Decidous or primary teeth Flashcards
Importance of deciduous teeth
For mastication
o Maintaining the space for eruption of the permanent teeth. For the proper alignment of permanent teeth.
o They help in the proper development of
jawbones and muscles.
o In addition, they serve as space holders for permanent teeth - this is crucial for the proper alignment of permanent teeth.
Major contrast between deciduous and permanent teeth
•Crowns of deciduus teeth ant: Teeth are wider mesiodistally in comparison with their crown length.
•Roots are narrower longer
•Roots,longer,slender and flare , allows room
between the roots for devt. Of permanent tooth crowns.
•Cervical ridges of ant. Teeth are more prominent
•Crowns and roots of deciduous molars at their cervical portions are more slender mesiodistally
Major contrast between deciduous and permanent teeth
o The cervical ridges bucally on the deciduous molars are much more pronounced esp. on first molars, max. and mandibular.
o Buccal and lingual surfaces of deciduous molars are flatter above the cervical curvatures than those of permanent molars
o Less pigmented and are whiter in appearance than permanent teeth.
Pulp chamber and pulp canals
o Crown widths in all directions are large in comparison with root trunks and cervices
o Enamel is relatively thin and has a
consistent depth.
o Dentin thickness between pulp chambers and the enamel is limited particularly in some areas(lower sec. deciduous molar)
o Pulpal horns are high and pulp chambers
are large.
General considerations in the physiology of the permanent dentition
o Teeth have respective forms to facilitate pre hension, incision, trituration of food.
o The dentition, joints muscles in humans have the form and alignment to enable the mastication of food both animal and vegetable food. (omnivorous dentition)
o Shapes of incisal and occlusal surfaces of the teeth are related nof only to perform but also toI the movements of the mandible required for chewing.
Alignment contacts and occlusion
o Mandibular arch come in contact with those in the maxillary arch in any functional relation( in occlusion)
• Contacts of each tooth with its fellows in the arch protects the gingivae between them in the interproximal spaces.
• Food impaction, impinging trauma from tough foods, accumulation of dental plaque (consequence of malposed teeth or overfilled restorations)
interproximal form
Interproximal space between teeth is triangular region and normally filled with gums (interdental gingivae)
o Embrasures are v
shaped spaces present interproximally around the proximal contact existing between the adjacent teeth.
I.Buccal embrasure o
2. Lingual embrasure
3.Incisal/occlusal embrasure
4.Gingival embrasure
functions of embrasures
o Serve as spillways for the escape of food during mastication.
2) Prevent trapping of food in to the contact area.
3) Protect the underlying supporting tissue during mastication.
Proximal contact
o Proximal convexity of the teeth create area of contact between adiacent teeth with in a the same arch. These are called proximal contact area. Initially as teeth
erupt the teeth contact each other at a point(point contact).
with the passage of time, physiologic tooth movement causes frictional wear enlarging the contact point to contact are
Importance of contact
•Preserves the stability and integrity of the arch by maintaining normal mesio distal relation ship of teeth.
•Prevent ford impaction interdentally o •Protect the soft tissue from periodontal
•conserve the teeth from proximal caries o •Premature restorative failure does not occur if stable proximal contact is present.
root forms
associated with the overall form of the tooth and the work it has to do