Deck 1 Flashcards
Crude Birth Rate
Birth/population X 1000
Crude death rate
Population/birth X 1000
Natural increase rate
Difference between the death rate and birth rate
Net migration
Difference between people immigrating and emigrating
Rule of 70
A formula used to calculate how long a number will double based on its growth rate
Threshold population
The number of people required for a service to be provided
Population policy
State measures taken to moderate population changes
Occupying land belonging to dependent others
Emerging economy
A country transitioning to a market economy by making use of goods or services
Heavily indebted poor countries
The development of international influence or the interconnectedness of the world
What you spend over what you budgeted
Government tax revenue
The government income generated through taxes
Economic output forecast
The process of predicting the economic growth or decline of a country
Fiscal gap
Governments debt