Deck1 Flashcards
Artistic Perception
The way students learn to respond to, process, and analyze sensory information.
Creative Expression
students learn to create their own works, using a variety of means to communicate intent and meaning, and apply process and skills in composing, arranging, and performing their works.
Aesthetic Valuing
Students analyze, interpret, and critique works in each discipline, including works of their own creation
Historical and Cultural Context
students study the time and place of creation of works of art, and understand the historical and cultural impacts on a work.
Connections, Relationships, and Applications
Students connect and apply what they learn in each discipline to other arts disciplines and to other subject areas.
Space (Dance)
The area covered by movement||Level: the distance from the floor|Directions: Up, down, forward, backward, and so on|Shape: the “design” of the body|Pathways: patterns made by the body as it moves
Time (Dance)
Duration: the length of time the movement takes|Tempo: the speed of the dance|Beat: even or uneven
Force (dynamics)
refers to the amount of energy the movement takes.
Relationship (Dance)
Identifies with whom or what the body is moving
Dancing alone
Two people dancing together
A group of dancers
How high or low a dancer is in relation to the floor
Up, down, forward, backward and so on
the “design” of the body
Patterns made by the body as it moves
Musical Instrument
Any device used to produce sound
Timbre (Tone Color)
Quality of sound that distinguishes one instrument or voice from another.
Degrees of loudness or softness in music
Tune created by playing a series of notes or chords
Sound that results when two or more tones are played at the same time
Pattern of beats in music
Rhythmic patterns developed in groups of strong and weak beats
Tempo (Music)
Speed at which a piece of music is played
Fast and lively
Very Slow
Musical Notation
A system of writing music with certain symbols
5 lines and 4 spaces used for writing music
Treble Staff
E,G, B, D, F||”Every Good Boy Does Fine”
Bass Staff
Bottom lines represents G||”Good Boys Don’t Fight Anyone”
Grand Staff
Combination of the treble staff and the bass staff
Divide the music, vertical lines in the staff
Time Signature (Meter Signature)
Determines the number of beats allowed in each measure.
Key Signature
Flats or sharps placed at the beginning of the staff that indicate which notes are to be altered throughout the piece.