deck Flashcards
Station 7
60 ton crane, spaghetti rig sends jp 5, dfm
11m rhib capacity
26 personel
7m rhib capacity
18 personel
Launch Procedures for life rafts
Automatic:when ship sings 10 to 40 ft
Manuallly: hydrostatic realses- diaphram (bell type): pull pin push button
Length of messenger on life rafts
yellow gear
6k, 4k, jlg
green and black bullseye
ground lcac
debark control officer
well deck control officer
ballast control officer
lines keep the ships from moving aft
Keep the ship from moving foward
Life rafts
MK 7, 41 onboard 25 personel
8 onboard
Romeo at the dip
preparing to come alongside
romeo closed up
commence approach
romeo hauled down
1st mesenger in hand
prep at the dip
disengage 15 mins
prep hailed up
Unrep complete
Prep hualed down
clear all lines
800 ft long
at night what flags on the p and d have 2 blue lights
60, 100, 140, 180 rest have 1 red
unrep safe distance
Ras station 1 and 2
on focsle for perssoneel highline transfer and stores
Ras Station 3 and 5
Starboard smoke deck for stores ammo, personnel and stores
Ras station 4 and 6
port smoke deck stores personnel, potable water, and fuel
Ras station 8 and 9
port and stbd wing walls recieve DFM and JP5
Stabilize guide slope indicator
Launch and Recover AAV
1 foot at the sil for lauching
3-6ft for recovering
Horse Collar
Used to hoist Sar swimmers into and out of the water
uses to raise and lower the anchor chain
Doves tail
Keeps anchor on wildcat
Pelican hoot
Chain stopper- fwd pelican hook housing stopper; aft pelican hook riding stopper
Elephant foot
is a fair lead that change the direction of a line
alligator back
spark resistant deck
bull nose
close chock used to fair led the anchor chain through for mooring to a buoy or towing
Lift the chain off of the deck to pass the chian stoppers
Birds Nest
Puttin line on butt to keep it off the deck for sweeping
rat guards
on top of mooring lines to keep rats out
used to hang fire hoses
frogs feet
on aligator back, used to tie off anchor chain
used for securing the bale to the pelican hook
First LT
LT butler
Ships bosun
CWO3 Austin
depth of the anchor chain to the depth of the water
5-7times the depth of the water
swing sircle
distance between the hawse pipe and the stern
drag circle
distance between hawse pip and the bridge wing
ships charactersitc
length 609’ 7”
width: 87” 1/4”
Span wire
used for rigs (fuel)
used for equipment transfer and cargo
lifeguard stations
1,000 yards stern of both delivery ships
Line throwing gun
Fligh deck status
Red deck - canot land or take off
Amber deck - disengaging or engaging rotators
Green deck: Free to land or take off
Stabilize glide scope indicator Indicates pitch and roll of the ship to the helicopters Green: good yellow: too high red: too low
Flight deck type
level 1 class 2 A
Flight deck Length
Flight deck width
85 ft
T line
Mark Vertrep zones
spot one cannot land
HELO control officer
Abandon ship info passed over 1mc
bearing and distance to nearest land, friendly or hostile territory and temp of water