Deck 15 Flashcards
If the ulnar nerve is cut at the elbow, which of the following would be numb?
A. Ulnar forearm, small and ring fingers
B. Only the ulnar forearm
C. Only the small and ring fingers
D. None of the above
C. Only the small and ring fingers
45M body builder who presents 2 days s/p acute injury to UE/elbow. Injury occurred while performing preacher curls with heavy resistance. Reports a pop sensation during the eccentric phase of elbow flexion strengthening followed by acute weakness and mod bruising in the antecubital fossa. You are concerned for distal biceps rupture, esp given his hx of anabolic steroid use
What special test is most useful for ruling in a distal biceps rupture?
A. Popeye sign
B. Hook test
C. Biceps squeeze test
D. Speeds test
B. Hook test
Woman with 15 yr hx of RA was referred for therapy after whiplash injury during an MVA. D/t new c/o intermittent tingling sensations in B hands, you decide to screen for upper cervical instability using a Sharp Purser test. Which example below is the correct performance of the test with a positive response?
A. Gently flex neck, stabilize C2 with pinch grip and translate occiput/axis posteriorly; pt reports a reduction of distal complaints
B. Gently flex neck, stabilize occiput/axis and translate C2 anteriorly using a pinch grip; pt reports reduction in distal complaints
C. Gently flex neck, stabilize C2 with pinch grip and translate occiput/axis posteriorly; pt reports exacerbation of distal complaints
D. Gently flex neck, stabilize occiput/axis and translate C2 anteriorly using a pinch grip; pt reports exacerbation of distal complaints
A. Gently flex neck, stabilize C2 with pinch grip and translate occiput/axis posteriorly; pt reports a reduction of distal complaints
46F factory worker reports chronic R plantar heel pain over the past 4 mos. Describes a sharp pain with 1st initial steps in the morning that slowly improve over the first waking hour. She reports beginning yoga around 5 mos ago and thinks it may have caused her foot pain. Sx are exacerbated with WB after immobilization and worsen after standing on the factory floor as her day goes on. Pt has BMI of 31. Her ankle MMT is 5/5 all planes. DF ROM is 4˚ on R and 6˚ on L. With trial tx of anti-pronation taping, pt reports a moderate reduction of pain during ambulation
Which of the following is not a risk factor in the development of heel pain?
A. WB activity at work
B. Reduced DF ROM
C. Elevated BMI
D. Recent change in activity with addition of yoga
D. Recent change in activity with addition of yoga
46F factory worker reports chronic R plantar heel pain over the past 4 mos. Describes a sharp pain with 1st initial steps in the morning that slowly improve over the first waking hour. She reports beginning yoga around 5 mos ago and thinks it may have caused her foot pain. Sx are exacerbated with WB after immobilization and worsen after standing on the factory floor as her day goes on. Pt has BMI of 31. Her ankle MMT is 5/5 all planes. DF ROM is 4˚ on R and 6˚ on L. With trial tx of anti-pronation taping, pt reports a moderate reduction of pain during ambulation
What treatment is recommended for chronic plantar fasciitis?
A. Short term use of night splint
B. Custom foot orthoses
C. Rocker bottom shoe prescription
D. Intrinsic foot strengthening and referral out for nutrition and weight loss counseling
B. Custom foot orthoses
34F presents to clinic with c/o acute buttock pain. Her injury occurred 21 days prior when she was sledding with her young daughter sitting on her lap. While sledding, she fell off hitting her tailbone against a tree root sticking out of the ground. Pt initially presented to an ortho urgent care and obtained standard radiographs and MRI, which failed to show any abnormalities. Sx have improved considerably since the injury, but she still has a moderate pain with sitting on firm surfaces, sexual intercourse, bowel movements, and performing quick transitional movements.
Based on current evidence, all of the following interventions would be recommended except
A. Coccyx mobilizations
B. Education of passive coping strategies including sitting on towel donut
C. Pelvic floor muscle re-education
D. Coccygeal nerve mobilizations
D. Coccygeal nerve mobilizations
48F referred for acute LBP and R buttock pain. Sx began abruptly 6 days ago when picking her cat off the floor. You observe the pt sitting uncomfortably in the waiting room, shifted primarily onto her L buttock. When ambulating back to the tx room, you notice an antalgic gait pattern characterized by a reduced step length on the R. Reports constant 3-4 ache at rest with intermittent 8/10 sudden back/buttock pain during transitional movements, coughing, sneezing, and fwd flexion. When sitting > 10 mins, sx progressively increase in her back/buttock. She reports improvement in sx with standing, lying down, with activity, and generally improves when the day goes on with worst pain first thing in the morning.
Lumbar ROM: 20% flex w/ LBP and buttock pain | unchanged lumbar pain, reduced buttock pain with extension | R SB 75%, inc back and buttock pain | L SB 100%, inc back and buttock pain
Hip ROM: 120˚ flex | 10˚ ext | 45˚ ER | 20˚ IR L, 38˚ IR R
Neuro: dermatomes, myotomes, DTRs WNL
Accessory mobility: hypo and painful L4,5
Special tests: SLR approximately 45˚ with reproduction of primary complaint
Based off the above info, what intervention is most appropriate?
A. Lumbar HVLAT and mobility exercise
B. Repeated movements in attempt to centralize sx and avoidance of sitting
C. Advice to remain active and sub-threshold sciatic nerve slider exercises
D. Initiate a walking program with graded exposure toward sitting
B. Repeated movements in attempt to centralize sx and avoidance of sitting
Approximately 6 mos ago while playing dodgeball in a middle school gym class, Suzie experienced a patellar dislocation. Describes MOI that she was in a flexed position of the knee with valgus/IR on a planted foot. Since her original dislocation she has experienced 2 recurrent dislocations and has a general sense of apprehension/instability. She was recommended surgical intervention from an ortho surgeon d/t underlying anatomical risk factors, but presents to your clinic alongside her mother for consultation regarding nonoperative options for recurrent instability.
Which of the below anatomic variants is LEAST likely predisposing factor for her recurrent instability
A. Trochlear dysplasia B. Lateralization of the tibial tuberosity C. 22˚ lateral patellar tilt D. Patella alta E. 18˚ Q angle
E. 18˚ Q angle
38M referred from primary care. Describes a 3 week hx of gradual onset intermittent L groin pain with occasional referral into anterior thigh and buttocks. Pain described as deep and throbbing and ranges from 2-8/10. Lists ortho hx of CAI and patellar dislocation as well as medical hx of asthma which as been treated successfully with corticosteroids. No hx of tobacco use, social alcohol consumer. Pt is now quite concerned bc he is beginning to experience the same symptoms to a lesser degree on the CL side. Pt amb with antalgic gait pattern characterized by reduced step length.
R hip PROM: flex 110˚ | ext 15˚ | IR 35˚
L hip PROM: flex 85˚* and LE drifts into ER/abd | ext 0˚* | IR 10˚*
FADIR/FABER tests deferred d/t strong pain with single plane movement testing, esp IR
Given the above info, you elected to proceed with GIII LAD mobilizations to the L hip joint using a mobilization belt. Several bouts of 30 seconds were performed resulting in immediate improvements in gait, but results quickly dissipated after 2-3 mins and antalgic pattern resumed.
Based on the above info, what is the best course of action in proceeding with this pt?
A. Lumbar spine evaluation
B. Soft tissue based interventions for lateral hip musculature
C. Referral back to PCP
D. Lumbar spine manipulation and neurodynamic exercises
E. Lateral glide hip joint mobs and hip AROM exercises
C. Referral back to PCP
After calling your 2:30PM pt back to your exam room for initial evaluation, you recognize a unique gait pattern. When ambulating you observe unusually high levels of hip flex on his involved side in order to clear the foot during swing phase. What dx is c/w the above gait pattern?
A. L4 radiculopathy B. S1 radiculopathy C. Superficial fibular nerve injury D. Deep fibular nerve injury E. Both A and D
E. Both A and D
The ulnar nerve (does/does not) provide sensation to the medial forearm
does not
What nerve provides sensation to the medial forearm?
medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve (C8-T1)
C8-T1 supply the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve via
medial cord of the brachial plexus
The Hook test has a sensitivity and specificity of
The Hook test is a test for
distal biceps rupture
How long should night splints be trialed for the treatment of plantar fasciitis?
1-3 mos
Clinicians should use foot orthoses, either prefabricated or custom, to support the medial longitudinal arch and cushion the heel in pts with heel pain/plantar fasciitis to reduce pain and improve function for (timeframe)
short (2 weeks) to long term (1 year)
Clinicians should use foot orthoses, either prefabricated or custom, to support the medial longitudinal arch and cushion the heel in pts with heel pain/plantar fasciitis to reduce pain and improve function for short (2 weeks) or long term (1 year) in individuals who respond positively to
anti-pronation taping techniques.
Level A evidence
Q angles of (range) in men are considered normal
Q angles of (range) in women are considered normal
Q angles greater than __ are generally considered a structural abnormality and can place a pt at risk for excessive lateral patellar forces
Most important factors predisposing to patellar instability are
- trochlear dysplasia
- patella alta
- lateralization of the tibial tuberosity
Trochlear dysplasia along with _____ had the strongest association in in first time patellar dislocations
lateral patellar tilt > 20˚
Use of ___ for asthma is a known risk factor for development of AVN
corticosteroid treatment
Only ____ alcohol use has been shown as a risk factor for AVN
26F with chronic posterior thigh and buttock pain. Initial onset 9 mos ago 2/2 HS strain. Primary aggs of driving but also with prolonged walking, particularly uphill. In a pt with vague post thigh pain what test is most useful in ruling out adverse neurodynamics as a primary driver of her sx?
B. Prone knee bend
C. Slump
D. Lower limb tension test
C. Slump
Pt presents with acute L elbow pain after falling off a longboard 3 days ago. States he fell onto his L side with both wrists contacting the ground and L elbow forced into a max flex/pronated position. Immediate onset of pain. Current AROM of elbow 20-90˚ on L and 0-158˚ on his R. Elbow is moderately effused with observable swelling posteriorly and medially.
Based on the above subjective exam, you decide to refer out for XR of the elbow. Which of the above info is most concerning for an elbow fx?
A. Inability to fully flex elbow
B. Inability to fully extend elbow
C. Dangerous mechanism
D. FOOSH injury
B. Inability to fully extend elbow
52M presents to PT with acute on chronic plantar heel pain. Pain primarily provoked with static standing/walking, worsening with prolonged time and/or distance. Pain primarily worse at end of day. Denies any LE weakness or paresthesias into lower limb.
Antalgic gait pattern. Avoids heel contact during stance
ROM: DF 5˚ B | PF 50˚ B | ev/inv WNL
Palpation: ttp center of heel
Special tests: - Slump | - Windlass | - Tinel’s at ankle | - Calcaneal squeeze test
Based on the above subjective and objective data, what tx is best indicated at this time?
A. Heel fat pad taping
B. Custom orthotics
C. IASTM for plantar aspect of foot
D. Night splints and TC mob
A. Heel fat pad taping
40M injured working at his job 6 yrs ago. Was moving large items from a truck to a gas station when a dolly full of heavy soft drinks fell on him resulting in a back injury. Pain rated as severe and he is UA to RTW. He is currently attending PT 2x/wk under WC. States his boss does not believe his back is not healed yet and that whenever he has a discussion regarding RTW, it has not gone well. He is currently receiving 60% of his normal pay while on disability and has been able to adjust his lifestyle to fit his current income.
As you know, systematic reviews consistently report biobehavioral factors can play a large role in magnitude and duration of LBP for many pts. Based off the above findings, what type of flags are you able to ID that may alter his prognosis?
A. Red and blue flags
B. Yellow and black flags
C. Black and blue flags
D. Blue flags
C. Black and blue flags
Pt arrives with c/o central LBP and radiating pain into R buttock, post thigh and into the calf. Pt denies any sx into the foot. Objective exam ID an obvious L lateral shift. How should the clinician best proceed?
A. HVLAT to correct spinal subluxation observed
B. Attempt to manually correct the lateral shift with the intent to centralize the distal sx
C. Perform RFIS and assess sx response
D. Attempt REIL while assessing for centralization
B. Attempt to manually correct the lateral shift with the intent to centralize the distal sx
30M presents to PT with subacute LBP/hip pain an stiffness. Sx localized to central low back with occasional R or L buttock pain. Reports pain generally worse after prolonged immobility such as sleeping or sitting. Sx have begun waking him up around 3-4AM daily. Sx improve with exercise and feel best after walking. Medial hx includes Achilles tendinopathy and IBS. Based off the subjective exam data, what dx best fits his clinical presentation?
A. Lumbar disc herniation B. Ankylosing spondylitis C. JRA D. Acute LBP with referred LE pain E. Subacute LBP with mobility deficits
B. Ankylosing spondylitis
77 yo pt referred by neurosurgeon for eval and tx of chronic L4/5 radiculopathy. PMH includes: MI and mild COPD. Primary functional complaints include walking > 10 mins without AD or > 15 mins when leaning forward on a 4wheel walker and standing > 5 minutes. Included in the physician evaluation is a neuro screen including significant myotomal weakness of ankle DF rated as 2/5.
In order to compensate for his ankle DF weakness, what gait deviation is least likely to be observed
A. Steppage
B. Vaulting
C. Circumduction
D. Persistently abducted limb
B. Vaulting
40M presents to urgent care 6 hrs s/p MVA. Airbags deployed and pt reports mild initial neck pain with gradual worsening of pain and mm guarding over next several hours. Exam reveals ttp to cervical paraspinals and B SCM, pain with palpation to SP in mid-cerical region. Cervical ROM limited d/t pain, but able to turn his neck, 50˚ B. Based off the above info, what is true regarding the need for imaging in this pt?
A. Pt should be referred for plain films of his cervical spine
B. Pt should be referred for CT scan of his cervical spine
C. Pt should be referred for MRI of his cervical spine
D. No imaging needed
A. Pt should be referred for CT of his cervical spine
66M 10 wks s/p THA secondary to OA. After surgery, returned home the following day and was given a progressive walking program to rehab. At this point his hip pain has fully resolved but he has not been able to return to normal gait pattern. Clinically, UA to stand on 1 leg without complete hip drop on the uninvolved side. In SL, pt UA to raise his leg toward the ceiling against gravity but can perform hip abd in supine throughout full ROM. Gait c/w Trendelenburg pattern
HEP includes standing hip abduction, SLS with UE assist, supine band resisted hip abd. Regular PT visits scheduled 1x/wk x 8 weeks to improve gait pattern and at end of 8 weeks hip drop and gait pattern remain unchanged.
What dx best explains this pt’s presentation?
A. Superior gluteal nerve denervation
B. Inferior gluteal nerve denervation
C. L4-5 radiculopathy
D. L5-S1 radiculopathy
A. Superior gluteal nerve denervation
Middle aged pt with acute onset R shoulder pain. Sx started shortly after the 2nd week of his summer softball league and are primarily brought on with throwing and OH reaching. During the exam, you feel that RTC strength testing is warranted.
What MMT position is recommended to best isolate supraspinatus mm activity, wile minimizing deltoid activity
A. Full can
B. Empty can
C. Champagne toast
D. Gerber lift-off
C. Champagne toast
Which is more sensitive, slump or SLR?
With the presence of ___ or ___, full elbow extension will be blocked
For fat pad syndrome, can use heel fat pad taping or could also consider
heel gel cups
____ flags relate primarily to injured workers
___ flags include a wider context of factors such as social and financial issues (financial incentive to remain off work)
What is the CPR (Berlin criteria) for dx of ankylosing spondylitis?
- Morning stiffness > 30 mins
- Improvement in back pain with exercise, not rest
- Awakening bc of back pain during the second half of the night only
- Alternating buttock pain
40M presents to urgent care 6 hrs s/p MVA. Airbags deployed and pt reports mild initial neck pain with gradual worsening of pain and mm guarding over next several hours. Exam reveals ttp to cervical paraspinals and B SCM, pain with palpation to SP in mid-cerical region. Cervical ROM limited d/t pain, but able to turn his neck, 50˚ B.
Why would a CT scan be the appropriate choice vs. XR?
midline cervical spine tenderness
Radiographs only depict ___ of fractures visible on CT
Superior gluteal nerve injury can occur after THA, particularly if it is performed via what approaches?
Ratio of supraspinatus to deltoid activity in Champagne toast position
Ratio of supraspinatus to deltoid activity in Empty can test