Deck 2 Flashcards
What should the nurse do when the client starts to shout and states get away from me?
The nurse should keep the client as calm and safe as possible.
When a client starts to exhibit symptoms of schizophrenia the nurse should what?
Always keep the client safe and create a calm reassuring environment (”What are you seeing”), (provide assurance & comfort)
When teaching a client about schizophrenia what should be mentioned?
Additional financial needs, or resources should be mentioned. Resources
Who is the individual included when a mental health disorder is diagnosed?
Social Worker
What is the priority with bipolar disorder?
Safety should always remain the priority. (When they feel that they are safe they know they won’t be harmed, become depressed)
Clients with depression may exhibit…
Delusions or hallucinations (drive to suicide)
Loss of a job is a risk factor for what?
Stress from a new job can relate to…
Mood disorders and interplay with genetics
With a client expressing they don’t want to live anymore you want to what?
Recognize red flags and assess and ask further questions.(take what they say seriously always)
Insomnia and hyper insomnia can be findings of what?
What do you monitor for with ECT?
Monitor the client for seizures
A student is experiencing mood swings, this is a warning sign of what?
Client starts to talk about giving away their favorite personal belongings, this is an example of what?
Suicidal ideation (are they thinking about suicide)
Symptoms of lithium toxicity include
Causes GI symptoms and poor coordination
Fluoxetine is used to treat what