What is your favorite class?
What is the slope of a line?
it is the steepness
How do a lot of people think about the slope (the slope)?
rise/run… or change in y / change in x
what is the cartesian plane?
it is the thing we plot points on with the x y axis.. named after RENE DESCARTES, french philosopher and mathematician.
If you draw a square with the diagonals as an X, what is the slope of the diagonal that goes from bottom left to upper right corner?
If you draw a square with the diagonals as an X, what is the slope of the diagonal that goes from top left to the bottom right corner?
If a slope of zero is 0 degrees, what is a slope of 1?
45 degrees uphill (traveling L to R)
if a slope of zero is 0 degrees, what is a slope of -1?
45 degrees downhill (traveling L to R)
What does “horizontal” mean?
left to right.. like a floor or table top
What does “vertical? mean?
up and down
What are the slopes of the diagonals of a square?
+1 going up L to R, and -1 going down from L to ROW
How can you think of a slope of 1 or -1?
If you draw a square, think of the diagonals.. 45 degrees!
What is an interesting fact about slopes between -1 and +1?
HALF OF ALL POSSIBLE SLOPES ARE BETWEEN -1 and +1 (and they are perpendicular)
What is the slope of a flat horizontal surface?
What is the slope of a horizontal line?
What is the slope of a vertical line?
what is the slope of a line that goes straight up and down?
the number 0/5 is equal to :
zero. 0
the number 5/0 is equal to :
Why can’t you divide by zero? (why can zero be in the top and not the bottom?)
10/2 asks “how many times do you add 2 to itself to get to 10?” the answer is 5. 10/0 asks “how many times do you add 0 to istelf to get to 10?” the answer is there is no answer. undefined
What is the x intercept of a line? (what are the coordinates?)
Where the line crosses the horizontal axis, the x axis. The coordinates are ( X, 0 )
What is the y intercept of a line? (what are the coordinates?)
Where the line crosses the vertical axis, the y axis. The coordinates are ( 0, Y )