Deck #11: More Regular -ar Verbs - Target I - Unit 2 Chapter 3 Flashcards
he/she/you(form) are eating dinner

to play the piano

tocar el piano

they paint


they paint

tocamos la guitarra
we are playing the guitar

they play the piano
tocan el piano

cuidar a
to take care of (babysit)

to play the guitar

tocar la guitarra

You are riding a bike

andas en bicicleta

I am hanging out with friends

paso un rato con amigos

to paint

preparamos la cena
we are preparing dinner

you are eating dinner


he/she/ you are hanging out with friends

pasa un rato con amigos

you are eating dinner

we walk the dog

paseamos al perro

andar en bicicleta
to ride a bike

cuidamos a nuestro hermanito
we care for our brother

we are playing the guitar

tocamos la guitarra

you paint


pasear al perro
to walk the dog

pasamos un rato con amigos
we hang out with friends

they eat dinner


cuido a mi hermanito
I care for my brother

andan en bicicleta
y’all/they are riding a bike

I eat dinner


we are going for a walk

you paint

we are preparing dinner

preparamos la cena

pasa un rato con amigos
he/she/ you are hanging out with friends

to eat dinner


he/she paints


he/she/You(Form) are riding a bike

anda en bicicleta

paso un rato con amigos
I am hanging out with friends

to take care of (babysit)

cuidar a

paseo al perro
I walk the dog

I eat dinner

toco el piano
I play the piano

he/she/you (form) play the piano

toca el piano

they are caring for their brother

cuidan a su hermanito

tocan el piano
they play the piano

y’all/they are riding a bike

andan en bicicleta

pasas un rato con amigos
you hang out with friends

they/y’all go for a walk

they are preparing dinner

preparan la cena

you are playing the guitar

tocas la guitarra

I walk the dog

paseo al perro

I play the piano

toco el piano

you hang out with friends

pasas un rato con amigos

paseamos al perro
we walk the dog

cuidas a tu hermanito
you care for your brother

I go for a walk


to hang out with friends

pasar un rato con amigos

to paint


I go for a walk

we hang out with friends

pasamos un rato con amigos

to eat dinner

tocar la guitarra
to play the guitar

to go for a walk

andas en bicicleta
You are riding a bike

to go for a walk


cuida a su hermanito
she is caring for her brother

I prepare dinner

preparo la cena

preparo la cena
I prepare dinner

tocar el piano
to play the piano

we ride a bike

andamos en bicicleta

I ride a bike

ando en bicicleta

pasar un rato con amigos
to hang out with friends

toca el piano
he/she/you (form) play the piano

we are eating dinner


ando en bicicleta
I ride a bike

they/y’all go for a walk


we are eating dinner

to ride a bike

andar en bicicleta

he/she/you(form) are eating dinner


we are going for a walk


you are going for a walk


preparar la cena
to prepare for dinner

cuidan a su hermanito
they are caring for their brother

to prepare for dinner

preparar la cena

he/she/you (form) go for a walk


they eat dinner

he/she paints

preparan la cena
they are preparing dinner

andamos en bicicleta
we ride a bike

I care for my brother

cuido a mi hermanito

anda en bicicleta
he/she/You(Form) are riding a bike

to walk the dog

pasear al perro

he/she/you (form) go for a walk

you are going for a walk

we care for our brother

cuidamos a nuestro hermanito

she is caring for her brother

cuida a su hermanito

tocas la guitarra
you are playing the guitar

you care for your brother

cuidas a tu hermanito