Deck 1 Flashcards
Who knows! We’ll never know!
Va savoir!
As for…(as for going there at night…)
Quant à…quant à y aller la nuit
By chance (I met him by chance)
Par hasard. Je l’ai rencontré par hasard.
Provided that; let’s hope that; let’s hope the weather is good!
Pourvu que + subj. Pourvu qu’il fasse beau!
What a…What a woman! What a disaster!
Quel…Quelle femme! Quel désastre!
Heck of a, damn…It was a heck of a job. He is a damn pain in the neck.
Sacré; C’était un sacré travail. Il est un sacré casse-pieds!
Used to modify a positive adj. or adv.- wonderfully, extraordinarily
Trop. Il est trop sympa. Elle est trop mignonne. Trop beau!
I’d be glad to
Je veux bien
It won’t be easy. It might not work. It’s doubtful.
C’est pas évident.
Namely…that is to say
à savoir
I’ve heard it said
J’ai ouï dire que (j’ai entendu que
practically, just about, pretty close; the restaurant was practically empty. There were almost 20 people.
à peu près. Le resto était à peu près vide. Il y avait à peu près 20 personnes.
To run errands, go shopping for food. To go shopping (for clothes)
Faire les courses. Faire du shopping.
No way! Not a chance!
Jamais de la vie!
Too bad for him! So much the better!
Tant pis pour lui! Tant mieux!
Even, indeed. For months, even years
Voire, Durant des mois, voire des années
What is she like? What does she look like?
Elle est comment? Comment est-elle?
quite, very, really. She’s quite young. It’s really better, much better; really for verb, I really hope to go. Its really nec. to do it. It really seems to me
bien. Elle est bien jeune. C’est bien mieux. J’espère bien y aller. Il faut bien le faire. Il me semble bien que
There was nothing wrong with it, but I didnt love it
C’était correct.
For this time only, by way of exception. The store is closed this Tues only
exceptionnellement. Ce magasin est exceptionnellement fermé ce mardi.
On the other hand, to make up for that. She wasn’t very pretty, but in compensation, she was likeable
En contrepartie.
to appear, to seem, to look like, to act like. She seems younger than her age. Dont act like an idiot.
Faire; Elle fait plus jeune que son âge. Ne fais pas l’idiot.
Just in case. I’ll take a jacket just in case.
au cas où; Je vais prendre une veste, au cas où. (à tout hasard.)
It’s not worth the trouble. Don’t bother.
C’est pas la peine. (de faire)
Top of the line. Poor quality. A top of the line comuter. It’s poor quality.
Haut de gamme; bas de gamme. Un ordi haut de gamme. C’est du bas de gamme.
Agreed! Decided!
But really! I know you’re hungry, but really!
Mais quand même! Je sais que tu as faim mais quand même!
That’s a bit much; you’ve got to be kidding, that’s a bit excessive; You’re going a bit overboard; don’t overdo it. That’s his third dessert, he’s being a bit excessive
Tu exagères. Tu exagères un peu. Il ne faut pas exagérer.
Just like, just the same as
Tout comme; tout comme la tienne
if worst comes to worst, if it comes to that, if i need to, if necessary
à la limite, à la rigueur (stronger)
You’re telling me, don’t i know it. OR you’ve got to be kidding, you must be joking
Tu parles; Tu parles
And then? So what? And so? What of it? (sometimes said w futility, theres not much we can do about it)
Et alors?
Exactly, Where in paris exactly? What is it exactly?
Au juste, C’est où dans Paris au juste? Ça c’est quoi au juste?
as one goes along
au fur et à mesure
to embarrass, to make feel awkward. She felt embarrassed, awkward to meet him; It was embarrassing to…
gêner. Elle était gênée de le rencontrer. Il était gênant de…
That goes without saying. It goes goes without saying that we are…
Cela va de soi. que nous allons…
It doesn’t matter. It matters little. It matters little whether he comes or not.
Peu importe. Peu importe qu’il vienne ou pas.
I had nothing to do with it. He had nothing to do with it.
Je n’y suis pour rien. Il n’y est pour rien.
Can mean “at least”. I saw your bro, at least I thought it was him.
Enfin. J’ai vu ton frère. Enfin, je pense que c’était lui.
Can also mean a sign of exasperation. But really!
Mais enfin!
Nevertheless; even so.
Il n’empêche que, n’empêche (tu aurais pu téléphoner! )
Don’t worry about it! (casual)
T’inquiète! Te casse pas la tête.
annoying. You’re really getting on my nerves.
embêtant. Tu m’embêtes.
Watch out!
Fais attention!
Pay attention to
Prêter attention à
Even though; in spite of; now matter how hard. No matter how hard I try, I fail. (past use imperfect)
avoir beau. J’ai beau essayer, je n’arrive pas.
To be careful not to do, to avoid. I’ll be careful not to do that. Plus noun= watch out for.
se garder de. Je m’en garderai bien. Il faut se garder des flatteurs.
I can’t get over it. I can’t believe it.
Je n’en reviens pas. +de+ inf. or +que+subj.