Decision Trees Flashcards
Things that make decision trees unique
supervised learning
batch processing of training examples
uses a preference bias
Decision tree non-leaf node
associated with an attribute/feature
decision tree leaf node
associated with a classification
decision tree arc
associated with one of the possible values of attribute of parent node
How does decision tree work?
attribute at root is question; answer is determined by value of that attribute in the input example; answer determines movement of child; repeat until leaf (class label at leaf = classification give to input example)
Ockham’s Razor
Preference bias; the smallest decision tree that correctly classifies all training examples is best
Decision Tree Construction (greed) aka ID3, C5.0
- select best attribute to use for new node at current level
- partiton examples using the possible values of this attribute, assign subsets to appropriate child node; recursively generate child node until all examples at node have same label
How to select best attribute to construct best tree?
random; least values; most values; max gain
Information Value
Given a set S of size |S|, the expected work required to determine a specific element is log2|S|
Entropy Interpretation
The number of yes/no questions (in bits) need on average to determine the value of Y in a random drawing
Entropy H(Y)
H measures the information content (in bits) associated with a set of examples; 0
information needed to answer a yes/no question; real valued scalar
Perfect balance (maximum inhomogeneity)
high entropy - from a nearly uniform distribution
Perfect homogeneity
low entropy - Y is from a varied (peaks/valleys) distribution
max value of H is
log2c (c is the number of classes)
How is entropy related to tree size
small entropy = small tree size
conditional entropy H(Y|X)
weighted sum of the entropy of each subset of the examples partitioned by the possible values of attribute x; weighted sum of entropy at each child node generated by x;
What does conditional entropy measure
the total impurity, disorder, or inhomogeneity at all the children nodes
Information gain
measures the difference in entropy of a node and entropy remaining after the node’s examples are “split” between the children using a chosen attribute; choose attribute that maximizes I(Y;X)
Why is high information gain desirable?
Means more of the examples are the same class in each child node; the decision trees rooted at each child that are needed to differentiate between the classes are likely to be small
The best attribute for a node is the attribute with
maximum information gain, minimum conditional entropy