Deck for RPA2 Flashcards
five types of risk
Purchasing Power Business Interest Market Specific to Company
Return produced by the portfolio, on average, independent of the return on the market
Average return on the portfolio per 1 percent return on the market
Internal rate of return (IRR)
Rate that accumulates all of the cash flows of the portfolio including all outlays, to exactly the market value of the ending balance
ERISA section that provides fiduciary protection for participant investment selection provided requirements are met:
minimum of 3 diversified investment options
quarterly (or more frequent) investment changes
participant education
Passive investment management style
Broadly diversified buy-and-hold portfolio aimed at replicating the return on some board market index at minimum cost
Index funds
replicates a particular index such as the S&P 500 and is designed to generate a beta of 1.0
Allowable deductible IRA contribution
$5,000 in 2008 (indexed in future years)
Increases by $500 increments
$5,500 in 2009 and 2010
Catch-up Contribution $1,000 (in 2008)
IRA contribution deductibility limit
Single taxpayers: $52,000 to $62,000 in 2007
Married taxpayers: $83,000 to $103,000 in 2007
Excess contribution excise tax
6% excise tax in addition to current income taxation
Applied each year until the excess contribution is withdrawn from the IRA
Same contribution limits as regular IRA
Contributions are taxed in year of contribution
Distribution (earnings and contributions) are not taxed if ‘qualified”
Conversion to ROTH IRA
Individual IRA owner can opt to transfer regular IRA to Roth IRA - converted amounts are taxed in year of conversion, no early distribution penalty
Deemed IRA
Created by EGTRRA
Employer sponsored plan can have IRA accounts that accept voluntary contributions
Tax Credit
Encouragement for lower and middle income employees to contribution to retirement plan
Tax credit claimed on individual’s tax return
Keogh Plan
Retirement plan for self-employed individual
SEP Requirements
Simplified Employee Pension In writing Employee requirements: -Age 21; worked in 3 our of last 5 years, received at least $500 in 2007 (indixed); fully vested Held in IRA
Keogh Contributions
Contribution for self-employed owner is based on:
earned income (minus contribution to the plan)
Less half of SECA
Max of $225,000 in 2007 ($245,000 in 2010)
Savings Incentive Matching Plan for Employees
Elective deferral limit same ast401(k)
Catch up contributions
Required employer matching contribution
SOLO 401(k) Plan
Designed for business owner and spouse
Greater contributions than a profit sharing plan
Excess benefit Plan
Provide benefits in excess of Section 415 limits on benefits and contributions
Top Hat Plans
Unfunded plans
Provide deferred compensation for a select group of management or higher compensated employees
ERISA Title I plans but not subject to participation, vesting, funding or fiduciary responsibility of ERISA plan
Constructive Receipt
Concept that if a taxpayer could receive income at any time but elects to receive it later, he or she is still taxed currently because of having the non-forfeitable right to the income
Economic Benefit
If a taxpayer is receiving a current benefit, he or she should be taxed on the value of that benefits
Section 409A
Mandates the terms and conditions that can be in nonqualified deferred compensation plans