Deck 1 Flashcards
How do you connect with people?
8 items
- Connect with yourself
- communicate with openness and sincerity
- Know your audience - get to know your people.
- Live your message - do as I do
- Go where they are - remove barriers to comm.
- Focus on them, not yourself
- Believe in them
- Give them hope.
Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course is which Law?
Law of navigation
The law of the process develops ______________, not in ______________.
Rome was not built in a day………
Daily, a day
The 5 Phases in the law of the process
- Don’t know what I don’t know.
- Know that I need to know.
- I know what I don’t know.
- I know and grow and it starts to show.
- I simply go because of what I know.
The law of sacrifice - a leader must give up to go up.
4 principles.
- No success with out sacrifice
- Often asked to give up more than others. Rights and responsibilities are inversely proportional.
- You must keep giving up to stay up.
- The Higher the level of leadership, the greater the sacrifice
Mo is a leader’s responsibility
It takes a leader to create, followers can catch, but creating it takes someone with vision, can assemble a team and motivates others.
MO Helps followers perform better than they are.
When mo is strong, people are motivated.
The law of whom you attract is……
The law of magnetism.
MO makes leaders look better than they are
People forget about past mistakes
What have you done for me lately?
The law of intuition says that leaders evaluate every situation with a leadership bias. Intuition is the leader’s ability to read the sitch, which 5 things are they reading.
- Situation - details that may elude others.
- Trends - where the org is heading and staying ahead.
- Resources - how to maximize benefits
4 people - what’s happening with their people and knows their hopes, fears and concerns.
- Themselves - own strengths and weaknesses.
“A life isn’t significant except for its impact on other lives.”
Who said it.
Jackie Robinson
The law of the legacy - A leader’s listing value is measured by his succession.
4 considerations
- Know what legacy you want to leave.
- Live the legacy you want to leave.
- Choose who you want to carry on your legacy.
- Make sure you can pass the baton.
Predetermine course of action
Lay out goals
Adjust priorities
Notify key people
Allow time for acceptance
Head into action
Expect problems
Always point to success
Daily review if your plan
Leaders understand that activity is not necessarily accomplishment
A. Law of the Chiefs
B. Law of priorities
C. Law of daily order
D. Law of busyness
B. Law of priorities
Pareto Principal
20% of your work accounts for 80% of your results.
What are the five myths of the law of influence.
Management - That leadership and management are the same. Leader ship is the influence of people, management focuses on systems and processes.
Entrepreneur- good at seeing opportunities, not necessarily good with people
Knowledge - IQ/Education does not equal leadership
Pioneer - first isn’t always best
Position - leadership not based on rank/Title, the leader makes the position.
Note: Leadership requires the ability to do more than one thing well.
Note: no one does all 21 well
Law of the picture - people do what people see
Set the example
4 things to remember to set a better example.
- Followers are always watching what you do.
- It’s easier to teach what’s right than do what’s right.
- We should work on changing ourselves before trying to improve others.
- The most valuable gift a leader can give is being a good example.
Three factors that contribute to a team’s dedication to victory.
- Unity of Vision
- Diversity of skills
- A leader dedicated to victory and raising players to their potential
Law of timing - when to act is as important What to do.
Wrong action at the wrong time leads to disaster.
Right action at the wrong time brings resistance.
Wrong action at the right time is a mistake.
Right action at the right time brings success.
The law of victory - leaders find a way for the team to win.
Losing is unacceptable Passion is unquenchable Quitting is unthinkable Commitment is unquestionable Victory is inevitable
MO is easier to steer than start
Good leadership timing requires many things.
7 examples.
- Understanding
- Maturity
- Confidence
- Decisiveness
- Experience
- Intuition
- Preparation
What does Growth equal
6 Factors that make a leader
Clue - W’s
Character - who they are
Relationships- who they know
Knowledge - what they know
Intuition - what they feel
Experience - where they’ve been
Ability - what they can do.
The true measure of Leadership is influence is an example of which Law?
Law of Influence
Ability is what determines a leader’s level of effectiveness is an example of which Law?
Law of the Lid
The law of empowerment - Only secure leaders give power to others
Teddy Roosevelt - “the best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.”
Three empowerment failures…..
- Desire for Job Security
- Resistance to change
- Lack of self worth
Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand is which law?
The law of connection
Top 6 ways that leaders gain other’s respect.
- Natural leadership ability.
2 respect for others
- Courage - doing what’s right even if hard
- Success
- Loyalty
- Value added to others.
People buy into the leader, then the vision …………
The law of Buy-in
Questions to ask of those in your inner circle. (5)
- Do they have high influence on others?
- Do they bring a complimentary gift to the table?
- Do they hold a strategic position in the organization?
- Do they add value to me and the organization?
- Do they positively impact the other members of the inner circle?
Four guidelines for adding value to others.
- Truly value others.
- Make yourself more valuable to others.
- Know and relate to what others value.
- Do things that god values.
MO is the most powerful change agent
Given enough Mo, nearly any kind of change is possible
Too add growth, lead followers - to multiply growth, lead leaders is what Law
The Law of explosive growth.
The law of solid ground
Trust is the foundation of leadership.
Character communicates
Consistency, potential, and respect.
People naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves.
The law of respect.
Momentum is the great exaggerator
Magnifying glass, makes everything look bigger!
The three R’s of priorities…..
What is REQUIRED - what I must I do that nobody can do for me.
What gives the greatest RETURN - ideally leaders should spend most of your time in your comfort zone. (Rule of thumb: If something can be done 80% as well by someone else, delegate it. )
What brings the greatest REWARD - life is too short not to do things you love.
Who was the Author of “The 21 Laws of Leadership”?
John C. Maxwell
_______________ is a leader’s best friend.
The Big MO!
Great leaders gain authority by giving it away.
Law of empowerment
Leaders add value by serving (adding to) others is which law.
Leader ship isn’t how far we advance ourselves but how far we advance others
Law of Addition
The law of the inner circle
Potential is determined by those closest to them.