Deck 1 Flashcards
What would be seen on a CXR and on examination during a lung collapse
Trachea pulled towards affected side, reduced breath sounds (with or without crackles and bronchial breathing) and dullness to percussion on affected side
When should inhaled corticosterioids be given to a patient with COPD
Name some causes of LBBB
Aortic stenosis, dilated cardiomyopathy, chronic hypertension and extensive coronary artery disease
What is the treatment for C.difficile?
Metronidazole or Vancomycin
How do you know if the axis is undeviated on an ECG?
QRS amplitude is greatest in lead II and leads I and III have identical magnitudes
How many squares should the QRS complex not be greater than?
3 small squares
What is Alpha-1 anti-trypsin?
A serine protease inhibitor normally synthesised in the liver whose role is to leave and inhibit the proteolytic enzyme neutrophil elastase
In renal disease, ACEi can be both beneficial as well as damaging. When can they be used and when can they not be used?
Should be avoided in patients with renal artery stenosis
They are beneficial in protecting the kidneys of renal failure patients
What are the 5Fs patients in which gallstones commonly appears?
Fat, forty, female, fair, fertile
What can lead to a double impulse apex beat?
Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
What is the four defining malformations of Tetralogy of Fallot?
1) VSD
2) Pulmonary stenosis- turns the VSD into a right-left shunt, causing cyanosis; acute attacks (due to pulmonary vascular resistance) can be managed by squatting, which raises peripheral vascular resistance and therefor reduces the right-left shunt
3) Right ventricular hypertrophy
4) Overriding aorta i.e. the aorta is connected to both ventricles and in this sense acts like a second VSD
How can Tetralogy of Fallot be managed by squatting in acute attacks?
It raises peripheral vascular resistance and therefore reduces the right-left shunt
Is Digoxin an inotophic or a chronotrophic drug?
An inotrophic drug: blocks the Na/K pump to cause a rise in intracellular Na, increasing Ca and contractility
What does the CURB-65 scoring indicate?
Score of 2: receive short stay hospital supervised treatment
Score of 3 or more: should be managed in the hospital as severe pneumonia
Score of 4 or 5, ICU admission
Inverted P waves seen on an ECG
Can occur in Kartagener’s Syndrome