you are the victim of a DNS amplification denial-of-service attack. Which of the following would be an appropriate containment step?
A254: Call your upstream ISP and ask for help. For containment, if you are under a large flood, one option would be to call your upstream ISP or carrier to have them throttle the attack. This will sometimes involve them null routing (sometimes called black holing) of filtering traffic before it gets to your environment..
Q255: What can a defender do to contain Slowloris?
A255: Throttle an incoming connection with a load balancer.. A containment step in defending against Slowloris would be to throttle incoming connections with a load balancer. The other options are part of the preparation (apply vendor patches, if and when they are available), identification (IDS signatures for the attack across HTTP), or recovery (reset HTTP daemon\/service when attack is in progress) phases..
Q256: In a Smurf attack, what is the amplifier?
A256: The network that responds to the broadcast address. A network that responds to the ICMP directed broadcast traffic is called a Smurf amplifier..
Q257: What protocol is used in a Smurf attack?
A257: ICMP. Both Smurf and PapaSmurf rely on ICMP packets..
Q258: Compared to other denial-of-service attacks, what advantage does Slowloris give the attacker?
A258: Very little bandwidth is required.. The advantage for the attacker in a Slowloris attack is that it requires very little bandwidth for the attacker, unlike a packet flood..
Q259: Which of the following will an attacker use to keep from having to launch individual DoS attacks to crash a remote system?
A259: A DoS suite. Instead of launching each one of these individual attacks against a target, attackers have rolled together many individual DoS exploits into a suite. These suites try numerous different, individual malformed packet attacks just to see if one will crash the target..
Q260: Which of the following is a directed broadcast attack?
A260: A Smurf attack. A Smurf attack is in the category of network-based denial-of-service attacks, focusing on creating a packet flood. The official name of this type of attack is a directed broadcast attack. It is more commonly referred to, though, as a Smurf attack, named after one of the first tools used to launch the attack..
Q261: Sub7 and BO2K are both examples of applications installed at which malware layer?
A261: Application level Trojan horse backdoor. Sub7 and BO2K are both examples of evil applications that get installed at the application level, running on top of typical operating system applications. User mode, kernel level, BIOS level, and microcode all infect deeper into the system itself, while these applications run on top of the OS and system components that already exist..
Q262: Which of the following applications can be used to create a backdoor listening service on a victim host?
A262: Netcat. Netcat is an application that can be used to create a backdoor listening service on a victim host computer. NetStumbler is used in discovering wireless networks. l0phtcrack is used for cracking passwords. Ethereal is a network sniffer and Nmap is used for scanning hosts on a network..
Q263: What protocol does Setiri use for communicating with an attacker?
A263: S. Periodically, Setiri, running on the victim machine, surfs to the connection broker using an invisible browser. All access occurs through the personal firewall, network firewall, and anonymizer using S..
Q264: Which of the following is a program that allows an attacker to access a system in a manner that bypasses security controls?
A264: A backdoor. A backdoor is a program that allows an attacker to access a system, bypassing security controls. A Trojan horse is a program that looks innocuous, but is really sinister. Rootkits, worms, and viruses often create backdoors, but technically speaking the backdoor is typically just one part of their payload..
Q265: The Setiri backdoor offers the attacker which of the following command sets?
A265: Upload, download, and execute programs. Setiri is a pretty scary backdoor tool written by two security consultants from South Africa - Rooelof Temmingh and Haroon Meer. The backdoor itself does not have many fancy functions; it can only upload files, execute programs, and download files. Still, for a backdoor, that is about all you need to accomplish any attack..
Q266: Which of the following are you least likely to be able to accomplish if Setiri-like code is installed on your host?
A266: Tracing back to the original attacker. With the Setiri architecture, many levels of indirection between the victim and the attacker. Tracing back to the attacker is incredibly difficult for this type of attack..
Q267: The VNC program is a legitimate remote administration tool and is popular as a backdoor. It has a history of which of the following?
A267: Having problematic default security. VNC is free, very popular, and quite feature rich! It uses TCP port 5900 to send a GUI across the network. Several companies use it for legitimate remote administration. However, VNC’s default security is problematic. It includes a password, but it has been subject to monkey-in-the-middle and buffer overflow attacks in the past. VNC can be properly secured, though especially when used in conjunction with SSH..
Q268: Your antivirus program has discovered a keylogger on your computer. Which of the following can be presumed to be secure?
A268: Smart card security tokens. With a keystroke logger, the Trojan horse backdoor can write all of the users’ keystrokes to the file system so that the attacker can later look at the contents of the file. The victim might use a very long, extremely secure passphrase, made up of a mixture of alphanumeric and special characters, which is used to protect the private key stored locally on a hard drive. If the attacker can get the victim to install a keystroke logging backdoor, the attacker can use the keystroke logger to grab the unguessable passphrase..
Q269: Your intern secretly modified the source code to the log-in program and replaced the standard system binary with his modified code so that he could specify a certain password and log in to any account he wishes. Into which of the following categories does this new log-in program fall?
A269: Rootkit. A rootkit alters your operating system so that while it looks intact, it really gives control to an attacker. In this case, the intern specified a password known only to him, but had the ability to log in as any user..
Q270: A student has written a game and has encouraged his classmates and professor to run it. Unbeknownst to everyone, the game will copy the contents of each user’s outgoing mail folder into a directory readable by the student. Into which of the following categories does this game fall?
A270: Trojan horse. A Trojan horse is a program that looks like it has some useful function, but is really sinister. It has some hidden capability used by the attacker..
Q271: Which of the following Windows applications will help determine whether a machine has been compromised by a backdoor application by mapping listening ports to running applications?
A271: Fport. Fport is an application that will help determine whether a machine has been compromised by a backdoor application by mapping listening ports to running applications. Lsof is a Unix application that will perform the same task. TCP Wrappers is used as a defensive measure to protect a host from certain IP addresses. Nmap can be used to determine which ports are listening on a system, but will not map those ports to running processes or applications..
Q272: Which of the following choices is a program that looks like it has some useful function in order to gain access?
A272: Trojan horse. A Trojan horse is a program that looks like it has some useful function, but is really sinister..
Q273: Which of the following is one of the best ways for determining whether a system is infected with an application-level Trojan backdoor?
A273: Running antivirus software. One of the best ways to determine whether a system is infected with an application-level Trojan backdoor is to run antivirus software on the system. Windows update will only update the system’s software. Running applications in debug mode is rarely helpful in this situation and checking file sizes and performing memory dumps are much too time consuming to be effective in most cases..
Q274: Which of the following backdoor Trojan applications utilizes a hidden browser window to bypass personal firewalls, NAT, and stateful inspection firewalls?
A274: Setiri. While these are all backdoor Trojan applications, only Setiri utilizes an invisible browser window to communicate with an attacker and thus bypass personal firewalls, NAT, and stateful inspection firewalls..
Q275: Which of the following Volatility modules lists the PID, port, protocol and date and time that the connection was opened?
A275: Sockets. The Sockets Volatility module will list open network sockets, showing the process ID using the socket, the port it uses, the protocol associated with the communication, and the date and time that the socket was opened..
Q276: Which Volatility module shows a list of processes, including the PID, name, and Parent Process ID?
A276: Pslist. The Pslist Volatility module shows a list of processes, including the PID, name, and Parent Process ID..
Q277: Which free tool does HB Gary offer, which is free, for performing a memory capture?
A277: FastDump. HBGary offers a free tool called FastDump for memory capture..
Q278: Which feature of the commercial Responder tool can analyze code specimens to determine whether they are related to known malware found in the wild, based on the functions they use and the behavior they exhibit?
A278: Digital DNA. HBGary released the commercial Responder tool, which also analyzes memory dumps. One of its most interesting features is its Digital DNA technology to analyze code specimens to determine whether they are related to known malware found in the wild based on the functions they use and the behavior they exhibit..
Q279: The mdd memory imaging tool is provided by which of the following individuals\/organizations?
A279: ManTech. The MemoryDD.bat script is part of Mandiant’s free Memoryze suite. Alternatively, HBGary offers a free tool called fastdump for memory capture. Matthieu Suiche distributes a free program called win32dd, and ManTech offers the free mdd tool..
Q280: What Windows command will provide a list of DLLs in much the same way as the command “python volatility dlllist -p [pid] -f [path_to_memory_capture]”?
A280: Tasklist \/m \/fi “pid eq [pid]”. For the list of DLLs loaded by a specific process, the following could be executed: ‘tasklist \/m \/fi “pid eq [pid]”’.
Q281: What Volatility module will provide the PID, the Parent PID (PPID) and the time each process was started?
A281: Pslist. The pslist module walks the doubly-linked list pointed to by PsActiveProcessHead and shows the offset, process name, process ID, the parent process ID, number of threads, numbers of handles, and date\/time when the process started and exited..
Q282: When using Volatility’s connections module, which Volatility module can be used to cross-reference the PIDs associated with the established network connections to determine the name of the process associated with the connection?
A282: Pslist. Use Volatility’s connections module to determine which processes are communicating on the network. Then use the pslist Volatility module to cross- reference PIDs associated with established network connections. The will help you determine the name of each process associated with each connection..
Q283: What Volatility plugin will reveal SYS files loaded by device drivers?
A283: Modules. This modules Volatility module shows the device drivers loaded by the Windows machine from which the dump was created. It also reveals related SYS files..
Q284: Which of the following Volatility commands will produce output similar to the “netstat -nao | find ““ESTABLISHED” command?
A284: Python volatility connections -f ‘path-to-image-file’. The Volatility command “Python volatility connections -f ‘path-to-image-file’” will produce output similar to the “netstat -nao | find ““ESTABLISHED” command..
Q285: Which Windows command can be used to provide a list of DLLs loaded by every running process?
A285: Tasklist \/m. For the list of DLLs loaded by every running process, the following command could be used:
Q286: Which of the following is a batch script released by Mandiant that will dump live memory from a machine?
A286: MemoryDD. MemoryDD.bat script is part of Mandiant’s free Memoryze suite..
Q288: Which of the following Windows wmic commands are similar to the python volatility pslist command?
A288: Wmic process get name,parentprocessid,processid. The following wmic command is similar to the Volatility pslist command:
Q289: Many of the standard Linux system binaries will be replaced if a rootkit is installed on your system. Which of the following binaries is not typically replaced and might reveal discrepancies when cross-referenced with other commands, indicating that a rootkit is installed?
A289: Echo. One way to detect the presence of a rootkit is to compare the output of the ls program with the output from “echo *”. The output should include exactly the same files. “echo *” tells the shell to show the contents of the directory. “echo *” is usually not Trojaned with a rootkit. Therefore, if the unaltered “echo *” output differs from the “ls -la” command, you should be suspicious..
Q290: You proactively installed file integrity monitoring software when you installed your Linux system, and later you are alerted that one of the MD5 hashes has changed. Of the following choices, which would be the most reasonable place to identify the source of the file with this new MD5 hash?
A290: Internet Storm Center Web interface to NSRL and Team Cymru databases. For a comprehensive set of MD5 and SHA-1 hashes, check the National Software Reference Library (NSRL) created and maintained by NIST. It is free for download across the Internet. Get it at http: \/\/ The Internet Storm Center has built a free website that allows users to search the NSRL by simply pasting in an MD5 or SHA1 hash into a Web form. The same search page also allows users to paste in an MD5 hash (not an SHA1 hash) of malware specimens, and it will search the Team Cymru hash registry to look for matching malware..
Q291: Which file integrity monitor is free for commercial use and offered as an open-source product?
A291: AIDE. User-mode rootkit detection: AIDE is a free, open-source file integrity checker. Tripwire comes in free and commercial packages..
Q292: Which of the following choices best describes the purpose of a rootkit?
A292: It maintains root access to a system once initially obtained.. Contrary to what their name implies, rootkits do not allow an attacker to gain root access. Rootkits depend on an attacker already having root access. To accomplish these goals, Rootkits alter the existing operating system on the victim machine. Rather than adding a new application to the system like seen with application-level Trojan Horse backdoors, rootkits alter the existing programs on the machine..
Q293: What is required in order to inject a DLL into a running process?
A293: Debug right. On Windows, anyone with the debug right can inject a DLL into a running process..
Q294: Which of the following choices is a rootkit that allows an attacker to use the command Config Console to create the rootkit executable package?
A294: AFX. AFX consists of only one executable program, the AFX Windows Rootkit Configuration Console, which is used to configure and generate custom rootkits based on the attacker’s needs..
Q295: There are four categories of rootkits commonly used for hiding tools. Which category of hiding tools in the LRK6 suite of tools changes the ls and find commands so that they do not display the attacker’s content when executed?
A295: File. In essence, there are four categories of hiding tools: (1) process hiding, (2) network hiding, (3) file hiding, and (4) event hiding. For process hiding, LRK includes a replacement for ps, top, and pidof. For network hiding, the netstat command is changed to hide TCP and UDP ports in use by the attacker. Files are hidden by changing the ls and find commands so that they do not display the attacker’s files. The du command is changed so that it omits the attacker’s file from its disk usage calculation. Finally, the attacker modifies syslogd so that it will not record log events associated with the attacker’s machine and\/or accounts on the victim box..
Q296: Which LRK component allows for erasing the wtmp and utmp files?
A296: Z2. The z2 tool (Zap2) erases utmp, wtmp and lastlog files..
Q297: The original rootkits were kept within the computer underground. How were they distributed?
A297: Posted on bulletin boards. The original rootkits were kept within the computer underground and distributed via bulletin boards and later Internet relay chat..
Q298: Which of the following choices is a rootkit, that when used to compromise a Linux machine, will make changing the system root password ineffective in keeping the attacker from accessing the machine again?
A298: LRK6. The LRK6 rootkit replaces sshd with a modified version that includes a backdoor root password. Because the backdoor password is stored in the binary sshd program, even if the system administrator alters the system’s actual root password (or wipes the password file clean), the attacker can still login as root using the backdoor password..
Q299: Which Ring space do user mode applications operate in?
A299: Ring 3. User mode applications operate in Ring 3..
Q300: Which program is frequently altered by the Kernel Intrusion System (KIS) so that it can survive a reboot?
A300: Init. KIS survives across reboot by altering an executable of the attacker’s choice (usually init)..
Q301: Which of the following is an example of a Linux kernel mode rootkit?
A301: KIS. KIS is an example of a Unix kernel-level rootkit that can be used to compromise a Unix system. The other applications are all backdoor applications, not rootkits, and allow an attacker backdoor access to a system..
Q302: On which port does the Kernel Intrusion System (KIS) listen?
A302: KIS does not listen on a port. Kernel Intrusion System receives commands on the network using a sniffer, but does not listen on a port. It grabs all packets going to some arbitrary UDP port selected by the attacker..
Q303: When using the Kernel Intrusion System (KIS), how does an attacker interact with the malicious kernel module?
A303: By using a graphical user interface (GUI). KIS is incredibly easy to use. The server configuration occurs through a graphical user interface (GUI). Additionally, the client contacts the server through the GUI. A GUI can be used to hide processes, unhide processes, start programs, and configure execution redirection..
Q304: What type of calls need to be made in order for a file integrity checker to open a program file?
A304: System kernel. To open a program file, the file system integrity checker has to make calls into the system kernel..
Q305: What Windows program verifies the integrity of Ntoskrnl.exe before the kernel is loaded into memory?
A305: NTLDR. During the boot process, a program called NTLDR verifies the integrity of Ntoskrnl.exe before the kernel is loaded into memory..
Q306: Which virtual machine-based rootkit is implemented as a hypervisor underneath MacOS X running on Core Duo and Core 2 Duo chips (which offer the VT-x instruction set)?
A306: Vitriol. The resulting Vitriol rootkit is implemented as a hypervisor underneath MacOS X running on Core Duo and Core 2 Duo chips (which offer the VT-x instruction set)..
Q307: Which kernel-building package includes an option for creating a kernel that does not support modules?
A307: Buildkernel. You could use Bill Stearns’ wonderful kernel-building package (called, appropriately enough “buildkernel”), at http: \/\/\/buildkernel, which includes an option for creating a kernel that does not support modules..
Q308: Which files have kernel functionality built into them on Windows machines?
A308: Ntoskrnl.exe and win32k.sys. The kernel functionality is built into Windows machines through the following files ntoskrnl.exe and win32k.sys. On Windows, an attacker would alter Ntoskrnl.exe or win32k.sys with modified software that provides a backdoor and hides an attacker’s presence on the machine..
Q309: What method did Stuxnet use to bypass Windows’ mandatory device driver signing?
A309: It stole legitimate private keys issued by Microsoft to a legitimate software company and used them to sign malware.. Stuxnet was able to steal legitimate private keys issued by Microsoft to a legitimate software company and use them to sign malware. This technique was used in the Stuxnet worm, which relied on stolen signing keys issued to two legitimate companies..
Q310: Which of the following is a rootkit that utilizes the system memory map object in Windows?
A310: FU. The FU tool utilizes the system memory map object on Windows. The Super User Control Kit (SUCKit) patches the kernel in memory through \/dev\/kmem in Linux. Sumfuq is a SunOS 4.1.X rootkit. Buildkernel is a kernel-building package..
Q311: What do user mode processes rely on in order to interact with the kernel?
A311: System calls. To interact with the kernel, user mode processes rely on a concept termed “system calls”. These system calls include functions for executing a program or opening a file..
Q312: Which version of Windows was the first to require mandatory device driver signing for Windows kernel components?
A312: Vista. Starting with Windows Vista (and following with Windows 7 and Windows 2008), Microsoft required mandatory device driver signing for Windows kernel components..
Q313: What Ring does the kernel run in on Linux operating systems?
A313: Ring 0. The kernel runs in Ring level 0 on both Linux and Windows operating systems..
Q314: Which of the following is the most popular method for manipulating the kernel?
A314: Loadable kernel modules. Loadable kernel modules is the most popular method for manipulating the kernel..
Q315: What can an attacker do with alternate data streams in an NTFS file system?
A315: An attacker can hide multiple files in a single file without disrupting the size or operability of the original file as reported by the dir command.. The Windows NT File System (NTFS) supports a feature known as file streaming. Each file acts similar to a chest of drawers and under the primary file, there can be an arbitrary number of data streams. When data is hidden in an alternate stream, Windows Explorer still only shows the name and size of the original file stream of data (the top drawer or original file)..
Q316: Which of the following files mainly contains information about the users current logged into a Unix system?
A316: Utmp. On a Unix system, the utmp file contains information about users who are currently logged on to the system. The btmp file contains information about bad log-in attempts. The wtmp file contains information about past, successful log-ins. There is no ctmp file by default..
Q317: On a Unix system, which utilities would be used to modify the accounting files to hide an attacker’s log-in history?
A317: Use remove.c or other specialized tools to remove specific entries.. An attacker cannot simply edit the utmp, wtmp, btmp and lastlog files by hand since they are binary files. An attacker can choose from several tools including “remove”, and “marry”, and others to alter these files..
Q318: What is the period (.) entry in each Unix directory?
A318: The current directory. The “.” entry in each directory is the current directory. Typing in “cd.” changes you to the current directory..
Q319: On a Unix system, each directory contains which of the following directories?
A319: ..”. Every directory on a Unix system contains the “.” directory, which represents the current directory, and the “..” directory, which represents the parent directory..
Q320: Which of the following tools can be used to detect alternate data streams on a Windows system?
A320: LADS. LADS, by Frank Heyne, is a tool for finding alternate data streams in Windows NT File System (NTFS)..
Q321: With Windows Vista, Windows 2008 Server, and Windows 7, which specific option did Microsoft add to the dir command, which makes it display a list of ADSs included in the given directory?
A321: \/r. With Windows Vista, Windows 2008 Server, and Windows 7, Microsoft added the \/r option to the dir command, which makes it display a list of ADSs included in the given directory..
Q322: Which of the following programs can read data from alternate data streams from a Windows share?
A322: Smbclient. The Linux smbclient program can also read data from alternate data streams from a Windows share, but the attacker must know the stream name to be able to refer to it and pull out the data..
Q323: Which of the following Unix directories stores information about devices on the system, such as chunks of your hard drive and references to terminals?
A323: \/dev. \/dev is a virtual directory, that is it doesn’t exist anywhere on your disk. It contains special files (called device files) which work as an interface to the kernel. The files are automatically created and removed by the kernel..
Q324: On a Windows system, file streaming applies to which of the following choices?
A324: NTFS. File streaming applies only to NTFS partitions; it does not apply to FAT partitions..
Q325: Which Linux command may be used to verify the privileges of the current account?
A325: Id. The Linux id command can be used to print user identity. For example, it can be used to check user id (uid), group id (gid) and the current user’s effective groups..
Q326: Which Linux command can be used to check the kernel version of the system?
A326: Uname -a. The uname -a command can be used to check the kernel version of the system..
Q327: Which file contains data about past user log-ins?
A327: wtmp. The wtmp file records all logins and logouts. Its format is exactly like utmp except that a null user name indicates a logout on the associated terminal..
Q328: Which file contains information about current logged-in users?
A328: Utmp. The utmp file displays information about who is currently using the system. There may be more users currently using the system, because not all programs use utmp logging..
Q329: Which directory on many Unix variants is emptied during a reboot?
A329: \/tmp. On many Unix variants, the \/tmp file is emptied over a period of time and\/or during a reboot..
Q330: Which directory on *nix operating systems contains configuration files for the machine?
A330: \/etc. The \/etc directory, is often thought to be a bad place to store hidden files because it holds the configuration of the machine..
Q331: Which of the following tools carries TCP connections over ICMP echo and reply packets?
A331: Ptunnel. The differences between these tunneling tools are that Ptunnel carries TCP connections over ICMP echo and reply packets. Loki carries shell between its Linux client and Linux server software using ICMP echo and reply packets. ICMP Shell is just another Linux shell tool. PingChat is a Windows chat program that leverages ICMP and ICMP Cmd is a Windows shell tool that leverages ICMP..
Q332: Which of the following tools, when installed on an internal Linux machine, will allow an external attacker to communicate to the internal network via an outbound connection through an organization’s firewall?
A332: Reverse www shell. Reverse www shell is a Linux tool which, when installed on an internal host, can be used to allow an attacker external access to the internal network through the organization’s firewall..
Q333: One of the most common ways to hide information as it is transmitted across a network is to use what technique?
A333: Tunneling. One of the most common ways to hide information as it is transmitted across a network is to use a technique called tunneling. Tunneling will leverage a tunneling protocol when one network protocol (the delivery protocol) encapsulates a different payload protocol. By using tunneling one can (for example) carry a payload over an incompatible delivery-network, or provide a secure path through an untrusted network..
Q334: Why is a promiscuous sniffing backdoor a particularly difficult thing to track down?
A334: A promiscuous sniffing backdoor can take action based on traffic that is not destined for the infected host, making it harder to determine which hosts have the backdoor installed.. The backdoor is not located at the destination of the backdoor traffic. If the sniffer is in promiscuous mode, it can gather packets with a destination address of other systems on the local area network (LAN)..
Q335: With tunneling, which of the following choices is carried inside of another?
A335: Protocol. With tunneling, one protocol is carried inside of another protocol..
Q336: By comparing and noticing differences in TCP sequence numbers for the same packets at two different points on your network, it might be possible to detect the use of which of the following covert software packages?
A336: Nushu. Nushu introduces an unusual anomaly when implementing this process. If investigators run a sniffer, such as tcpdump, on the victim machine, they will see the sequence numbers generated by the normal kernel code. They can then compare those local sequence numbers with the sequence numbers of supposedly the same packets sniffed from somewhere on the network between the victim and ultimate destination. By comparing these two sets of sequence numbers for what are supposed to be the same packets, they will see a difference! The sequence numbers in the packets sniffed locally vs. the packets sniffed from the network will be different by the offset for each session..
Q337: During an investigation on your LAN, you see traffic between your DNS server and a host external to your company. After hours of investigation, you fail to find the cause of the traffic. You rebuild the DNS server, only to find the traffic continuing. Which of the following should you look for on other hosts on your DNS server’s LAN?
A337: Promiscuous sniffer. Non-promiscuous sniffing backdoors grab data destined only for one machine - the system where the backdoor itself is running. The promiscuous backdoor on the other host on the LAN receives the commands by sniffing them from the LAN. Both hosts are on the same LAN, so the packets can easily be sniffed. Now, here is the part that really throws off the investigators: when sending responses, the backdoor running on the other host on the LAN generates spoofed packets, which appear to be coming from the DNS server. Only later do they realize that the backdoor is not even on the DNS server. Instead, it is a promiscuous mode sniffing backdoor located on the other host on the LAN..
Q338: The Covert_TCP program, written by Craig H Rowland, tunnels which of the following, using certain fields in TCP\/IP headers?
A338: ASCII files. Covert_TCP itself only transfers ASCII files between systems. However, the exact concepts can be used to transport commands for a backdoor shell or any other movement of data across the network..
Q339: When an attacker is using the bounce or ack mode of Covert_TCP, what, if anything, must be installed on the bounce server in order to facilitate a covert file transfer?
A339: No additional software must be installed.. No attacker software is required on the bounce server! All it needs is a TCP\/IP stack and network connectivity..
Q340: Which of the following tools allows incoming shell access and is hard to discover because it mimics outgoing telnet traffic?
A340: Sneakin. Sneakin allows incoming shell access that looks like outgoing telnet. Sneakin is very confusing for firewalls that allow outgoing telnet..
Q341: The free Ptunnel tool runs on Linux and Windows and tunnels TCP traffic over which of the following choices?
A341: ICMP echo. Ptunnel is one of the most flexible tools in this genre. Written by Daniel St\u00f8dle, this free tool runs on Linux or Windows, carrying TCP connections inside of ICMP echo and ICMP echo reply packets..
Q342: You discover a lot of traffic from one of your workstations to port 80 on a host outside of your network. Although this looks like normal activity, which of the following might an attacker be implementing to conceal activity on your host?
A342: Reverse www shell. HTTP is often used as a reverse shell transport protocol because TCP: 80 outbound is commonly open on packet filtering devices. This can be used to pass commands and\/or interactive shells can be launched back from the destination machine to an attacker\/bot machine..
Q343: An attacker has installed some reverse www shell software on your host. What primary task does this software permit the attacker to do from a remote host?
A343: Execute commands on your host. Approximately every three seconds, the reverse www shell program on the internal system surfs the Internet asking for commands from the attacker’s external machine. The attacker types in commands at the external machine on the Internet and sends the commands back to the victim machine as HTTP responses. These commands are then executed on the internal network host. The results are pushed out with the next Web request..
Q344: Ptunnel consists of which of the following two components?
A344: Client and proxy. Ptunnel is what’s known as a CGI Proxy service. It leverages a website based proxy on and clients connect to it to retrieve websites..
Q345: What can the Ptunnel proxy use to authenticate the client?
A345: An MD5-based challenge\/response authentication algorithm. The Ptunnel proxy can be configured to authenticate the Ptunnel client using an MD5-based challenge\/response authentication algorithm..
Q346: Which technique can be used to apply substitution steganography to a bitmap image?
A346: Least significant bit (LSB). Data can be embedded in an image file using a basic technique call LSB (which stands for least significant bit). With this technique, the least significant bits of the image file are replaced with data..
Q347: What are the characteristics of the executable file generated by the Hydan tool in comparison to the original executable file?
A347: The resulting executable’s file size and behavior are the same as the original.. Hydan first encrypts the message with the blowfish encryption algorithm using your passphrase as a key. It then embeds the encrypted message inside the executable program. The result is a single executable that includes the hidden encrypted message. This executable is the same size as the original executable, and the exact same functionality..
Q348: What encryption algorithm does the Hydan tool use to encrypt embedded data?
A348: Blowfish. The tool first encrypts the message with the blowfish encryption algorithm using your passphrase as a key..
Q349: In contrast to typical steganographic tools, which types of files does Hydan hide data within?
A349: Executable. Typical computer steganography techniques hide data in pictures or sounds. However, a tool called Hydan embeds data inside of computer executable programs, without altering the program’s function or size!!.
Q350: What is a common characteristic of encrypted data?
A350: The histogram of encrypted data looks flat and has an even distribution of characters.. The histogram for encrypted text is flat while the histogram for normal text is nonuniform. It is easy for an automated program to distinguish between encrypted and unencrypted text..
Q351: You are using the substitution method of steganography. Comparing the resulting file with the original, which of the following is sure to remain unchanged?
A351: Image size. Another technique for hiding data in a file is substitution. Data in a host file can be replaced or substituted with the message to be hidden. If there is a small amount of text to be hidden, little change will occur to the host file. If a large amount of text is to be hidden, the host file could be degraded significantly. In order to make this technique undetectable to the human observer, substitution usually replaces insignificant data in the host file..
Q352: Someone has concealed a message in an image file by using the S-tools steganography tool. You have generated histograms of the color tables for both images. Compared to the histogram of the original image, the histogram for the image with the hidden content will be which of the following decriptions?
A352: Not as flat as the original. A normal bitmap image has few near-duplicate colors because of the inherent randomness in a photographic picture. Its color histogram is quite flat. A bitmap hiding embedded data has a larger number of near-duplicate colors and, therefore, will have a color histogram that looks different from a normal image..
Q353: Which of the following does steganography try to provide, that encryption lacks?
A353: Secrecy. Cryptography (crypto) is a tool to protect confidentiality and integrity and provide nonrepudiation for the senders of data. However, despite all of these benefits, crypto does not guarantee the secrecy of your data. Stego can be used for a variety of reasons but most often it is used to conceal the fact that sensitive information is being sent or stored. It can also be used to disguise encrypted data. This helps prevent attacks on encrypted data or in scenarios where encrypted data is inappropriate for transmissions (e.g., in countries where encryption is against the law)..
Q354: Steganography conceals a hidden message inside which of the following?
A354: Overt message. Steganography, (stego) works by embedding a secret message within an open or overt message. Everyone will see the overt message, but will never know that it is a cover for the real message hidden inside..
Q355: Which of the following steganography tools can hide data in audio files?
A355: MP3Stego. MP3Stego hides data in Motion Pictures Experts Group (MPEG) audio files. Invisible Secrets hides data in banner ads that appear on websites. Stash hides data in a variety of image formats. S-Mail hides data in EXE and dynamic-linked library (DLL) files..
Q356: Which of the following tools can be used to determine whether an image has been steganographically altered?
A356: StegDetect. The StegDetect tool can be used to identify steganography in use in JPEG images. It looks for data hidden using the JSteg, Jphide, Invisible Secrets, and Outguess programs, as well as other stego tools..
Q357: S-Tools changes the colors in a bitmap’s color table. How many color possibilities does an 8-bit image contain?
A357: 256. An 8-bit color image has 256 possible colors. This number can be generated by calculating 2 raised to the 8th power (2^8). S-Tools introduces other colors similar to those in the image (256). These new colors are undetectable to the human eye, but are used in conjunction with the existing colors to hide data..
Q358: Which of the following steganography techniques replaces insignificant data in the host file?
A358: Substitution. In order to make the substitution technique undetectable to the human observer, substitution usually replaces insignificant data in the host file. With injection, data is added to a host file in such a way that a program reading the file ignores the added data. Generating a new file eliminates the need for a host file. The secret message itself can be used to generate a new file..
Q359: What data structure contains the colors used in a bitmap image?
A359: Color look-up table. A normal bitmap image with 8 bits representing each color has 256 possible colors. These colors are represented in the color look-up table..
Q360: What steganography method is used by S-Tools to hide data in bitmap files?
A360: Substitution. There are three different types or classifications of steganography. The first classification used hides a message within a file, by either injecting it or embedding it. This can and will increase the size of the file, thus making it noticeable to a trained eye. A second option may be to replace certain information in a file. This method would not increase the size and make it much harder to detect. This method is often referred to as substitution. A final method is the newest technique. It creates a new text file or image based on the secret information you want to hide..
Q361: Given that credit card heists are on the rise, how much do unused stolen credit cards generally go for on the black market?
A361: Up to one dollar per number. On the black market, an unused stolen credit card number typically sells for 50 cents to a dollar. Thus, with a heist of a million cards, the attacker could get upwards of a million dollars..
Q362: Starting in 2003, which of the following states required its citizens to be informed if their personally identifiable information was breached?
A362: California. When personally identifiable information for citizens of the state of California is exposed, those citizens must be informed, as a matter of California law..
Q363: You maintain the company’s user accounts and passwords. You receive a phone call from a person claiming to have forgotten his password. What is the first step you should take?
A363: Authenticate the caller.. Be careful about revealing information about an account or believing what you are told. You could be experiencing a social engineering attack. Authenticate the user before proceeding..
Q364: You work at a company that does not have enough employees to regularly review your log files. Until that can be addressed, what is the most important step you can take to avoid a compromise?
A364: Regularly look for and remediate each vulnerability you find.. While the other steps are important, if you cannot detect an attack, you should prevent one from happening. Make sure that all software receives detailed security scrutiny through a vulnerability assessment or penetration tests, so that you can find vulnerabilities before attackers do..
Q365: Your company’s SSH server has an unpatched vulnerability with no fix available. Which of the following steps should you make sure to do?
A365: Review your SSH server log files.. Although diligent log reviews may not stop an attack entirely, it can allow you to discover the attacker early in the process, minimizing the damage to your reputation and finances..
Q366: You are away on a vacation. When you finally decide to check your e-mail for work, you realize you have forgotten your password. Which of the following is the most secure step to take?
A366: Speak with the admin over the phone to set a new password. You do not want passwords to become compromised by social engineering or because they are weak. Ideally, a phone call will let the admin authenticate the account holder. An e-mailed password could be intercepted or obtained by someone using social engineering. A weak password could be guessed. Employees should use their own accounts, not those of others, for auditing and accountability reasons..
Q367: Which of the following is the most secure password policy?
A367: Install software to force strong password complexity. Configure systems with tools that force password complexity so that users and administrators cannot choose trivial-to-guess passwords..
Q368: Customer credit card data should be which of the following?
A368: If required, retained for as short a time as possible. Storing credit card numbers or other sensitive data online for longer than is required is a major security risk. Most organizations have no need to retain credit card numbers at all, or, if they do, they only require the data for a maximum of several days to support returns and refunds..
Q369: Which of the following is the most secure way to permit connections to wireless access points?
A369: Require cryptographic authentication.. MAC address filtering at access points is a security measure that is easily bypassed by an attacker running Wellenreiter or any other wireless sniffer. Likewise, configuring access points to remove SSIDs from their beacons and disabling responses to probe requests with any SSID are only marginal increases in security, easily bypassed using these same tools. Rely instead on cryptographic authentication for access to their networks, using protocols such as 802.11i..
Q370: The FTP server in your DMZ has been replaced with the secure copy functionality provided by SSH. Which of the following is the most secure step to take now with the FTP server?
A370: Disable the service.. All services without a defined business need should be disabled, lest they offer an avenue for an attacker to gain access..
Q371: When scanning for vulnerable machines, an attacker finds a machine with port 53 open. What type of server has the attacker found?
A371: A DNS server. DNS servers listen on port 53 for queries from DNS clients..
Q372: During reconnaissance, which of the following can provide an attacker with information such as a target organization’s IP address space?
A372: InterNIC. InterNIC provides the public information regarding Internet domain name registration services for a particular domain\/website..