Deck 01 Flashcards
What is saddle nose deformity
result of nasal trauma; whereby septal support to the nose is lost, and subsequently the middle part of the nose appears sunken. It is either direct damage to bone or cartilage or septal hematoma
Which nerve innervates the facial/nasal muscles?
Facial nerve (CN 7)
Muscles of the nose and function:
Procerus: contraction causes wrinkling of superior dorsum and depressing medial eyebrow
Nasalis: Assists procerus and flares the nares
Depressor septi nasi: assists Nasalis
What is the lymphatic drainage of external nose
Deep cervical LN
What is the arterial and venous supply of external nose?
a: facial artery, maxillary and opthalmic arteries
v: facial vein (internal jugular)
What is the innervation of the external nose?
Sensory supply is from trigeminal (opthalmic and maxillary branches)
Motor supply to nasal muscles of expression is from facial n.
What is danger triangle of the face?
Communication of the facial vein and the cavernous sinus via opthalmic vein
infections from navel cavity can spread to the brain causing meningitis, abscess or cavernous sinus thrombosis
What are paranasal sinuses and how many are there?
Air filled extensions of nasal cavity lined by ciliated pseudostratified epithelium, interspersed with mucus-secreting goblet cells
There are 4 sinuses
Function of the paranasal sinuses?
- Lightening the weight of the head
- Supporting immune defense of the nasal cavity
- Humidifying inspired air
- Increasing resonance of the voice
Nerve and arterial supply of frontal sinus?
Nerve: Supraorbital (opthalmic branch)
Artery: ethmoidal (IC branch)
Nerve and arterial supply of sphenoid sinus?
Nerve: Post. ethmoidal (opthalmic branch)
Artery: Maxillary arteries
What is endoscopic trans-sphenoidal surgery (ETSS) done for?
Accessing and dealing with a pituitary adenoma
sphenoid bone shares a close anatomical relationship with the pituitary gland.
How many ethmoidal sinuses are there? What is their supply and innervation?
3 (ant, middle, post.)
A: ant/post ethmoidal arteries
N: ant/post ethmoidal nerve (branch of maxillary and nasociliary)
Why can maxillary sinusitis present with toothache?
Because maxillary n. supplies both maxillary sinus and maxillary teeth - so inflammation will cause this
What are the functions of the nasal cavity?
4 Functions
1- Warms and humidifies air
2- Clears/drains paranasal sinuses
3- Removes/traps pathogens
4- Sense of smell