Deck1 Flashcards
Students learn through direct experiences with their environment, students construct their understanding and develop their thinking.
Learning consists of the acquisition of new behaviors that are either reinforced to increase frequency or not reinforced to extinguish the behavior.
Bottom-Up Approach
Students first learn the names and shapes of letters, followed by consonant sounds, next simple vowels and then more complex vowel correspondences.
Reader-Response Theory
Reading is a transaction between the text and the reader, the reader affects the text and is affected by it.
Top-Down Approach
A holistic approach to learning to read. Sub-skills are not taught. Instead students learn to use their background knowledge to predict/infer the content of print.
During a reading activity, Mr Maui has his 6th graders focus on experiencing the piece; paying attention to the feelings, attitudes, and ideas evoked by the words. What is he implementing?
Aesthetic stance
What kind of approach to reading uses sets of children’s books as a basis for providing literacy instruction?
the literature-based approach
disadvantages of basal readers
-will not interest all students|-only offer small pieces of a novel|-structure can restrain the class to move through the material
Mrs. Neval has grouped her students and provided each group with reading selections matched to their level of development. When working with each individual group, she provides whatever guidance that particular group needs to successfully read a selection. What is Mrs Neval implementing?
guided reading
Mrs. Tafita has organized this weeks writing instruction to include a mini-lesson on vivid verbs for descriptive writing, followed by set times for students to write. She will then hold individual or peer conferences before holding a class sharing session. In what format has Mrs. Tafita organized her writing instruction?
writing workshops
Miss Ellen is a first-year teacher whose class is going to include 11 ELL students. She wants to use print to support and expand the oral-language development of her ELL students. What things can she do in her classroom to accomplish this goal?
-encourage students to write|-label items in the room|-use children’s books to build language|-write directions, schedules, and routines on the board and read them orally to the class
Mr. Ryan’s current unit involves teaching the students to recognize words that rhyme, deciding whether words begin or end with the same sounds, and separating words into their individual sounds. What language component is this unit focused on?
Phonological Awareness
Mrs. Kelly’s current unit involves teaching the students to recognize meaningful word parts such as the prefixes and roots. What language component is this unit focused on?
Morphology Awareness
Mr. Avery’s current unit involves bringing awareness to the way the words in sentences are arranged. To teach this, he has given the students index cards with words on them and has asked them to create complete sentences. What language component is this unit focused on?
Syntax Awareness
Two principles of content-area reading instruction that a teacher should focus on building with students?
help build conceptual understanding and help students build connections