Decision-making Flashcards
What is the cognitive ritual which helps us make good decisions?
- Consider the possibilities
- Evaluate them based on some goal
- Gather evidence to determine the extent to which a possibility meets our goals
- Then, using evidence, each possibility is strengthened or weakened as a choice, in light of our goals
What does the current decision-making literature say?
Gifted = better decision making
Low intelligence = poor/limited decision making
Average intelligence = unclear
Low correlations between decision making ability and intelligence tests
In a dynamic systems (microworlds) experiment, fluid intelligence correlated with composite scores of less complex scenarios. Perhaps decision-making must be understood as a more complex behaviour??
What is rationality?
Rationality is reasoning by a process of logic (impersonal)
Rationality is reasoning in such a way as to achieve one’s goals within cognitive restraints e.g., expected utility theory (personal)
What are the two decision making processes?
Automatic: fast, effortless, associative and unconscious
Reflective: controlled, effortful, deductive, and self-aware –> used in novel situations
What are heuristics and biases?
People seem to largely violate normative models in practice
Heuristics are mental shortcuts that we use when there is too much info and not enough time
We can arrive at a satisfactory rather than an optimal solution (bounded rationality)
Can result in cognitive biases (representative heuristic, confirmation bias)