deck 1 Flashcards
What is the importance of the Emancipation Proclamation?
The importance of the Emancipation Proclamation was that it ended slavery in the states that were in rebellion. it also allowed blacks to enlist in the war as soldiers.
Why was Vicksburg an important location?
Vicksburg was an important location becuase whoever had control of Vicksburg had control of the Misssissippi river.
What were the the three parts of the Anaconda Plan?
- Blockade all southern ports
- Split confederacy in two by controlling the Mississippi river
- Attack the Confederate captial of Richmond , Virgina
Where did the war begin?
The war began in Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861
What was the importance of the Battle Of Gettysburg?
The importance of the Battle Of Gettysburg was that it was the bloodiest battle fo the civil war and was the turning point of the war.
What was the goal of John Brown’s raid on Harper’s ferry?
The goal of John Brown’s raid on Harper’s ferry was to get guns to give to slaves for an uprising against their masters.
Describe the Missouri Compromise.
The Missouri compromise was a compromise made by Henry Clay to keep the balance between slave states and free states. The three parts to it are :
- Missouri would become a slave state
- Maine become a free state
- SLavery was banned in territories north of 36’ 30 lattitude
Describe the Compromise of 1850
The compromise of 1850 was a compromise made by Henry Clay to keep the balance in the senate betwwen free states and slave states since California was joining the union. The four parts to it are :
- California would enter into the union as a free state
- The rest of the mexican cession would be federal land and in this territory , popular sovereignty would decide on slavery
- The slave trade - but not slavery - would end in the nation’s capital
- A more effective fuguitive slave law would be passed
What were the three decisions The Supreme Court decided on the Dred Scott case?
- African Americans , free or not, were not citizens under the U.S. constitution
- Scott’s residence on free territory did not matter becuase he returned to slave state of Missouri
- The Supreme Court can not ban slavery in U.S. territories
What is total war?
Total war is destroying civillian and economic resources. It’s meant to eliminate the enemy’s will to fight and their resources. The North went on a total war campaign.
What was the significance of the border states?
The significance of the border states (Delaware, Kentucky , Maryland , and Missouri) was that Lincoln said they could keep their slaves if they stayed loyal to the Union. They controlled major rivers and seperated the North’s capital.
Describe the Kansas-Nebraska act.
The Kansas-Nebraska act was a plan that would divide the remainders of the Louisiana Purchase into two territories - Kansas and Nebraska. It allowed the people in those territories to decide on the question of slavery (popular sovereignty ) . This elimated the Missouri Compromise restriction on slavery North of 36’ 30.
What was the main idea of Lincoln’s second inaugural address?
The main idea of Lincon’s second inaugural address was to say that when the war was ended he will forgive the South and treat them peacefully without malice , and he will help them.
The war started here.
Fort Sumter
President of the Union.
Abraham Lincoln
Bloodiest one day battle.
Most battles took place here
Killed most men during the war.
Name of Confederacy general.
Robert E. Lee
Part of Union strategy
To control the Mississippi river
Confederate Strategy
Cotton diplomacy
President of Confederacy
Jefferson Davis
Turning point battle of the war.
Battle of Gettysburg
Battle gave Union control of Mississippi river.
Speech to dedicate cemetry
Gettysburg Address
Union General
Ulyssess S. Grant
Served as spies and nurses
Allowed black men to enlist in union army.
Emancipation Proclamation
What two states joined the Union as part of the Missouri Compromise?
Missouri and Maine
What state joined the Union as part of the Compromise of 1850?
What was the significance of the 36’ 30 parallel?
It indicated where slavery was allowed and banned.
What were the two territories that were created as a result of the Compromise of 1850
Utah and New mexico
In what way did the Compromise of 1850 appease the South?
It included a law requiring the return of escaped slaves
Popular sovereignty territores were territories that..?
The people living there got to vote whether they wanted slavery or not
What was not apart of the Fugitive Slave Act?
Allowed slaves to defend themselves in court
Who worked to balance the interests of the North and SOuth with regard to slavery by creating compromises?
Henry Clay
Which of the following senators supported states’ rights and secession?
John C. Calhoun
How did the Kansas-Nebraska act nullify the Missouri Compromise?
It allowed for the possiblity of slavery in new Northern territories
Which best describes Bleeding Kansas?
Proslavery and antislavery people fought and killed each other
Which was a fear of Souther senators if there were more free states than slaves states?
Losing power in the Senate
What was the impact of the publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin?
It turned people against slavery
How did the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858 impact Lincoln’s political future?
He became known throughout the nation
What issue did Abraham Lincoln of the Republican Party support in 1858 for the Illinois senate seat?
Against the spread of slavery in the West
What was obvious following the election of 1860?
The nation was divided over slavery
What final event forced the south to secede?
The election of Abraham Lincoln