Deck 1 Flashcards

Anorectal atresia

cystic fibrosis intestine

cystic fibrosis liver

cystic fibrosis pancreas

duodenal stenosis due to annular pancreas

Duodenal stenosis

esophageal atresia and tracheo-esophageal fistula


GI duplications



jejuno-ileal atresia




pneumatosis intestinalis from NEC

neurenteric cysts


Post-NEC atresia

Post-NEC stricture



autoimmune gastritis

barrett’s esophagus

benign polyps

candida esophagitis

CMV esophagitis

Corrosive esophagitis post lye

eosinophilic esophagitis

erosive gastritis

esophageal duplication

esosinophilic esophagitis, trachealization

extranodal marginal zone B cell lymphoma

fundic gland polyp

gastric adenocarcinoma, intestinal

gastric antrum

gastric body

gastric cardia

gastric fundus



GIST, gastrointestinal stromal tumor

herpes esophagitis

hypertrophic gastropathy

intestinal gastric adenocarcinoma

iron pill esophagitis

linitis plastica, diffuse gastric adenocarcinoma

Mallory-Weiss tear

scleroderma esophagitis

squamous cell carcinoma

traction diverticula

viral esophagitis


chronically injured colonic mucosa with pyloric metaplasia

cobble stoning, Crohn’s

colonic diverticula

creeping fat, Crohn’s

Crohn’s disease stricture

Crohn’s disease, lymphoid aggregates underneath the muscularis propria, mild architectural distortion

Crohn’s disease, small bowel fistula

Crohn’s disease, strictures

Crohn’s, skipping lesions

diversion colitis

epitheliod granuloma, Crohn’s

Panneth cells, UC or Crohns if in the left colo

serositis, Crohn’s

Ulcerative colitis, continuous colon involvemen

ulcerative colitis, inflammation limited to the mucosa

adenocarcinoma of the jejunum

annular lymphoma, infiltration of muscular layer

Apthoid ulcer, Crohn’s

carcinoid, ileal tumor

Celiac disease

colonic lipoma

Crohn’s, apthoid ulcers

Crohn’s, cobblestoning

Crohn’s, fistula, transmural inflammation leads to fissure and fistula formation. This patient has ileocecal and ileovesical fistulae

Crohn’s, mesenteric border ulcer

Crohn’s, string-like bowel wall narrowing, due to spasm, edema, inflammation, fibrosis

diverticulitis abcess

familial adenomatous polyposis

flat, ulcerated, villous adenoma, duodenum

intussusception is a transient or persistent invagination of one bowel loop into another

myochosis, sacs, shortening of the tenia coli

omental caking, ovarian cancer

postinflammatory polyps, Crohn’s

thumbprinting, small intestine ischemia

UC, adenocarcinoma

UC, deep ulceration

UC, granular mucosa

UC, no haustral sacculations, interhaustral folds, granular

villous atrophy, celiac