Deck 1 Flashcards
- to mark or divide (something written) with punctuation marks in order to make the meaning clear.
- to interrupt at intervals:
- derived from or guided by experience or experiment.
- depending upon experience or observation alone, without using scientific method or theory, especially as in medicine.
- provable or verifiable by experience or experiment.
Finance. the simultaneous purchase and sale of the same securities, commodities, or foreign exchange in different markets to profit from unequal prices.
- Often, reins. a leather strap, fastened to each end of the bit of a bridle, by which the rider or driver controls a horse or other animal by pulling so as to exert pressure on the bit.
- any of certain other straps or thongs forming part of a harness, as a checkrein.
- any means of curbing, controlling, or directing; check; restraint.
- reins, the controlling or directing power:
the reins of government.
- tending to argument or strife; quarrelsome:
a contentious crew. - causing, involving, or characterized by argument or controversy:
contentious issues. - Law. pertaining to causes between contending or opposing parties.
as much or as good as necessary for some requirement or purpose; fully sufficient, suitable, or fit (often followed by to or for):
“This car is adequate to our needs. adequate food for fifty people.”
continuing without interruption; ceaseless; unending:
“an incessant noise.”
to determine, check, or rectify the graduation of (any instrument giving quantitative measurements).
lasting for an indefinitely long time; enduring:
“her perennial beauty.”
brilliantly or excessively showy:
“gaudy plumage.”
- to bump, push, shove, brush against, or elbow roughly or rudely.
- to drive or force by, or as if by, pushing or shoving: The crowd jostled him into the subway.
to scatter or spread widely, as though sowing seed; promulgate extensively; broadcast; disperse
to make known by open declaration; publish; proclaim formally or put into operation
to overcome the distrust of hostility of; placate; win over
expert or nimble in the use of the hands or body; cleverly skillful, resourceful or ingenious
Wane (wān)
decrease in vigor, power, or extent; become weaker.
Cachet (kaˈSHā)
the state of being respected or admired; prestige.
Antipiracy (antēˈpīrəsē,ˌantī-)
designed to prevent the unauthorized use or reproduction of copyright material.
come together and form one mass or whole
Ubiquitous (yo͞oˈbikwədəs)
present, appearing, or found everywhere
1. zealous; ardent; impassioned:
a vehement defense; vehement enthusiasm.
2. characterized by rancor or anger; violent:
vehement hostility.
3. strongly emotional; intense or passionate:
vehement desire.
4. marked by great energy or exertion; strenuous:
vehement clapping.