deck_15059937 Flashcards
How fast an advantageous allele is fixed in a population depends of two factors, which?
The selection coefficientThe degree of dominanceLarger selection coefficients and higher dominance gives faster fixation.
Is genetic drift more important in small populations or large populations?
Small populations. Selection is more effective in large populations and then drift gets less. They are both dependent on the effective population size. In a larger population selection is blind to a smaller extent – selection gets more effective and drift less effective.
What tests for natural selection are there for: - Population genomic data (within species)- Species divergence data (between species).- Population genomic + sequence divergence data
- Site Frequency Spectrum (SFS)- Tajima’s D- dn / ds test statistic - HKA test- McDonald-Kreitman test- other differentiation tests.
What is selectionism and how does the neutral theory differ from it?
Selectionamism says that natural selection is the driving force of genetic variation. The majority of mutations are deleterious and a small proportion is advantageous and nearly none of them are neutral and fixed by random chance. The neutral theory says that all genetic variation and the high rate of evolution cannot be explained by natural selection but it can be explained by stochastic drift. Therefore neutral theory states that most mutations are neutral and their frequency in a population is determined by random genetic drift.
How does the neutral theory explain that advantageous and deleterious mutations contribute very little to molecular variation?
The neutral theory ackonwledges the role of natural selection in adaptation but it says that the deleterious mutations will go to extinction fast and the advantageous will get fixated fast and therefore not contribute to the molecular variation very much.
What does the nearly nuetral theory say?
It states that nearly neutral mutations that are slightly advantageous/disadvantageous are influenced by both genetic drift and selection and these mutations might contribute to the molecular variation we see. So the nearly neutral theory divides the mutations into deleterious, advantageous (very small part), neutral and nearly neutral.
Nearly neutral mutations behave differently depending on population size, explain the differences in how they behanve in smaller vs larger populations.
Slightly disadvantageous mutations behave deleterious/disadvantageous in large populations and neutral in small populations. Slightly advantageous mutations behave as advantageous in large populations and neutral in small populations.
Why do we want to detect natural selection?
determine if genes are evolving by natural selection within populationsestimate when natural selection starteddetermine if different populations are evolving differently in different environments. identify which genes are evolving the most since species split from each other.determine functionally important regions of the genome. ect.
There are different tests for detecting selection using genetic data, what do they all have in common?
They all depend on the ability to discount the genetic drift - the neutral theory is the null when we test for natural selection.
What is selective sweeps and genetic hitchiking?
Selective sweeps and genetic hitchiking can be thought of as signs of natural selection occurring. Genetic hitchhiking is the process of when a neutral or deleterious allele that is sufficiently linked to a positively selected allele increases in frequency or is swept to fixation. Selective sweeps reduce genetic variation because an advantageous allele is sweeping linked sites with it to fixation. his will result in a reduction in genetic variation because when a positively selected is kept the linked sites with neutral or even deleterious mutations hitchikes to increase in frequency. Because of recombination the linkage equilibrium will decay after some time and the hitchikers will reduce in frequency.
What tests can we do to detect natural selection within species?
- SFS- Tajima’s D test
What is segregating sites, nucleotide diversity and the concept of theta?
We can view genetic variation in sequencing data as either segregating sites or nucleotide diversity. Segregating sites refer to positions on the genome sequence of a population where different alleles are present and nucleotide diversity is the average number of pairwise differences. Theta is the expected level of diversity when mutation and genetic drift are in balance. Meaning that mutations bring variation and drift reduces it at the same rate. So theta describes the variation we expect under neutrality and i defined by 4Neu where Ne is the effective population size and u the mutation rate.
What is the benefit of using SFS for looking at genetic variation over segregated sites and nucleotide diversity?
Segregated sites and nucleotide diversity tells us little about allele frequency which we can see with SFS. Since selection acts to change allele frequencies we can detect signals of it in the SFS.
What is SFS? What does it look like under neutrality, positive/negative and balancing selection?
Site Frequency spectrum refers to the distribution of the frequencies of different genetic variants at a specific loci within a population. It can be used to detect signals of selective pressure. Under neutrality the singletons (rare mutations) are most common - most mutations are of low frequency in a population and the mutations with high frequency are rare. Here Tajima’s estimator = Watterson’s estimator and Tajima’s D = 0.Under positive/negative selection the SFS gets skewed towards higher frequencies because positively selected alleles an linked alleles will segregate at higher frequencies because they are positively selected. Here Tajima’s estimator is lower than watterson’s estimator and D is less than 0.Balancing selection wants to maintain multiple alleles in a population and the SFS will have an excess of alleles segregating at intermediate frequencies. Here Tajima’s estimator is larger than watterson’s estimator and D is larger than 0.
What is Tajima’s D test?
A test to detect selection pressure within species. The test is designed to detect departures from neutral expectations. Under the neutral model both Tajima’s estimator (nucleotide diversity) and Watterson’s estimator of genetic variation (segregating sites) should provide the right estimate of theta under neutrality (D=0). D< 0 = positive/purifying selectionD>0 = balancing selection.