Deck 3 Flows Flashcards
What is the equation for Mass Loading?
- Concentration * flowrate
- ML (kg/day) =(concentration, g/m^3)(flowrate, m^3/d)/ (10^3g/kg)
- ML, lbs/d = (Concentrationmg/L)(flowrate, Mgal/d)(8.34lbs/Mgal * (mg/L)
What is infiltration?
-groundwater thats seeps into a collection system from different points
What is inflow?
-Rain water that enters publicly owned sewers and manholes
What is Flow Equalization?
-Allows for constant to prevent overflow or suspended particles from settling.
When is flow equalization used in wastewater treatment facilities?
-During peak times of the day of water usage
What is Hydraulic Retention Time?
Volume per Flow rate
What is a gravity sewer slope?
What is mass loading used for?
- important is in the design/ sizing of the wastewater units
- mass of BOD that must be processed
How are wastewater flow rates obtained for newly sewered areas?
- analysis of the population
- est. per capita
What is the weight of 1 gallon of water?
-8.34 lb
What is the effect of infiltration& inflow?
- Causes:
- -> dilution in sewage
- -> sewage volumes to exceed design capacity
- -> decreases efficiency of sewers
What is Manning equation?
-gives the velocity of flow in feet per second
What are the types of wastewater collection system?
- Sanitary
- Storm
- Combined
What are the sources of waste water flow?
- Domestic
- Industrial
- Infiltration/Inflow
Average, Maximum, and minimum daily flow all account for what type of weather conditions?
-Dry weather