Deck 19 Flashcards
Olvidaba mis llaves.
I was forgetting my keys.
Don’t correct the mistake.
No corrijas el error.
No compres un coche.
Don’t buy a car.
Había preferido el té.
I had preferred tea.
¡Duele la cabeza!
Hurt the head!
He devuelto el libro a la biblioteca.
I have returned the book to the library.
I have grumbled in disgust.
He gruñido de disgusto.
No cenes a las ocho.
Don’t have dinner at eight.
I return home.
Regreso a casa.
Corrí todos los días.
I ran every day.
Formaba un equipo.
I was forming a team.
Sonaba el teléfono.
The phone was ringing.
I finished my homework.
Acabé mi tarea.
I have baptized my son.
He bautizado a mi hijo.
I have bitten an apple.
He mordido una manzana.
I was rotting the food.
Pudría la comida.
I will suffer a lot.
Sufriré mucho.
I apologized for the mistake.
Me disculpé por el error.