Deck 3 Flashcards
We need directions.
Necesitamos direcciones.
We are very early.
(Nosotros) estamos muy temprano.
Excuse me. Are you ready?
Disculpe. Esta usted listo? (lista)
They are very small women.
(Ellas) Son las mujeres muy pequenas.
Those men are large.
Esos hombres son grandes.
They have cats and dogs.
(Ellos ) Tienen gatos y perros.
You (plural) write it here,
Lo escribes aqui.
They speak too fast.
(Ellos) Hablan demasiado rapido.
We walk together.
Caminamos juntos.
I will pay for the meal.
Voy a pagar por la comida.
They know where to eat.
Saben donde comer.
They are here.
(Ellos) Estan aqui.
We have to pay.
Tenemos que pagar.
They have to go now.
Tienen que ir ahora.
Can they come?
Pueden venir?
We know how…
Sabemos como…
We write letters.
Escribimos cartas.
She needs a glass of water.
(Ella) Necesita un vaso de agua
They need lessons.
(Ellos) Necesitan lecciones.
I walk 45 minutes.
Camino cuarenta y cinco minutos.
You (singular) run to the hotel.
Corre al hotel.
I know him.
(Yo) Lo conozco.
They know them.
Los conocen.
We see the hotel.
Vemos el hotel.
You (plural) see spiders?
(Ustedes) ves las aranas?
I see a monkey.
Veo un mono.
We study together.
Estudiamos juntos.
We listen to the words.
Escuchamos las palabras.
I do not learn quickly.
No aprendo rapido.
We continue right.
Seguimos a la derecha.
I drink very little milk.
(Yo) Bebo muy poca leche.
We want to eat with you.
Queremos comer con usted.
I don’t know if there is time.
No se si hay tiempo
We eat together at 4:45.
Comemos juntos a las cinco menos cuatro.
Are you (multiple) from here?
Es ustedes de aqui?
We are not from here.
(Nosotros) No somos de aqui.
We can go together.
Podemos ir juntos.
We drink too much wine, maybe?
Bebemos demasiado vino, quizas?
I am not ready yet.
Todavia no estoy listo (lista.)
Do you want to drink or eat?
(Usted) Quiere beber o comer?
We know where to go.
Sabemos a donde ir.
We can too.
Podemos tambien.
What can we buy with eighty euros?
Que podemos comprar con ochenta euros?
We don’t know what time it is.
No sabemos que hora es.
Maybe it is nine-thirty?
Quizas son nueve y media.
If you don’t know…
Si usted no sabe…
Our friends are going also.
Nuestros amigos van tambien.
We are here together.
Estamos aqui juntos.
We are good friends.
Somos buenos amigos.
We are ready.
Estamos listos.
Are there things to do?
Hay cosas que hacer?
I am leaving now.
(Yo) Me voy ahora
What are you (plural) going to do?
Que vas a hacer?
The water is not cold.
El aqua no esta frio.
The beer is very cold.
La cerveza es muy fria.
Is there enough time to eat?
Hay suficiente tiempo para comer?
My wife is going to eat with us.
Me esposa va a comer con nosotros.
I am your friend.
(Yo) Soy tu amigo.
We are all ready.
Estamos todos listos.
Are you leaving for the restaurant?
Se va para el restuarante?
When are we leaving?
Cuando nos vamos?
We don’t know when.
No sabemos cuando.
Maybe in two weeks
Quizas en dos semanas.
I am going to buy bread.
Voy a comprar el pan.
Are they leaving?
Se van?
My husband and I are from North Carolina.
Mi esposo y yo somos de Carolina del Norte.
It’s 3:30 in the afternoon.
Son las tres y media de la tarde.
Yes, it’s true.
Si, es verdad.
Tell me how.
Diga me como.
How long is he going to be there?
Cuanto tiempo va a estar alli?
She is going to be there four months.
(Ella) Va a estar alli cuatro meses
If you speak more slowly, I can understand.
Si usted habla mas despacio, yo puedo entender.
This person is a man.
Esta persona es un hombre.
Faster than me?
Mas rapido que yo?
You run faster than me.
Usted corre mas rapido que yo.