Deck 1 Flashcards
persistir _
(to persist in)
persistir en
fijarse _
(to concentrate on)
fijarse en
quedar _
(to agree to)
quedar en
bajar _
(to descend)
bajar a
volver _
(to do again)
volver a
presumir _
(to boast about)
presumir de
arrepentirse _
(to regret)
arrepentirse de
guardarse _
(to keep from)
guardarse de
ponerse _
(to begin to)
ponerse a
contar _
(to count on)
contar con
insistir _
(to insist upon)
insistir en
fastidiarse _
(to be weary of)
fastidarse de
empeñarse _
(to insist on)
empeñarse en
comenzar _
(to begin to)
comenzar a
cansarse _
(to grow tired of)
cansarse de
insistir _
(to insist on)
insistir en
amenazar _
(to threaten to)
amenazar con
dudar _
(to hesistate over)
dudar en
olvidarse _
(to forget)
olvidarse de
atreverse _
(to dare to)
atreverse a
consentir _
(to agree to)
consentir en
llegar _
(to get to, to achieve)
llegar a
aprender _
(to learn to)
aprender a