Deck 12L Flashcards
= to listen to someone’s private conversation without them knowing
to bestow upon/on [passive form]
= to give something as an honour or present
‘“The office was bestowed on him by the monarch of this realm.’
to interweave
speść się, połączyć
= to twist together or combine two or more things so that they cannot be separated easily
‘She has created an intriguing story by skilfully interweaving fictional and historical events.’
to fracture
= If something hard, such as a bone, fractures, or is fractured, it breaks or cracks
= having a very strong but not usually lasting feeling of love or attraction for someone or something
wyraźny, jawny
= done or shown publicly or in an obvious way and not secret (e.g. overt racism)
= extremely hungry
engrossed by/in/with
zaabsorbowany, zatracony, wciągnięty
= giving all your attention to something
= a thick, sticky substance that is produced by some trees and that becomes yellow and hard after it is collected
a quiff
= a hairstyle, worn usually by men, in which the hair at the front of the head is brushed up
a headboard
= a vertical board at the end of a bed behind where your head rests
a quip
= a humorous and clever remark
to douse
oblać, zgasić
- to make something or someone wet by throwing a lot of liquid over it, him, or her
- to stop a fire or light from burning or shining, especially by putting water on it or by covering it with something
= (especially of earth or crops) dried out because of too much heat and not enough rain
= not having any connection with religion
a stint
okres (czasu)
= a fixed or limited period of time spent doing a particular job or activity
‘He has just finished a stint of compulsory military service.’
an underpass
przejście podziemne
= a road or path that goes under something such as a busy road, allowing vehicles or people to go from one side to the other
a cairn
= a small pile of stones made, especially on mountains, to mark a place or as a memoria
= a deciduous tree loses its leaves in autumn and grows new ones in the spring
a birch
= a tree with smooth, often white bark (= outer covering) and thin branches
drażliwy, zirytowany
= nervous or worried
przebojowy, zadziorny
= active, forceful, and full of determination
through thick and thin
na dobre i złe
= If you support or stay with someone through thick and thin, you always support or stay with them, even if there are problems or difficulties
a tagline
slogan, powiedzenie
= a short, easily remembered phrase that a company uses in its advertisements, especially on television or the internet, so that people will recognize it or its products
to draw a blank
niepowieść się, nie mieć szczęścia
= to fail to get an answer or a result
oczyszczający, katartyczny
= relating to the feeling of catharsis
to catch someone off guard
zaskoczyć kogoś
= to surprise someone, esp. in a way that makes the person feel confused or uncertain
rak słodkowodny
= a freshwater crayfish
to rummage
szperać, grzebać
= to search for something by moving things around carelessly and looking into, under, and behind them
an alumnus (pl. alumni)
wychowanek, absolwent
= a male former pupil or student of a particular school, college, or university
reverence [U]
cześć, szacunek
= a feeling of respect or admiration for someone or something
to fret about/over
przejmować się
= to be nervous or worried
‘She spent the day fretting about what she’d said to Nicky.’
a diaphragm
= the muscle that separates the chest from the lower part of the body
a honcho
ważniak, szycha
= the person in charge
to honk
= If a goose or a car horn honks, it makes a short, loud sound.
sprytny, zręczny
= good, pleasing, or effective
‘A nifty piece of work.’
to institutionalise
umieszczać w zakładzie
= to send someone, especially someone who is not able to live independently, to live in an institution
= very ordinary and therefore not interesting
nietrzeźwy, upojony
= having drunk too much alcohol
stały, wieczysty, nieprzemijający
= lasting a very long time, or happening repeatedly or all the time
‘We face the perennial problem of not having enough money.’
to keep something low key
to keep things secret; not to announce it
in the midst of sth
in the middle of an event, situation, or activity
- ‘I’m sorry but I’m too busy - I’m in the midst of writing a report.’
a tribulation [C or U]
- A cause of great trouble or suffering.
‘The tribulations of being a megastar’ - A state of great trouble or suffering.
‘His time of tribulation was just beginning.’
= a pale purple colour
lęk, niepokój, obawa
= strong worry and unhappiness, especially about personal problems
bezczelny, zuchwały
= rude and not showing respect, especially towards someone who is older or in a more important position
to bequeath to
przekazać, pozostawić w spadku
= to arrange for money or property to be given to somebody after your death
- ‘Picasso bequeathed most of his paintings and sculptures to Spain and France.’
lęk, niepokój, obawa
= strong worry and unhappiness, especially about personal problems
to be no spring chicken
to be no longer young
to champ at the bit
to be eager and not willing to wait to do something
to croak
- to speak with a rough voice because you have a sore or dry throat
- to die
nieokrzesany, źle wychowany
= behaving in a rude, unpleasant way
crackle [C/U]
trzask, terkot
= a short, dry, sharp sound
to etch
= to cut a pattern, picture, etc. into a smooth surface
opuszczony, porzucony
= Derelict buildings or places are not cared for and are in bad condition.
to reprioritize
to rearrange (items) to be dealt with in order of importance
to quibble over/about
spierać się o szczegóły
= to argue about something that is not important
to rift
rozszczepiać się formując szczelinę
= form fissures or breaks; move apart
nie do rozszyfrowania
= not able to be read or understood
to be off base / off beam
to be wrong
a quarry
- a large artificial hole in the ground where stone, sand, etc. is dug for use as building material
- an animal being hunted = game
a supplicant
a person who asks a god or someone who is in a position of power for something in a humble way
to fawn over/on sb
= to praise someone too much and give them a lot of attention that is not sincere, in order to get a positive reaction
- ‘I hate waiters who fawn over you.’
= intended as a punishment
to decry
= to criticize something as bad, without value, or unnecessary
mściwy, pamiętliwy
= having or showing a wish to harm someone because you think that they harmed you; unwilling to forgive
it is
nieodwracalny, nie do naprawienia
= impossible to repair or make right again
= the mind, or the deepest thoughts, feelings, or beliefs
to go rogue
to start behaving in a way that is not normal or expected, especially by leaving your group and doing something dangerous
without further/more ado
bez zbędnych ceregieli
= without wasting more time
to disdain
gardzić, lekceważyć
= to feel disdain (pogarda) for someone or something
to skyrocket
to rise extremely quickly or make extremely quick progress towards success
inasmuch as
- ‘Inasmuch as you are their commanding officer, you are responsible for the behaviour of these men.’
God/Heaven forbid
broń Boże
= a way of saying that you hope something does not happen
głęboko zakorzeniony
= strongly felt or believed and very difficult to change or get rid of
- ‘A deep-seated faith in God.’
a razor scooter
= a compact folding scooter
= four times as big or as much
= designed to cause fires
to antagonize
sprzeciwiać się
= to make someone dislike you or feel opposed to you
to brood
to think deeply about things that make you sad, worried, or angry
to harbour
- to think about or feel something, usually over a long period
- to protect someone or something bad, especially by hiding that person or thing
- to harbour a criminal
a clot
= an almost solid piece of something
a quilt
= a duvet, a decorative cover for a bed
to pine
usychać z tęsknoty
= suffer a mental and physical decline, especially because of a broken heart
the part of the human body between the chest and the waist
- She wore a short T-shirt that revealed her midriff.
labour of love
praca wykonywana z zamiłowaniem
= a piece of hard work that you do because you enjoy it and not because you will receive money or praise for it, or because you need to do it
- He’s always working on his car - it’s a labour of love.
to labour
to do something slowly with great physical or mental effort
- She’s been labouring over the same article for days.
to cower
kulić się
= to lower your head or body in fear, often while moving backwards
a bower
a pleasant place under the branches of a tree in a wood or garden
to refurbish
= to make a building look new again by doing work such as painting, repairing, and cleaning
a spendthrift
someone who spends a lot of money in a way that wastes it
piana mydlana
= a pale, usually white, mass of small bubbles produced especially when soap is mixed with water
to commence
= to begin something
to intervene
interweniować, wkroczyć
= to intentionally become involved in a difficult situation in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse
to brim
to become full of something, especially a liquid
- Her eyes brimmed with tears when she heard that he was alive.
przyprawiający o zawrót głowy
= causing or experiencing the feeling that everything is spinning around
to interpose oneself [between]
to put yourself or something between two things, people, or groups, especially in order to stop them doing something
to prod
dźgnąć, tknąć
= to poke with a finger, foot, or pointed object
= paying close attention to something