Deck 3 Flashcards
IWB does a girl say that she and her friend are outgrowing another girl in their class, and that they only sat with her at lunch the prior school year to be nice?
Operation Frog Effect by Sarah Scheerger
IWB does a girl say that she’s not fooled and that anything written at school and collected by a teacher is most certainly not private?
Operation Frog Effect by Sarah Scheerger
IWB does a girl like truth?
Operation Frog Effect by Sarah Scheerger
IWB does a boy often reply, “True dat,” like he’s a gangsta from a TV show?
Operation Frog Effect by Sarah Scheerger
IWB does a teacher pick up an injured frog?
Operation Frog Effect by Sarah Scheerger
IWB does a girl write to her abuelita in her journal every day?
Operation Frog Effect by Sarah Scheerger
IWB does a girl give her Spanish-speaking grandmother English words to practice?
Operation Frog Effect by Sarah Scheerger
IWB did a scientist mocked and belittled for his early experimental flights; people thought his ideas were outrageous?
Rocket to the Moon by Don Brown
IWB did a German scientist improve his WWII V-2 model with a bigger, more powerful one called the Redstone?
Rocket to the Moon by Don Brown
IWB does a dog named Laika get launched into space by the Soviets?
Rocket to the Moon by Don Brown
IWB is Uncle Sam riding in space beside a Russian bear?
Rocket to the Moon by Don Brown
IWB did an unmanned NASA test flight in 1960 blow up after soaring for just a minute?
Rocket to the Moon by Don Brown
IWB did President Kennedy refuse to allow the Soviets to beat America?
Rocket to the Moon by Don Brown
IWB did a capsule have 30 miles of wiring in it?
Rocket to the Moon by Don Brown
IWB does a teacher mark out a girl’s poem with a red pen and write “this does not rhyme!” on it?
Song for a Whale by Lynne Kelly
IWB does twenty hertz make a bid difference in the life of an animal?
Song for a Whale by Lynne Kelly
IWB does an animal awake to find that his family had left him because he was different?
Song for a Whale by Lynne Kelly
IWB could a girl not get a hint if it ran up to her and set her hands on fire?
Song for a Whale by Lynne Kelly
IWB is a girl pushed so hard that she crashed into other people and landed on the floor with her mouth wide open as if she was yelling?
Song for a Whale by Lynne Kelly
IWB was a girl interested in the monster sized TV/radio/record player set at a junkyard?
Song for a Whale by Lynne Kelly
IWB does a girl prented to think about a price offer as if she wasn’t desperate to pay whatever was asked?
Song for a Whale by Lynne Kelly
IWB was a girl wearing ragged blue jeans and a grease-stained white T-shirt?
The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Dan Gemeinhart
IWB were kittens kept in a box on a curb as two boys tried to give them away at a gas station?
The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Dan Gemeinhart
IWB was a man always saying, “wherever your heart wants to go, go there and don’t look back”?
The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Dan Gemeinhart
IWB did a girl live in a bus?
The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Dan Gemeinhart
IWB did a gas station not have any bananas?
The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Dan Gemeinhart
IWB was a girl only able to keep a pet a secret for one day?
The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Dan Gemeinhart
IWB did a girl make up a story about living in a driftwood castle by the ocean?
The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Dan Gemeinhart
IWB does the story begin in a church?
Stargazing by Jen Wang
IWB does a character play violin?
Stargazing by Jen Wang
IWB does a charcter work at a plant nursery?
Stargazing by Jen Wang
IWB does the family keep their shoes by the front door?
Stargazing by Jen Wang
IWB is there a backyard house they rent out?
Stargazing by Jen Wang
IWB do they eat Dan dan noodles?
Stargazing by Jen Wang
IWB does a character listen to K-pop?
Stargazing by Jen Wang
IWB does is a character’s dream present a “brand-spanking-new Schwinn Autocycle Deluxe with a built-in electric light… bright blue and white color and the perfect chrome gleaming in the sun”?
The Unsung Hero of Birdsong, USA by Brenda Woods
IWB does a character say, “Whenever possible, you gotta try to see the goings-on of life through more yes than just your own.”
The Unsung Hero of Birdsong, USA by Brenda Woods
IWB does a character say, “Be nice if the turth always tasted good.”
The Unsung Hero of Birdsong, USA by Brenda Woods
IWB are places/things dictacted use by the color of ones skin?
The Unsung Hero of Birdsong, USA by Brenda Woods
IWB is there a book that gives African Americans a list of places safe to visit when they traveled?
The Unsung Hero of Birdsong, USA by Brenda Woods