Deck 2 Flashcards
prlonged GI illness watery diarrhea, wt loss, camping trip no running water - giardia cysts in water large volume smelly stools Dx: Giardia stool antigen Tx: Prev - boil water
O&P less sensitive
Modified acid staining - cryptosporiduium, isospora, cyclosproa
Asymptomatic VSD as adult
small perimembranous defect No pulm HTN, no chamber enlargment close f/u and observation No abx ppx Dx: TTE (if suboptima CMR)
Tx: iF Qp:Qs >2:1 and evidence of LV overload closure
If 1.5: 1 and net left to right then close
Autoimmune bullous disease
Bullous pemphigoid Tense subepidermal blisters non-mucosal surfaces aw RA, DM, SLE, thyrotitis W/u: Skin bx with immunoflorescence
Delirium in ICU
acute state of confusion - reduced conciouslness, cognititsion, emtional distrubance, , hyperactive, hypoactive
Acute CVA does not cause flucutaing conciousness
Opiods take some time to develop dependence and cause withdrwaal
Risk factors for damaging veins in pts with CKD
If pt with bad CKD - don’t use PICC/central lines if avoidable - stenosis of central veins may make unsuitable for dialysis catheter or av fistula
Limited stage small cell lung CA
No cure
rarely present early enough to have surgical resection
Dz limited to one hemithorax, with hilar and mediastinal adneopathy that can be encompassed in one tolerable radiofield
Tx: Chemo+chest radiation
If good response - ppx brain radiation done
Advaced dz - chemo along
Small cell lung CA (early stage surgically treatable)
mediastinoscopy for staging for suitability for surgical cure
Acute digit ischemia in systemic sclerosis
Warm environment
Pain control
**Vasodilating tx - IV epoprostenol (prostacyclin analgog)
sequelae = raynaud, ptting, ulceration, gangrene
Bosentan - preventing recurrences of digital ulcers
no benefit in treating acute digit ischemia
ACEi - sclerodermal renal crisis
Colonoscopy with inadequate prep
re prep and repeat colonoscopy do not wait
q3yr colonoscopy for: 3-10 adenomas all <1cm) tubular adenoma, low grade dyplasia
q10yr - hyperplastic polyp or none
Manage diabetic ketoacidosis
Admit to ICU - insulin, fluids, serial abd exams
No imaging or testing unless abd pain does not resolve with correction of met acidosis
Can cause elevated WBC, fever, elevated amylase
Manage peripheral verigo
referral for vestibular rehab if epley maneuver fails
improves sx, balance and ADL
Menieres dz
Tinnitis, hearing loss, vertigo - episodic vertigo, not positional
Acute viral hepatitis
Marked jaundice - marked elevation of AST/ALT
short duration on sx (acute)
Fulminant Hepatic failure
hepatic encephalopathy w/in 2 months of jaundice,
abnormal INR
chronic liver dz muchlower LFT levels
Primary biliary cirrhosis
chronic liver inflammation - lower LFTs, disproportionaly high alk phos
Chorea gravidarum
self limited chorea during pregnancy
quick muscle jerks in random pattern
(DDX - huntingtons, HIV, encephalidies, poprhyoria etc, etoh, hyperglycem…
Huntington’s - hereditary progressive neurodeg d/o cogniftive decline with chorea - ataxia, dystonia, slurred speech,myoclonus - psych sx halluc, irrit agitation, dyphoria, disinhibition
Tardive diskinsesa
2/2 mes that block dopamine rcts
twitching movememnts, abn postures
choreiform movmeemnt of face
Takotsubo’s CM
Stress CM - transient ST elev, +CE normal coronaries with apical balooning, basal hypercontractility
catecholamine induced
Tx: BB, ACEi
PR seg depression
diffuse ST elev
Twave changes
CP postional
HYperthyroid in pregnancy
Tx with PTU in 1st trimester -> methimazole after
presence of vilitigo, suggests automimmunte graves
r/o fetal growth retardation, miscarriage, prmature delivery, preeclampsia
Only thyroidectomy if toxic gointer, large malignant thyroid nodule, toxic adenoma
**Hydroxurea cause of macrocytosis
decrease incidence of sickle cell crisis
RNA reductase inhibitor
dec’s DNA synthesis
Cobalamin def - high MCV, glossitis, wt loss, hypersg PMNs, takes years to manifest
Myelodyplastic syndrome =- infeff hematopoesis, transformationi to AML - need to be dificent in all cell lines
Ankylosing spondylitis
Can occur in 20’s
Need radiographic evidence for dx
can be neg in xray
Pain/morning stiffness relieved with ACTIVITY
MRI sarcoilliac jnt - bone marrow edema, synovitis, erosions, CT can’t detect early bone edema (don’t MRI lumbar spine, affected LATER)
Tx: NSAIDS, tnf alpha, phys tx/surgery
Rotator cuff tendonitis/impingement
pain in shoulder began after rpeitive activity
pain occurs in range of abduction only
neg drop arm test
+hawkins test
Acromioclavicular joint degeneration
aw trauma or osteoarthritis - palpapbel osteophytes on xray with deg changes - pain with shouler movememnt up and down after 120 deg
Adhesive capsulitis
thickening of capsule surrounded by glenohurmoral joint
loss of both passive and active ROM
multiple planes and stiffness
slow in onset, near insertion of deltoid
Rotator cuff tear
+drop arm test
weakness, Loss of function
wk external rotation
Manage anemia in CKD pt
Start EPO
CKD pt with Hg <10
r/o IDA, vit B12 def, GI blood loss, hemoglobinopathy
target Hg 10-11
Mild pulm Histoplasmosis
No tx needed in healthy host
ohio river valley/misippi valley
pulm infiltrates mild hilar LAD
If tx needed: ie immunoompromised HIV
more serious lipid amphotericin B
Pulmonary embolism
Intermediate to high risk - get CTA chest
lack of contraindication and str abn lung (no V/Q scan)
Don’t use D-dimer in intermed to high risk (only to r/o low risk patients)
If contraindictation to CTA chest then get duplex LE US r/o DVT
Mechanical heart valve and microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
elev LDH, dec’d haptoglobin, decreeased Hg, inc’d retics = evidence of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia + schistocytes on smear
10 year old valve with new murmur
TTE to check for valve dysfxn
TTP - adamts-13 assay - would have low plts and more acute course
Not DIC - no signs of sepsis
Direct coombs - warm or cold autoimmune hemo anemia - would show spherocytes
Osmotic fragility test - hereditary spheroctyosis
personal or family hx jaundice, splenomeg, gallstones, spherocytes on smear
Cryptococcal meningitis
In pt with HIV and immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome
sweating diplopia, left gaze, somnolence
immune response increases dramatically to fight crytococcus - (diss fungal infxn) - CSF (elev lymphocytes, inc’d protein low normal glucose)
Check crytococcal antigen -
Tx: IV amphotericin B then long term fluconazole
CMV also OI in AIDS but with CD4<100, MRI multiple ring enhancing lesions, h/a mental status chagne, focal deficits
Telogen effluvium
common cause of non-scarring hairloss
common in young post partum women
body brings lots of hair from anogen to telgoen phase under stress - hair loss diffuse
No tx required (also cuase by sehorreic dermatiits, psoriasis, IDA, thyroid dz)
Allopecia areata
patches of total hair loss no scarring - autoimmune
Androgenta alopecia
chronic loss of hair in crown positon - male pattern baldness
Lichen planpilaris
scarring alopeicia -
chornic cutaneous lupus - would have scaring with dyspigmentation
REfractory temporal lobe epilepsy
Right temporal lobectomy
Unlikely that addition of meds will help
Corpus callosotomy palliateive surgery for kids with syptomatic generalized epilepsy or atonic seizures
Vagal nerve stimulation doesn’t put seizures into remission
Eosinophllic esophagitis
slowly progressive solid food dysphagia in young person with asthma and allergies
food impaction
Mucosal bx with infiltration by EOS >15/hpf
exclusion of GERD by ambulatory pH monitoring or non response to PPI trial
proximal strictures on endoscpy
Tx: swlalowed aersolized corticosteroids
Achalasia - solid and liquid dyphagia aw CP and regurg
(motiiity d/o not mech obstruction)
Esophageal infection - in pts who use swallowed/aero corticosteroids - usually with oropharyngeal candidiasis
Malignancy - less likely in young pt with no wt loss
oropharyngeal dysphagia - difficulty swallowing phase/formation of food bolus
Hypogonadism in pts with obesity
total testosterone >350 excludes hypogonadism
<200 confirms hypogonadism
200-350 is grey zone
Need free testosterone level - obesity can cause DECREASE in sex binding globulins so low total testosterone level can be normal in free testosterone
then need to r/o other caueses ie meds
karyotype not needed -normal FSH/LH (used to exlude klinefletsers)
Pituitary MRI not needed because 2ndary hypogonadism not confirmed
Sperm count not needed as pt with normal sperm count cna have low testoterone and vice versa
Informed consent
- understanding proposed tx
- understanding alternatives
- understanding risks and benfits of both tx and alternatives
Applies to all health care decisions not just procedures
Dx Glomerular hematuria
See dysmorphic erythrocytes (acanthocytes) on urine microscopy (eruthrocytes retain ring shape but have blebs of membrane protruding) - acanthocytes in blood have spikes not blebs)
Then check urine protein-cr ratio - determine degree of proteinuria
If + then check complement, hep panel, bctx, ANA, ANCA, anti basement membrane ab, anti streoptolysin ab, then kidney bx
If microscopic hematuria non-glomerular then check kidney US
UCtx not needed if U/A neg
Amyloidosis in pt with heart failure
heart failure, hepatomegaly,proteinuria, bruising - low voltage on EKG despite LVH - infiltrative process
Serum/urine spep/upep, fat pad bx -> amyloid
Endomyocardidal bx for dx of myocardial amyloid
Giant cell myocarditis
pw significant hf or cardiogenic shock high mortality rate refractory ventricular arrythmias may present over montsh or acutely NOT aw systemic sx
if inovlves heart - patchy areas of inflammation/fibrosis from granuloma formation - no low voltage (not infitrative)
No pulm dz in this patient or skin fidings of sarcoid
No proteinuria/bleeding abn in sarcoid
Takayatsu arteritis
aorta and major branches
young women
low grde fever, wt loss, fatigue, myalgia, arthralgia, elevated ESR/CRP, mild anemia/thrombocytosis
Fusiform narrowing of involved blood vessels
Bruises -> pulse deficits -> organ/limb ischemia
Adult onset STILLS dz
high eSR, CRP, high spiking fever, serositis, arthritis, RASH
Microscopic polyangiitis
mononeuropathy, glomerulnephritis, pulm hemorrhage, p-ANCA(myeloperoxidase)
Polyarteritis nodosa
aw Hep B
fever, myalgia, HTN, mononeuropathy, abd pain
elevated CK, prox muscle wk, myalgia, wt loss
Pulmonary mets from Colonrectal CA
Stage II CRC - periodic H&P, exam, CEA
Annual CT surveillance - colonoscopy
Resection of primary mets to lung (limited to lung)
No data on additional chemo/rad
Nochemo/rad as primary tx for lung mets from CRC II
Peripheral manifestations of psoriatric arthritis
Methotrexate - can treat both arthritis and peripheral manifestations of psoriasis
Polyarticular, DIP, nail changes, arthritis mutilans, nail changes, dacylitis,
Rituximab (CD20) may worsen psoriasis
steroids may worsen psoriasis
ibuprophen doesn’t help
sx Multiple myeloma
>10% plasma cells Need evidence of end organ damage 1. Kidney bx - myeloma cast neuroapthy 2. Hyper Ca+ 3. Anemia 4. Bone dz
Abd Fat pad aspiration - dx amyloid - nephrotic range proteinuria, peripheral sensomotor neuropathy, autonomic neuropathy, carpel tunnel, heart failure, macroglossia
Chemotx only if end organ damage
F/u M protein in 12 months only if <10% plasma cells
well defined pink to brown patches, ofthen in moist skin folds, leisons floresce bright coral red under WOOD lamp
Etio - coryneobacterium minitusimum - groin, axilla, intergluteal fold
asx or mild pruritis,
Cutaneous candidiasis
red itchy, inflamed skin, satelite pustules
Inverse psoriasis
psoriasis in intertrignous areas (inguinal, perneienal, genital, axillary) ie not in extensors
No scaling
Tx: topical steroids
has ring with clearing center
KOH scraping branching hyphae
Cushing syndrome - secondary cause of DM
DM, HTN, central obesity, hypokalemia, proximal muscle weakness
CHeck 24 hr urine cortisol, overnight dexameth supp,
Other secondary causes - meds, pancreatic dz, genetic conditions
Causes of cushing - corticosteroid use, secrtion of ACTH by pituitary adenoma (cushing dz), hyperfxn adrenal adenoma
Adrenal CT only if non- ACTH dep cushing
Confirm autoimmune type I DM - glutamic acid decarboxylase Ab
Type II DM high normal C-peptide from insulin resisitance
Pancreatic imaging if jaundice, back pain, chronic diarrhea
Screen for CKD in DM pts
CHeck spot albumin creatnine ratio annual testing
Type I Dm - 5 years after dx
Type II DM - immediately upon dx
Microalbum 30-300 - need ACEi/ARB
24 hr urine protein too cumbersome (gold standard)
Kidney US - once CKD dx
Rumination syndrome
effortless regurgitation of undigested food and reswallowing of contents
30min to 1-2 hrs after meals
Rome III criteria - persistent or recurrent regurgistation and swallow/spit, regurgitation not preeceded by wretching, 3-6 months
Tx: deep breathing post prandial
Cannaboid hyperemsis syndrome
h/o marijuana use with recurrent n/v abd pain - better with marijuana cessation or hot bath
Cyclic vomiting syndrome
vomiting and feelin gwell between periods - (less than 1 week), fhx migraine
n/v/bloating, postprandial fullness, early satiety, abd discomfort, DM >10 years
Manage pressure ulcer
Stage III (full thickness no bone/tendon/muscle), Stage IV (Muscle/bone/tendon)
Needs debridement
Add abx as needed
moiste wound environment
No role for hyperbaric, EM or US therapy
Neg pressure wound vac - not better than standard tx
Surguical flaps only in refractory ulcers, vit c/zinc don’t work.
Evaluate acute chest pain
Serious 6 ACS Pericarditis with tamponade PE PTX Aortic dissection Esophageal rupture diastolic murmur - poss dissection with aortic root rupture and AI
CHest CT for pt iwth widened mediastinum, CP, and difference in BP L vs R arm and diastolic murmur (not TTE - not good to assess ascending aortic aneursym) - TEE better for that
Posterior EKG - dx of isolated posterior wall MI - would have +myoglibin
No V/Q as pt does not have si sx PE
Critical illness myopathy
Severely ill pt in ICU>7 days - inability to extubate, prox flaccid limb wk - elevated CK
worse iwth use of steroids, hyperglyemia, NMJ agents
Guillane barre similar but NO HIGH CK
Corticosteroid myopathy
prox weakness - normal CK, only mild myopathic findings on EMG
Myasthenia gravis
worse with activity
post synaptic aceetylcholie rct ab
pstosis, diplopia, slurred speech, weakeness incrases with repeated testing (on EMG)
Prosthetic joint infection
prosthetic joint infection not loose and pt doesn’t want replacement - lifelong abx suppression with bactrim (no sulfa allergy)
(IDeally removal of hardware and abx therpay followed by replacement)
Don’t use rifampin - develops resistance quickly
don’t repeat abx regimen already used (IV)
observation with sx relief but no abx will cause extension of local infection/systemic infxn
Stage I rectal CA
Midrectal CA into mucosa but not trhough, no LN mets - surgery ALONE
Low anterior resection - if further staging shows T3-4 or any postive nodes then chemorad/chemo needed
Chemo, radiation or combination not shown to help stage I dz - RFA doesn’t cure CRC primary tumors
b/l interstitial fiborsis of lung parenchyma 2/2 inhallation of asbestos fibers - latency 10-15 yrs
Crackles on exam
Work in shipyard without adequate respiratory protection
CT with b/l peripheral and basal septal thickening with pleural thickening and calcified pleural plaques
Breathlessness and restrictive pulmonary physiology
Hypercapnic resp failure as lungs can’t expand 2/2 stiff pleura
Tob inc’s risk of lung CA
Hypersensitiveity Pneumonitis
acutely after exposure to antigen - fever, flulike sx, cough waxes and wanes with exposure
Mid upper lung involvement (not basal)
centrolobar nodules (not pleural plaques)
pt with interstital lung dz
NO exposures
Severe knee osteoarthritis
not responding to conservative mesures and have functional limitations - refer for total knee replacement
No benefit from knee arthroplasty (is good with meniscal injury)
Osteootomy for valgus/varus deformity or younger pts with unilateral
Hyalronate injections only for mild to mod OA
NSTEMI not candidate (or wants) angiography
BB, ASA, plavix, statin, LMWH - TIMI risk =4
would need angiogram but pt does not wish it
Contraindication to LMWH - obesity, kidney dysfxn and need for invasive procedure
Only use CCB when pt contraindicated for BB
Glioblastoma Multiforme
MC and aggressive intraparenchymal brain tumor
ring enhancing lesion with central necrosis and hemorrage
Meningiomas - extraparenchymal / extradural - enhance diffusely with dural tail - slow growing, better prognosis thank gliobastoma MF
Oligodendroglimoas - rare - intraparenchymal lesions - No enhancement, no necrosis/hemorrhage
Schwanomma - tumors of nerve sheath - CN VIII, hearing loss, tinniis, enhancing lesion at cerebellopontine angle - better prognosis than gliomas
Squamous cell CA
malignancy of lips/oral cavity
Risk factors etoh, smoking, sun exposure
red plaques/nodules - crust/erosions
Need bx and excision
Actinic chelitis
chronic erythema and scaling of lower lip - sun damage - PRECANCEROUS - SCC can evolve
Tx: cryothrapy, topical 5FU, Laser ablation
Herpes simplex (orolabial)
cold sores HSV 1 - found around vermillion of lip - prodrome tingling prior to onset of vesicles then crust over
S aureus - yellow crusted surface - tx topical abx or systemic
Lichen planus
lips and buccal mucosa - may ulcerate - Wichham striae - white lacy rash on buccal mucose - r/o evolving SCC
Diffuse esophageal spasm
Chest pain
Corkscrew esophagus on barium swallow (multiple simultaneous contractions on manometry) esophageal dysmotility
dyphagia to solids/liquids both
Achalasia - birds beak esophagus - needs surgical myotomy
Eosinophillic esophagitis - multiple rings/strictures - h/o asthma/atopy
Schatzi ring - isolated ring in GE jnc - intermittent dysphagia no CP
IgA nephropathy
gross hematuria, h/o resp/GI illness (recent) and normal complement
Infections precipitate production of Ab - IgA depostis in glomeruli causing injury and bleeding
(ATN from tubular congestion)
Glomerular cresents on kidney bx bad prognosis
Analgesic nephropathy
NOT DUE TO Glomerular damage (chornic interstitial nephritis, renal papillary necrosis)
Post infectious glomerulonephritis
Preceding GI/resp infection weeks before (strep/staph)
Decreased complement
elevated anti steptolycin O ab
pigment induced nephropathy
muscle injury releases CK/myoglobin
elevated CK, elevated urine myoglobin
ACEi induced cough
non productive cough after starting ACEi - normal CXR
d/c ACEi (cough from bradykinin)
Substitute ARB + smoking cessation + re-eval in 4 wks
(can consider GERD, asthma, upper airway cough syndorme (post nasal drip))
Camping trip new england Tick borne dz Ioxides tick 1. Lyme (borriella burgdorferi) 2. Babeesiosis (Babesia microti) 3. Human granulocytic Anaplasmosis (anaplasma phagoctyophilium)
Only Babesiosis have HEMATURIA
Tx: atovaquone or azithro
severe - exch tx
RMSF - rash no hematuria - blanching erythematous macuoles wrists and ankels -> petechiae
West Nile virus - fever, CNS SX not HEMATURIA
Cardiac sarcoid
Dx with cardiac MR
Echo findings suggestive - restrictive filling, biatrial enlargement,
MR would show delayed gadoinium enhancement in atypical distribtuions for coronary artery disease
MR also looks at pericardial thickness r/o constrictive pericarditis
IF cardiac sarcoid confirmed -> ICD
ENdomyocardial bx warranted if MR neg
TEE only if TTE inadequate
High grade dysplasia in pt with barretts
Pt with Barrett esophagus
High grade dysplasia
Tx: Esophagectomy if surgical candidate
Endoscopic ablation (ie bad heart failure) - alternative
If no precedure - endoscopic surveillance q3m - adenoCA then surgery (high grade-> adeno 6%/yr)
Dopamin agonist (carbergoline better tolerated than bromocriptine) if no sx (no visual field changes despite being on optic chiasm) will decrease tumor size OCP do not use - may increase tumor size Surgery only with intolerance of dopamine agonist, unstable vision changes Radiation last resort tx
External spinal cord compression by epidural hematoma on warfarin
Pt on warfarin with INR 3
Discontinue warfarin reverse A/C in prep for surgical decompression
Cauda equina syndrome form cauda equa compression 2/2 epidural hematoma
Do not lumbar puncture prior to AC reversal
Without fever and WBC elev, epidural abscess unlikely so no abx
If no signs of inflammaotry process then no need for high dose solumedrol
Staph aureus infection
G+ organisms MCC infectious arthritis
monarticular usually
affect large joints, rapid (1-2 hrs)
Otherwise healthy patient with skin breakdown in trauma
Fever, swollen knee with effusion -> stayph aureus septic arthritis
hematogenous spread of skin infection to knee
Gout rare in healthy young women
Onset of chronic lyme gradual
Patient hospital dispostion options
Skilled nurinsing facility - IV meds, low level rehab - when gets better can reassess for better dispo
Inpatient rehab - intensive physical and occupation therapy - need to be medically stable and able to participate in 3 hrs /day at least
Long term acute care hospital - will need hospital based interventions - need for significant medical monitoring>25 days - overseen by physicians
Hospice care - prognosis < 6 months
Hematuria - low risk patient
Risk factors >40, h/o uro d/o, analgesic abuse, pelvic irrad, UTI, smoking, occupational exposure chem/dyes
(FHx does not increase risk)
Repeat U/A if +
Glomerular - dymorphic erythrocytes (acanthocytes) on urine microscopy, erythrocyte casts
Non-glomerular - isomorphic/normal RBCs on urine microscopy (UTI, bladder/renal CA)
Dx: Upper urinary tract imaging - CT, US, IV uropgraphy (CT Urography best) ->cytoscopy / urine cytology
No Uctx if no WBC no dyuria
Vocal cord dysfxn
inspir and exp wheezing
respiratory distress, anxiety
difficult to distinguish from asthma during exacerbation
Clues: sudden onset and abrupt termination of attacks - lack of response to asthma tx, promient neck discomfort, lack of hypoxemia, lack of hyperinflation
FLow volume loop: Inspiratory (lower) limb cut off 2/2 extrathoracic obstruction - vocal cord - expiratory (upper limb) prserved
TX: speech therapy, relaxation techniques, tx of anxity, post nasal drip, gastroesophageal reflux
Acute asthma
cxr not needed unless doesn’t respond to asthma therapy or evidence of concurrent condition (PNA< HF, PTX)
Bullous pemphigoid
autoimmune bullous disorder
Tx: prednisone initially then transition to steroid sparing ageng (azathroprine, mycophenolate motif)
Dx: skin bx (infection, contact dermatitis, allerigc, drug reaction)
Monitor skin for signs of superinfection (antihistoamien hydroxazien may not help
Manage GI Bleed in patient taking warfarin
Upper endoscopy to be performed right away in pts with UGIB with INR <3
Gnawing pain and characteristic coffee ground emesis = pepcid ulcer dz
Weigh risk of thrombosis from A/C rev against riks of bleeding - in pt with prosthetic valve and recent TIA should NOT reverse or sthop A/C (pt HD stable)
If need to reverse - FFP immediate, oral or IV vit K delayed
Profound hypoglycemia in older patients
Sulfonyureas with longer half lives in older pts
prolonged hypoglycemia
focal neuro signs(coma, hemiplegia), sweating (A1c level HCT if + and within window consider TPA
Prevent varicella zoster in pt with leukemia
Give varicella IgG (VZIG) or IVIG if not available for ppx w/in 96hrs
No varicella vaccine (live vaccine) in leukemia immunocompromized pt (under therapy)
Acyclovir not proven to help for post exp ppx
HTN in pt with DM2
keep < 130/80 - already on arb (irbesartan), HCTZ - add BB or CCB
If GFR <30 and need better diuresis change HCTZ to loop diuretic
Only add spironolactone as 4th drug if 3 drugs already on board at optimal doses
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Unprovoked vein thrombosis unusual location (splenic vein)
Hemolytic anemia
mild to mod pancytopenia
Dx: flow cytometry CD55, 59
Direct coombs - to evaluate autoimmune hemolysis, splenomegaly, spherocytosis, reticulocytosis, elevated unconjugated bili, elev LDH, dec’d haptoglobin
Factor V Leiden - thrombophilia
Antiphospholipid syndrome - inc’d risk of arterial and venous TE - correlation to pregnancy loss
dermatitis herpetiformis
aw celiac dz!!!
autoimmune bullous dz
intensly itchy small papulovesicles on scalp, elbows, knees, back buttocks
Skin bx: deposition of granular IgA in dermal papillary tips
Tx: gluten free diet (Dapsone for skin lesions only)
follow TTG ab
will improve anemia
Sarcoid - skin - maculopapular eruption, waxy nodule, erythema nodosum
manage epistaxis
apply uninterupted pressure x 15-30 minutes then avoid blowing nose, stop nasal steroids
Etio (viral/bact rhinositis, nose pickign, dry air, intranasal steroids)
No need for blood count or coags
Cauterization/nasal packing or nasal artery emboliz for sevre cases not responsing to pressure
Only posterior nasal bleeds need ENT
Acute ischemic stroke treatment
Tx with ASA at least 160mg daily
dpeending on size of stroke transition to warfarin
Obesity hypoventillation syndrome
Daytime hypercapnia PCO2>45 (dimineshd ventilaotry drive 2/2 obesity) Pulmonary HTN, polycythemia OSA Sleep study to determine CPAP vs bipap Tx: weight loss
Cheyne stokes breathing - central sleep apena - cresencdo decresendo pattern
men with advanced LV dysfxn
COPD long standing - carbon dioxide retnetion and hypercapnia
Treat aortic disease in patient with bicuspid aortic valve
Sx aortic regurg
-> already indicated for AVR regardless of LV fxn
if aorta > 45mm then repair at time of AVR indicated
Bicuspid aortic valve aw ascending aortic dilation -
Don’t wait on intervention (BB can slow progression of aortic dilation in marfans)
Tennis elbow/lateral epicondylitis
Periarthritic d/o pain at elbow-> forewarm
repetitive motion of forearm injury and inflammation of the tendon - carrying/lifting/grasping objects (overuse syndrome)
Pain on lateral elbow
Tx: counterbrace
Cervical radiuclopathy
pain-> forarm but also aw numbness, tingling, wk
Sx reproduced by bending neck
Olecron bursitis
Pain at the olecron process at tip of elbow aw bursa swellign
etio - trauma, septic (staph aur), gouty
Tx: aspiration
OA of elbow
rare - occurs with prior injury to elbow - pain localized to elbow joint only
Tx Younger pt with AML with high risk features
High risk AML=complex karyotype, 5q deletion
Best tx: allogenic stem cell tx
(no advantage with autologous stem cell tx)
(Azacitindine - high risk MDS)
Favorable young patients - t(8;21), inv 16 - chemo/cytarabine
Radiation induced aortic valve regurgitation
Common in post radiation patients (10-25years) - r/o valve fibrosis
Corrugan pulse (rapid carotid upstroke, rapid decline)
high pitched blowing diastolic decrescendo murmur heard to left of sternum at 3rd ICS
Displaced PMI
Widended pulse pressure (155/43)
Dypnea from inc’d LVEDP from AR
CP from low coronary filling pressures
low diastolic aortic pressure
Constrictive pericarditis
prior radiation with DOE
findings of RV failure (JVD, peripheral edema)
Restrictive CM
signs of RV prossure overload
Tricuspid regurg
large retrograde V waves/hepatojugualar reflux
systolic murmur
Manage non-cardiac chest pain
2wice daily PPI x 8 to 10 weeks if no alarms sx (if so then directly to EGD)
Pt with non-anginal CP with neg stress and neg echo
If PPI unsucessful then endoscopy (r/o erosive esophagitis, achalaisa or manometry (DES/esoph motilitly d/o) ambulatory pH monitoring
MSK CP - focal, sharp localized to one area
Multiple sclerosis
partial demyelinnating myeltis
Cervical cord
Electrical sensation with neck movment (Lhermmete sign)
Prior eposide of vision loss (optic neurtis)
daytime fatigue
Dx: MRI brain ovoid white matter lesions from MS
Not cardioembolic CVA - no language deficit in setting of large motor def/sens def
Not migraine - would have h/a, would caurse subtle neuro deficits only
h/o recurrent respiratory tract infections with encapsulated bugs, H flu, S.pneumoniae, giardiasis
autoimmunie hemolytic anemia, pernicious anemia (high MCV), RA, d/o of GI tract -> malaborption
r.o sinopulm d/o, lymphoma,
If titers low, check response to protein/protein sacc vacines
If very low then then vaccine response unnecessary
Low total hemolytic complement
complement def
Early compoent of complement - SLE
(recurrent infxn wtih encapsulated bugs or diss neissria
Def in terminal complement - recurrent neisserial infxn, ie meningitis and DIG
Absolute risk=pt with event in one group/total pt’s in group
Primary hyperparathyroidism
h/o fragility fx
inappropriately high PTH in setting of hyperCa+
Need PTHectomy
Indications for PTHectomy
- Sx hyperCa (arrtymias, nephrolithiasis)
- Cr Cl < -2.5
- Ca+ > 1mEq abov normal
- age< 50
- Fragility fx
Bisphosp only if pt refuses surgery
No bone scan, no PTHrP needed
Actinic keratosis
sun exposed areas in older people
Premalignant -> SCC
erythematous scaley macules
Cryotx, 5FU, photodynamic tx
Easier to papate and dx
Basal cell CA
pearly, waxy - fair skin, sun exposure
Sebhorriec kearatosis
brown, warty waxy plaques - stuck on appearance - benign
Solar lengintes
brown macular patches in fair skined with sund damage - benign but could be hiding cancer underneath
Porphorya cutanea tarda
blistering d/o - def o enzyme uroporphyingen decarbox - bullae on dorsum of hands after sun exposre - dyspigmentation, scaring, tender
End stage kidney dz and alport syndrome
GFR 13 -
Xlinked dz collagen synthesis
sensoneural hearing loss, ocular abn, fhx kidney dz and deafness
Kidney tx is only therapy - dz does not recur in tx
(ACE/ARB can slow decline, not tx)
Manage CVD risk in pt with CKD
LDL target in pts with CKD not on HD is < 70
Increase lipitor dose
Lowering PTH in CKD patients not aw dec’d mortality
Keep bicarb >23
Corticosteroid refractory idiopathic tranverse myelitis
PE: bl leg wk, loss of sensation below umbilicus, hyperreflexia LE, leukocytosis in CSF, inflammation in MRI,
Probably autoimmune transverse myelitis
First line tx: high dose steroids
2nd line: plasmapheresis or cyclophosphamide
Glatiramer acetate - Disease mod agent in tx of MS - reducees immune resposes that exacerbate MS
Treat multinodular goiter
thyroidectomy if impinging partially solid and cystic nodules Goiter grows over time FNA rules in or out CA If no CA Growing goiter can compress trachea, esophagus, laryngeal nerve
Ext beam radiation doesn’t work
synthroid will make pt thyrotoxic
No need for PTU/methimazole
Radioactive iodine only used in pts with MN goiter with autonomous fxn
Metastic melanoma
sx brain mets
If symptomatic - resect brain mets or stereotactic surgery
chemo and/or radiation won’t work without surgery
Melanoma relatively radio resistant
Neg sx: withdrawal, flat affect, lack of interest
Pos sx: paranoia, hearing voices
Sig/sx at least 1 month
Fhx schzophrenia inc’s risk
Sebhorreic keratosis
flesh colored to yellow, tan, irregularly pigmented
waxy/veruncous intexture
BENIGN - no premalignant potential
Atypical nevi
located on torso more macular (ie flat), lack verruncous texture of seborrhic keratosis
irreg borders, darkly pigmented black lesion
Solar lentignes
completely flat in areas of sun exposure
Dx amiodarone induced pulm toxicity
chronic dypnea, dry cough, restrictive lung physiology
temporaly related to start of amiodarone
Chroic intersticital pneumonits, organizing PNA, ARDS, pulm mass,
Risk - inc’d age, dose, duration of tx, pre-existing lung dz
Psoriatric arthritis
various pattern of joint/nail involvement
DIP, enthesitis, dactylitis, tenosynovitis, nail pitting, symmetric polyarthritsi - arthrtiis mutilans, spondylitis - onchymyolysis
Lyme arthritis
med or large joints - NO NAIL CHANGES
DIP no nail findings
usually symmetric - PIP, MCP, NO NAIL CHANGES
Tuberculin skin testing
> 10mm - IVDA, persons from countries with high prev < 5ya, employees of NH, hospit, homeless shelter, mycobacterium lab, ppl with inc’d risk of TB (DM, CKD, siolosis, cancer of head/neck, gastric bypass
> 5mm - recent contact with active TB pt, HIV, fibrotic changes on prior CXR c/w old healed TB, organ tx or other immunocomprimised
Asx person of both groups if cxr neg then need latent TB tx
Afib in setting of HF after MI
One of few agents safe for sx afib with LV dysfxn
(alternate= dofetilide - ok with afib and HF - monitor QT)
No flecanid - inc’d r/o polymorphic VT
NO disopyramide - neg ionotrope
No dronedarone - inc’d mortality in NYHA III, IV
No soltolol - more BB than amio, bad in HF
Proliferative glomerulonephritis
active SLE and abn urine
new onset HTN/edema
+ANA, dec’d complement, proteinuria, hematuria
Need prompt bx - wil lthen start on high dose corticosteroids + immunosupp agent (cyclophos or mycophenilate moteifil)
Severe COPD
Pulmonary rehab for…
Sx COPD with FEV1t walk, recent MI or UA)
Morphine only for pt with severe dypnea at rest for palliation
O2 only for 88% or lower
Steroids only for acute exacerbation - change in baseline cough, sputum
Cryptococcal meningitis in pt with AIDs
Disseminated cryptococcus - with meningitis
Tx: conventional amphoteriicin B and flucytosine
h/a, skin lesions (molloscum like) - CSF paucity
If pressure>250 then drainage needed
1: induction - amphoter B + fluctyocine
2: consolidation - oral fluconazole x 8 wks
3: maintenanc/suppression
(lipid amphoter for kidney dz pts)
no echiochinocandins - (caspofungin) as no activity against crypto and no CSF penetration
(also amphot B+ fluconazole, flucon along, fluc + flucytocine)
Sx pulmonary valve stenosis
Contraindications to pulm baloon valvulopastic
Sub or supra pulm valvular stenosis
Severe PR
hypoplastic pulm annulus
going in anyway for other cardiac dz - fix valve while in there (need pulm valve replacement)
Sx patients with >50mm instant grad (30mm mean)
Asx pt with >60mm/40mm mean wihtout mod or greater PR
Pulm vasodilator therapy for PAH
Atypical parkinson’s dz
typical parkinson’s responds to high dose levodopa
Sx: resting tremor, bradykinesia, rigidiy, postural instability
absense of olfaction
w/o response to levodopa - more extensive dz
Tremor absent in 30%
Most parkinson’s patients have autonomic dysfxn
Manage pt with secondary iron overload from B thal minor
Hct 25% - can’t do phlebtomy - need iron chelation (deferasirox)
B thal major with iron overload from excessive tx and inefective EPpoesis
elev ferritin and transferrin saturation indication for tx
Complications from second iron overload - HF, liver failrue, arthraligia, pitutiary, islet cell dysfxn
Chronic neuropathic pain
mod to severe
if did not respond to non-opiod meds
transition to sustained release morphine
don’t use tramadol for chronic pain - weak opiod
don’t use methadone in pt with ischemic CM and conduction dz (can cause long QT -> VT)
HTN in black patient with CKD
Stage 3 CKD - add ramipril
blacks with more end organ damage from HTN at any level than other groups
Absense of end organ damage goal < 135/85
+end organ damage - ing diuretic will improve bp but not proetinuria and kidney dz progression)
Tx superficial lacerations in elderly adult
Non-adherent dressing over plain petrolium - cheap and good
Atopic skin (Polymyalgia rheumatica - pain in neck,shoulder, hip aw temporal arteritis - tx with low dose prednisone) Minimize risk of damage to skin with adherent tapes
(no need for hydrocolloid, hydrogel, calcium angonate, foam dressings)
No need for topical abx - risk of allergic contact dermatitis and drug resistance
Don’t leave wound open - escar can form - prolong healing time
Evaluate diarrhea not meeting criteria for irritable bowel syndrome
IBS - abd pain, diarrhea, imporovment with defecation, onset with change in stool frequency,
Dx: flex sig with bx - r/o microscopic colitis
thickened subepithelial collagen band (collangenous colitis) or subepithelial lymophcytic infiltrate (lymphocytic colitis)
Don’t use antispasmotic agents - dicyclomine - GI smooth muscle relaxants -
Pt with normal IgA unlikely to have celiac dz
If needed to use TTG NOT antigliaden ab to dx celiac dz
Don’t give loperimdie without dx
Small intestinal bowel overgrowth
diarrhea, bloating, weight loss Macrocytic anemia 2/2 B12 def Elevated folate (bacteria consume B12, synthesize folate) Pt with sclerosis high risk for SIBO 2/2 intestinal dysmotility Risk factors - altered gastric acid (gastrectomy, achlorohydria, str abn (strictures/diverticula blind loops), intestinal dysmotility (DM, NM d/o) Dx: hydrogen breath test, upper endo with ctx
Celiac dz unlikely with normal TTG
Microscopic colitis - chagnes ONLY in colon so fat absorption should not be affected, vit def not present
Acute sinusitis
tx with anti histamine for mild case, no abx
usually resolves 7-10 days
Abx only for worsening sx and HIGH fever
No need for nasal ctx
No need for imaging - not very sensitive
role of nasal steroids unclear