deck_15378844 Flashcards
“What is the meaning of the word ‘ephemeral’? For example, the beauty of the sunset was ephemeral, lasting only a few minutes before fading into night. a) Short-lived b) Eternal c) Unchangeable d) Dangerous”
“What is the meaning of the word ‘bellicose’? For example, the bellicose leader’s speech led to widespread protests. a) Peaceful b) Aggressive c) Joyful d) Sensitive”
“What is the meaning of the word ‘benevolent’? For example, the benevolent king was known for his kindness and generosity towards the poor. a) Hostile b) Kind and generous c) Angry d) Lazy”
Kind and generous
“What is the meaning of the word ‘gregarious’? For example, she was a gregarious person, always the first to start conversations at parties. a) Shy and reserved b) Sociable and outgoing c) Introverted d) Unfriendly”
Sociable and outgoing
“What is the meaning of the word ‘juxtapose’? For example, the artist chose to juxtapose light and dark colors to highlight their contrast. a) To separate b) To place side by side for comparison c) To ignore d) To mix together”
To place side by side for comparison
“What is the meaning of the word ‘morose’? For example, after hearing the bad news, he became morose and did not want to speak to anyone. a) Cheerful and lighthearted b) Sorrowful and gloomy c) Angry and hostile d) Confused and distracted”
Sorrowful and gloomy
“What is the meaning of the word ‘cogent’? For example, her cogent argument about the environment persuaded everyone in the room. a) Hard to understand b) Forcefully convincing c) Irrelevant d) Insensitive”
Forcefully convincing
“What is the meaning of the word ‘transient’? For example, the transient nature of the storm meant it was gone as quickly as it arrived. a) Permanent b) Short-lived or temporary c) Permanent but movable d) Extremely noticeable”
Short-lived or temporary
“What is the meaning of the word ‘antipathy’? For example, he felt a deep antipathy toward the new policy, refusing to support it. a) A strong feeling of dislike or opposition b) A state of confusion or disorder c) A feeling of deep admiration d) A harmonious balance between two things”
A strong feeling of dislike or opposition
“What is the meaning of the word ‘lugubrious’? For example, his lugubrious expression made everyone feel the weight of his sadness. a) Cheerful and happy b) Extremely mournful or gloomy c) Quick and energetic d) Light and playful”
Extremely mournful or gloomy
“What is the meaning of the word ‘proclivity’? For example, she had a proclivity for waking up early every morning, no matter what time she went to bed. a) A tendency to choose or do something regularly b) A deep sense of accomplishment c) A feeling of intense fear or anxiety d) A resistance to change or innovation”
A tendency to choose or do something regularly
“What is the meaning of the word ‘recumbent’? For example, after a long day of hiking, he was recumbent on the couch, relaxing. a) Standing upright b) Lying down or reclining c) Moving quickly and easily d) Highly energetic and active”
Lying down or reclining
“What is the meaning of the word ‘inexorable’? For example, the inexorable rise of technology continues to shape modern life. a) Easily influenced or swayed b) Impossible to stop or prevent c) Lacking in seriousness d) Changing frequently”
Impossible to stop or prevent
“What is the meaning of the word ‘sagacious’? For example, his sagacious advice helped me make an informed decision. a) Showing wisdom and sound judgment b) Being very generous c) Lacking in intelligence d) Indifferent to others’ feelings”
Showing wisdom and sound judgment
“What is the meaning of the word ‘vituperative’? For example, his vituperative remarks about the project caused tension among the team members. a) Kind and caring b) Filled with bitter criticism or abuse c) Calm and peaceful d) Full of praise and admiration”
Filled with bitter criticism or abuse
“What is the meaning of the word ‘recalcitrant’? For example, the recalcitrant student refused to follow the teacher’s instructions, even after several warnings. a) Willing to cooperate and follow instructions b) Stubbornly resistant to authority or control c) Quick to agree or conform d) Lacking in energy or enthusiasm”
Stubbornly resistant to authority or control