Deck 1 Flashcards
Tiny non-raised red spots that appear on skin from rupturing capillaries due to tourniquet being left too long or too tight.
Order of draw
Yellow, Light Blue, Red, Red Marble, Green, Light Green, Lavender, Pink/White/Royal Blue, Gray, Dark Blue
Quality Assurance
Scheduled audits
Failure to exercise standards of care
For collections that require more stringent infection control such as blood cultures and arterial punctures.
Chlorhexidine gluconate
For pts allergic to iodine
70% isopropyl alcohol pads
Inflammation of bone and bone marrow
Safely delivers pre-determined depth ranging from 0.85mm for infants to 3.0mm for adults.
Forearm veins for venipuncture
Baslic, Cephalic, Median Cubital, Accessory Cephalic, Intermediate Antebrachial, or Intermediate Basilic Veins.
Large needle
Tortuos Veins
Winding or crooked veins susceptible to infection because blood flow is impaired
Permanent, surgical connection between artery and vein. Used for dialysis but never for venipuncture due to possibility of infection.
Collapsed vein remedy
- Pop vacutainer off needle and let vein refill then replace tube back on needle and allow to fill more, repeat until tube is full. Hold needle in vein very still. 2. Move needle to one side then other and up and down very slightly to be sure it is not just that bevel is against the vein wall. 3. Use smaller vacuum tube. 4. Remove tourniquet, withdraw needle and select another vein. 5. Use syringe or butterfly.
Missed 1st stick remedy
- Don’t pull needle out, look for vein, often you can make out purple color of vein on either side of needle, withdraw needle slightly and re-enter vein at different angle. 2. If draw needle back to re-direct and lose vacuum, don’t pull out completely, replace tube with new one and continue the draw.
Vasovagal Syncope
Pt faints or experiences dizziness before, during or after venipuncture. Pts with low diastolic or high systolic BP.
Systemic infection associated with presence of pathogenic microorganisms in blood stream
Bleeding Time Test (BTT)
Medical test to assess platelet function, involves making pt bleed then timing how long takes to stop bleeding, thin paper placed over incision, how quickly blood reaches rings is timed to determine coagulation properties.
Venipuncture problems
Failure to obtain blood, Inappropriate puncture site, Scarred/Sclerosed veins, Rolling veins, Collapsing veins, Hematoma, Premature needle withdrawal, Fainting.
Venipuncture complications
Hematoma, Hemoconcentration, Petechiae, Phlebitis, Thrombus, Thrombophlebitis, Septicemia, Trauma.
Process by which blood vessels repair after injury, causes bleeding to stop.
Hemostasis stages
- Vascular phase (injury) 2. Platelet phase (temporary platelet plug) 3. Coagulation phase (stable fribrin clot) 4. Fibrinolysis (plasmin enzyme breaks down clot promoting tissue repair)
Fibrin Degradation Product (FDP)
Measure rate of fibrinolysis
Most critical mistake Phlebotomist could make
Failing to properly ID pt
Vein most commonly used for venipuncture
Median cubital vein
Easiest vein to palpate on obese pt
Cephalic vein
Tourniquet tied how many inches above puncture
4” - 6”
Most important thing to do if pt faints during venipuncture
Withdraw the needle
What happens during vascular phase of hemostasis
Vein constricts and slows blood flow
Basal state
Diurnal variation
Different during day vs night
For cardiovascular disease
Lowest chemical blood level
Highest chemical blood level
Cold agglutinins
Antibodies produced in response to mycoplasma pneumonia infection (atypical pneumonia)
Warmed specimens
Specimens required to be kept warm until serum is separated from cells to keep cold agglutinins from attaching to RBCs at temps below body temp, collected in red-top tube pre-warmed at 37 degrees Celsius for 30 mins.
Specimens requiring chilling
Ammonia, Lactic acid, Arterial blood gas (ABG), Gastrin, Glucagon, Parathyroid hormone (PH), Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT), Prothrombin Time (PT)
Specimens requiring warming
Cryoglobulin, Cryofibrinogen, Cold Agglutinin
Specimens requiring protection from light
Bilirubin, Vitamin B12, Carotene, Red Cell Folate, Serum Folate
Purpose of chilling specimen
Prevents separation
Therapeutic drug monitoring
Monitoring trough and peak levels, chemical levels in blood
Liquid portion of un-clotted blood still contains clotting factor
Liquid portion of blood allowed to clot, clotting factor no longer present, they’ve been used to clot blood
Tubes with anticoagulants
Plasma tubes=Lavender, Green, Blue, Light Blue, Gray