Deck 1 Flashcards
What is the definition of Soil?
• The unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the immediate surface of the Earth that serves as a natural medium for the growth of land plants.
What is the composition of soil?
Solids - Minerals and Organic Matter
What are the 3 minerals found in soil?
For a soil particle to be considered Sand, SIlt and Clay…what sizes must they be?
Sand - .05 - 2mm
Silt - .002 - .05mm
Clay - < .002mm
Sand has High or Low chemical reactivity?
What is the most chemically reactive soil type?
What is the difference between thatch and mat?
– Thatch: organic matter on the soil surface with no mineral components.
– Mat: Thatch that contains a mineral component
(ie sand topdressing or soil from mixing)
Define Pore Space…
• The voids within the physical matrix of the soil that plays essential functions in water retention, movement, gas exchange, and channels for root growth.
Name all of the Macronutrients that are essential elements for plant growth:
- Nitrogen (N)
- Phosphorous (P)
- Potassium (K)
- Sulfur (S)
- Calcium (Ca)
- Magnesium (Mg)
What is Black Layer and what causes it?
Physical condition in which a layer of the rootzone in a sand based system turns black due to anerobic conditions that exist. (Water gets caught up in certain areas)
- Changing topdressing sands
- Poor Drainage
What are the three most important management practices that we have control over?
- Irrigation
- Fertilization
- Mowing
Define Sufficient:
The nutrient concentration range in which added nutrient will not increase yield but can increase nutrient concentration.
Define Deficient:
when the concentration of an essential nutrient is low enough to severely limit yield or deficiency symptoms are visible
Define Excessive or Toxic :
when the concentration of essential or other elements is high enough to reduce plant growth.
Name all of the Micronutrients that are essential for plant growth:
- Iron (Fe)
- Zinc (Zn)
- Manganese (Mn)
- Copper (Cu)
- Boron (B)
- Chlorine (Cl)
- Molybdenum (Mo)
Name the 3 essential elements that are most abundant in plants:
Name all 16 Essential Elemnts for Plant Growth:
- Oxygen
- Hydrogen
- Carbon
- Nitrogen (N)
- Phosphorous (P)
- Potassium (K)
- Sulfur (S)
- Calcium (Ca)
- Magnesium (Mg)
- Iron (Fe)
- Zinc (Zn)
- Manganese (Mn)
- Copper (Cu)
- Boron (B)
- Chlorine (Cl)
- Molybdenum (Mo