Deck 1 Flashcards
Define diarrhea and name the types:
Diarrhea is increased fecal fluidity and volume of feces or frequency of defecation
3 types: secretory, osmotic and malabsorptive
Name 4 consequences of acute pancreatitis:
Abdominal pain
Coagulation necrosis
Fat necrosis
Pulmonary oedema
Paralytic ileus
Describe ileus and name 3 types:
Ileus is prolonged transfer time of digesta from pylorus to anus
3 types: mechanical, adynamic and spastic ileus
Consequences of proximal small intestine simple obstruction:
Muscular weakness
Intestinal atony
Metabolic alkalosis
Describe one mechanism of impaired drug detoxification in liver dysfunction:
Presence of large class drugs inactivated by phase I enzymes in the bloodstream increases the amount and activity of these enzymes in the liver.
Patient chronically consumes large amount of a substance metabolized by phase I enzymes (ex ethanol) causes an increase in level of this enzymes, and this causes increased metabolism of other substances metabolized by the same enzymes.
This leads to sub-therapeutic blood levels of this drug.
Describe diabetes insipidus and name 3 causes:
Diabetes insipidus is a syndrome of polyuria and polydipsia resulting from inability to concentrate urine as a result of lack of vasopressin action.
3 causes: diseases of the CNS, kidney disease or increased metabolic clearance of vasopressin.
Describe mechanism of development of hypoglycemia in piglets:
- up to 10 days after birth
- thermoregulation not fully developed
- low environmental temperature
- heat loss and glycogenolysis
- hypoglycemia (convulsions and death)
What is paralytic ileus?
It involves a neurogenic reflex that halts normal intestinal motility.
Causes: trauma, peritonitis, electrolyte imbalance, spasmolytic agent, acute distension obstruction of abdominal organs
Fatty liver or kidney in poultry:
- 3-4 weeks of age
- sudden lethargy, paralysis, death
- excessive accumulation of fat in liver and/or kidneys
Causes: deficiency of biotin - decreased activity of pyruvate carboxylase
- decreased gluconeogenesis
- decreased ability of liver to remove pyruvate
- increased pyruvate and lactate in blood
- lactate acidosis
Poultry is not getting enough feed
- increased utilization of glycogen storage
- hypoglycemia
- mobilisation of proteins and fatty acids for gluconeogenesis
- increased fatty acids in plasma
- fatty liver and kidney
Poultry is getting free access to feed - normoglycemia
What is hernia?
Hernia is a protrusion of the intestine through a weakness in the abdominal muscles or through the inguinal ring
Describe mechanism of excessive accumulation of fat in liver?
- increased mobilisation of fat from adipocytes or hydrolysis of lipoprotein due to hypoglycemia
- decreased transport of VLDL into the blood (metabolic block in the production of proteins)
- excessive chylomicron intake. high fat and low protein diet - decreased synthesis of transport proteins for lipids
- impaired oxidation of fatty acids
- essential fatty acid deficiency
– activation of FFAs synthesis
What is myxedema?
Myxedema is increased accumulation of protein complexes with polysaccharides, sulfuric acid and hyaluronic acid in the subcutaneous space.
Hypothyroidism - sodium and water are also retained - edematous deposition of polysaccharides
Characterise icterus, kernicterus and neonatal jaundice:
Icterus: jaundice, hyperbilirubinemia, yellow discolouration of scleras and skin
Kernicterus: not fully developed blood-brain barrier in newborns, unconjugated bilirubin can cross into brain and damage ganglia
Neonatal jaundice: immature liver cells, not fully functional conjugation enzymes leading to jaundice
Problems caused by decreased proteins in the blood:
- Hypoalbuminemia
- Decreased synthesis of plasma clotting factors
- Decreased synthesis of ceruloplasmin
- Decreased transferrin synthesis
- Decreased synthesis of apoproteins by the liver
Function of hormones in the liver
- Target organ for effect of hormones
- Activator of prohormones
- Provide second-messenger hormones
- Provides transport for protein-to-hormone dispersal
- Degradation or excretion of hormones by their metabolites